Do you think FF13 will better than FF12?

do you think ff 13 will be better than ff 12

  • Yes

    Votes: 51 63.8%
  • No

    Votes: 4 5.0%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 25 31.3%

  • Total voters
I really don't know until we get more information, like, more character descriptions etc. More video clips. A lot of the stuff I have seen now though makes me go..erk.
cant you make a decision from the present information we have

i dont think that ff13 is going to better than ff12
I say it's all based on personal preference. I set every new FF game on a higher standard than not only the last, but also the Best game in the series. I want Square to blow me away beyond what my favorite game has done to me.

Sure FFXII didn't surpass FFX as my favorite, but it is still one of the best games I've ever played due to it's many great features heavily out-weighing it's flaws. I can't really vote here and don't even want to guess; just wouldn't be fair, and I still have no idea what I'd choose. I can hope it'd be better, so maybe I'll say yes.
i think it would be better overall in terms of storyline and charcters
It's really hard because we don't have enough info on FFXIII, like Judgie R said. All we really have to compare the two is a knowledge of FFXII, the fact that the FF13 gameplay looks completely badass... and the fact that the transformer, summons in disguise theme seems completely moronic. By the way, for anyone who is interested, yes those two are contradictory, since the whole transforming thing is used to help the gameplay but... whatever.
So far it's looking kind of grim in my eyes.
The female in the trailers reminds me a lot of Laura Croft; jumping around and doing flips with a gun in her hand. It looks too futuristic for my liking.
And as far as we can see, the battle system has *once again* been modified.

Not to mention Seifer's twin.
Depends. If they work hard on the story and characters then it could be. But if Square let's the idea that is on the PS3 and will have great graphics go to their heads, then probably not.
We'll see about the plot. I'm not sure how much you guys followed the devlepment of Final Fantasy XII but there were a lot of problems. Matsuno was the guy who was behind its writing and development... but he was having serious issues due to the size and importance of the game. He really tried to get everything in there but kept having health issues arise stemming from too much stress. :/ This article does a good job of reviewing some of the problems that arose.

The major problem is that the head producer from every single FF game from FF1 to FFX was a guy named Hironbu Sakaguchi. His last game was in 2001, which was Final Fantasy X. He was then "canned" (actually not really but that's about right) because of Final Fantasy: Spirits Within, which released later that year. He'd already started helping with X-2 and XI so his name is on the games, but he had nothing to do with them. THey needed someone to step up and take his place. They selected Matsuno for Final Fantasy XII and he had a series of breakdowns because of it. So they put a guy named Ito in his place (when the game was about 80% done)... but the bottom line is who the hell knows how this one is going to be.

They lost their star player and their replacement choked. So God only knows what they're going to do. Ito is the guy that did Chrono Trigger, which is a very good game. Is it FF quality? I dunno. Hard to say. He definitely does have a flavor and style that I like... so we'll see but it's up in the air right now.
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i hope this game is different from the other games like ff12 it so unoriginal and so different and that it why i like. so the more different this game will be the more i will like. i good to know that they are modifying the battle system. i am a person who likes change and thats why i want this game to be as different as possible from the rest.
My biggest fear?

- Voice Acting will be poor
- Characters will look stupid
- The summons will be made to be completely stupid
- Battle System will be that of KH
It would be a hard thing for me to say. It's partly why I sometimes refuse to say if I think 12 is better than the previous ones or not; because it feels so different to them that it almost seems unfair to make a comparison. So if 13 is going a much more action based route this time then it would be similarly difficult for me to say. Although if we're going purely by how much we enjoy the games then I'd have to say: if it turns out similar to Kingdom Hearts, I won't be overly enamoured with it.
i expect this game to be good but it will never have what ff12 had. ff 12 was one of a kind even if it had many flaws
one thing is for sure, it WILL have better graphics ^^
it will probably be better in gameplay, because it's a next gen game, but for the story I guess we'll have to wait and see