Does the romance genre make it unique?


♥ FFF's Matt Bellamy Pervert ♥
Jun 16, 2006
Manchester, UK
I havent played any other romantic RPGs since I first played 8 back in 1999. Many frown upon the game because it has the romantic genre mainly in there, but I think this helps make the game unique and special.

People can say that 10 can also be romantic with the connection between Tidus and Yuna, but you see more of a connection with Squall and Rinoa. At first Squall doesnt accept how he feels for her and people can see that as frustrating. Tidus and Yuna had a connection instantly and you knew they would eventually get together. But with Squall and Rinoa, it wasnt instant. It took a while for them to connect.

Just look at the scenes, Squall carrying Rinoa across the bridge when she was possessed and fell into a coma, on board the Ragnork, Squall going to save Rinoa more then once (which I know peeves people off royally!) and then telling her he will be there waiting for her. He became her knight.

What every girl wants is a knight in shining armour and Squall finally became that for Rinoa. Also we have the romance with Laguna, Julia and Raine. Laguna is our hopeless romantic who falls for Julia and sadly loses her, and its upsetting as she felt the same way for Laguna.

Girls need their romantic dreams and this game is IMO the ulitimate romantic RPG. It was moving, romantic and at some points for me tear jerking!

Anyone agree or disagree?
I agree. I like the romantic theme. You're right, it makes it unique. I like the development of Squall's connection with Rinoa.. At first they argue too much, and Squall doesnt seem to like her at all.. but gradually Rinoa wins him over. The cinematic of the pair of them aboard the Ragnarok is my fav in the game.
I agree, too. I wouldn't say X isn't less romantic, though. That instant connection in X made it sweeter and it felt more like destiny. I felt that the true instant connection caused the romance in X to feel magical. It's not often that people are honestly connected from the moment they first talk to one another. In some ways, I felt X was more romantic.

VIII, however, seemed more likely. I do not belive in love at first sight, myself. In X, it was clear that Tidus liked Yuna from the moment he saw her. That made it seem more lustful. Squall, however, didn't fall for Rinoa 'cause of her looks. He felt astounded by her personality, and her lively behaviour. Of course, after the dance, he looked speechless. To me, that suggested there would be a romance between the two. It was almost like an instant connection, that was later shattered in Timber.
Maybe that's why I liked VIII so much... :P I mean he went to save her and everything, she's dead, alive. I guess Squall likes girls that need to be saved :lol:
See, I like the Romance I just did not like how VIII did it. =/

Rinoa was annoying in her way to get Squall to notice her. I loathed that with a passion. -_-.

It could've been alittle less annoying but all in all, It was okay, a nice touch and made the game unique. It should be brought up in more games.
The whole romance thingie is the reason I've played it. I was looking for a great love story and I got it. It really touched my heart.

I like all RPGs that contain a bit of love and romance....really.
i like games that have love involved, but not games with love as the theme, usually. but this game i think managed it pretty well, at least better then any other love story RPG ive played. does it make it unique? yes. but i still say IX has a better love story.
Yes, I do think that the romantic genre made it special, I think that is the reason why I played the game to begin with. I am a sucker when it comes to romance so I thought the game had a very beautiful story. I was disappointed that none of the other games were like this, excluding X I suppose because I like those types of stories.. I don't think a lot of other people like them though. I thought the story was told very nicely and I enjoyed it from start to finish. I know a lot of people disliked the story and even the characters but oh well, it's there loss. Not everybody likes the same things.
I wouldn't say that FFVIII is the most romantic in the series. In fact, most of the FF games do have a romantic base. I just thought that Squall and Rinoa's relationship was too childish, and that it collided with the plot too frequently.

I like romantic stories, but I don't like it when corny relationships ruin could-be great games.
Ermm....this is the most romantic Final Fantasy game. The main theme was love. The whole game centers around it. Besides Squall and Rinoa....Quistis had a crush on Squall, Seifer talks about his romantic dream, even a random girl had a crush on Zell. Irvine was a ladies man, and tired to get with Selphie. Also Laguna's relationships with Raine and Julia was rather somewhat an important part of the plot.

Although I do agree that Squall and Rinoa's relationship and coming together was a bit childish. I admit it was cute even though Rinoa got annoying.:dry:
VIII is definitely the most romantic, it just went about it in a really sappy, highschool crush sort of way.

Now if the romance is important to the story but doesn't completely drive it or thow it in your face then it's fine, which is why IX's romance (actually triple romance, you have ZidanexGarnet, SteinerxBeatrix and FreyaxFratley) element is so great. It's very central to the story but it's not overdone and thrown in your face.
There were a lot of things that made VIII unique and I think that the main theme being romantic was one of them. I didn't particularly care for the romance in the game, however. I really don't like the damsel in distress sort of romance, especially if it's done to death.

As to Rhea's remark about Squall and Rinoa's romance being rather childish, I do agree; but both Rinoa and Squall were rather childish so I didn't expect anything more from their relationship. It actually fit their personalities well.

I didn't really care for the Laguna/Julia romance. I thought Laguna and Raine were better together.

So yes, the heavy romantic theme makes it pretty unique but I wasn't particularly moved by it.
Hmm funny that some people didn´t guess that Squall and Rinoa would eventually become a couple. Look the cover of the game. See, it shows Squall and Rinoa huggin each other.
That could mean anything on the cover. They could have turned out to be brother or sister, or Squall could have been comforting Rinoa. The case could have been trying to mislead you. When screens were released in the UK, many magazines didnt see Rinoa as the main love interest. She was a mysterious girl in blue and no one had a clue what her true role was.
I really liked the whole love theme, i don't think it even annoyed me once actually. If it were a film i'd prolly find it way too cheesy but i think it worked quite well.
This game just makes me feel all warm and fuzzy and i'm not normally one for romance but it's there pretty much from beginning to end and i loved it!!!
It makes it more unique than any other ff. But each disc is very different to one another. Disc 1 is very mission based. Disc 2 focuses on a battle/war. Disc 3 is where the sorceresses come in, this disc is focuses on rinoa mostly. Disc 4 is in the future.
I did think that this was the most romantic of the Final Fantasys which is why I actually liked it. The other FF games had some romance in them, but I didn't feel they were as strong as this. I liked it because actually a lot of the romantic situations I can relate to them in real life
It was good, made the story all more interesting and actually made me think about something other then the battles lol. really depends on how you view romance. While I agree that this game deals with a lot of romance, I'm not sure if it's the most romantic game in the series. I'm actually thinking that IX would hold that title. Sure, VIII was all about romance almost throughout the game...but it did feel like some kind of high school environment, as Vengeful stated. You know, things that makes you go "Aww, how sweet." I still enjoyed it immensely though, and I wouldn't change a thing about how the romance was developed.

But IX was completely different. Sure it dealt with love, but it was a bit more matured and almost tragic in a way. Garnet wasn't some lovesick girl...she was only 16 but I viewed her as a woman due to her actions and her way of thinking when it comes to situations at hand and her love for Zidane. There was just a lot of things that went on in the game that overall, it gave me the feeling that they made the romance subtle in a way so it wouldn't be the in-your-face kind of romance, therefore making it more unique.

Sometimes a little bit of romance has more of an effect on people than the obvious dosage of full-on romance, in my opinion...
IMO, The moment Squall had to be told by his companions to save Rinoa.
Is when I gave up on the romantic part of this game.