D's Attempt At Pretty Things


ShinRa Guard
Aug 3, 2009
Attempts Galore!








Yep, opinions, thoughts? Go for it. :D

This one is my favourite of the update!

I simply love the feel of this one.

I think you've captured the 'Time Standing Still' part very well.

It's as if all those image in the signature are in different parts of the world and have been brought to a halt.

Fantastic blending and I love the texture of the signature.

Lovely lighting and I love how you managed to keep it all tidy considering the amount of images within it.

The font I think could be improved. It doesn't seem to fit in with the feel of the signature in my opinion. But other than that brilliant work!

Lovely work on all your art!

Youv blended in all the stocks to perfection and kept the colours in harmony. I REALLY like this tag alot. Like kandy i think the text could be improved upon although im not sure how i myself would personally do it.


My other favourite. Again, really nice blending of stock images. You have to look hard to tell that its a collection of images and not just one. Youv kept the textsimple in this one, its a nice size and good font. I think this makes you work a lot more solid and professional looking. I think maybe if the previous tag had similar text itd be even better.

Your work is niiiiiice. I dont think iv seen you in sotw alot. If you dont enter. WHY NOT:gasp:

This is brilliant, I love the way that such a small image has such a strong focal point, it's unreal. The grungy texture is fantastic and the colour flow is immense. I really like the touch of adding the birds, it really adds something new to the sig. The font is also very well done, because it doesn't follow the overall color/grunge theme, it really adds a new dimensio. Kudos.

I'd comment on the other two pieces mentioned, but I'll only be saying the same thing. They are brilliant. Keep up the awesome work!
I like this one a lot, I think you're best at LP. The blending of the colors are great, it makes me wonder how ya did it ya know. Its simple and clean without making one throw it to the corner. The text is very well placed and the way it arcs goes very well with the image. It has a nice feel to it. Good job on this one. Simply wounded edged makes the text slip in even more easily. ♥

I like this one, too. I like the soft feel of the image, the stock placement is very well done and the text is well placed, just like your other pieces, the rounded edges give the image a good balance, its odd and hard for me to explain it really. x.x;;

Just as other have said, these are very well done. ♥

The colors! COLOR COLOR COLORRRRRRRRRRR! I adore this, love. Everything just... x3 the colors with the blood and the guy and just.... it's amazing, okay? xD I love the text as well.. I'm going to hold you down until you teach me how to do that >.> The grungy feel is gorgeous too ;3


The first thing I see on this is the gorgeous, gorgeous text. What font? :hmmm: I love the swirly bits on the edges so much... pretty :3 This is "TDM" style xD I've missed that a bit, and I think I've forgotten how to do it too >.> The whole thing is just... omnomnomnom.


Onion Knight :ryan: I looooove this Nellers, you know it ;) Everything about it... except, now that I look at it... the text xD The "a midget on speed" text could be a bit lower than the "onion knight" text... other than that... :ryan:


This is... pretty! Her arm looks a bit transparent, though... that's odd, but the dress being transparent is good. I really like the text, it's different and nice. I just love all of this sig :P


It's gorgeous... D: It looks like one full image there, rather than images all mashed together. The text is just perfect, perfectly spaced out and the all caps font just fits so well. The text doesn't take away from the sig like you would expect it to on a sig like this.


omnomnomnomnomnomnomnom. The text... it looks so out of place here... but it fits. Why.. does it fit? xD The yellowish bit looks random, but it's amazing too. I loooooove it ;3 Just the whole thing... I don't know. I want it xD


This is so blue! BLUE BLUE BLUE x3 It looks so good, blue like that xD Exclusion layer? :gasp: I think so, that's how I would get that, at least >.> The text.. looks gorgeous. It allllllllll looks gorgeous.

... I'm SO not helpful >.>


It's a brilliant concept and I love the message it gives. I just find it a little to busy. There are certain items you could tone down, maybe? I love the elements, especially the clock circling the girl and the biggest white flower. They're blended in magnificently. The color scheme is appealing. Very attractive to look at, over-all.


I've seen this image on deviantArt. So I have an idea of where you started. :wacky: Great concept again and even greater execution. It's very flavorful. The idea is so simple, but the result is terrific. A fine piece.


This, mostly because of the text. It's creative, how it was done. I feel that the stock needs more blending, but nice background, great effects.

You're very creative.
Keep up the great work. :yay:
Thanks guys, for all the comments. I appreciate the time you took out of your life to comment on my gallery. Except you of course Jess. ;p It's your duty, being my bestie friend and all. XD

So here's another update, I hope you like this as much as you did that up there. It's all a bit different. I haven't been in the graphics game in a while. :3






