DS Version out TODAY!


I still have my dream.
Mar 11, 2008
I got a call from GameStop's automated system yesterday letting me know that my reserved game, FFIV, would be arriving this afternoon... so I'll obviously be picking it up today, seeing as its already payed off and all. I can't wait to sit down and relive this classic.

FFIV was the first FF game I ever played (as FF2 on the SNES) and it has always been one of my favorites... so I'm extremely excited... anyone else picking it up today?
Well, my brother might be getting it for his birthday, I look forward to checking it out, it should be fun, I've played FFIII on his DS some, but not much.

I don't always have a lot of time for playing video games, sometimes when I'm not working and at home, I still have some chores to do, sometimes more than others, so it's hard to set time aside for something without knowing if something will come up that needs doing or not. :P

I have to go out and buy a copy this weekend! I just hope it won't be sold out....
I would love to buy a copy of this, but I already spent my money on Pokemon Crystal yesterday (I don't care what you say, Pokemon kick ass). So I guess I'll have wait a couple more weeks to get this.
My brother would like to read that, he's a big Pokémon fan himself, heck, in Brawl, of all the characters that are playable, his 2 favourite characters are Pokémon; Charizard, and Lucario. :P

My favourite character in it is Snake, though... Anyways, my brother is going to be asking for FFIV for the DS, and he gets whatever he asks for for his birthday and then some, so I should be able to check this game out in a little over a month. :D
:holyshit: that was really sudden
I had no idea it was coming out so soon! If this game is as good as I think it will be I'll probably end up buying a DS!
You don't already have one? It's got some pretty fun games for it, New Super Mario Bros. is pretty fun. ^_^

And of course, it has the DS remake of Final Fantasy III, too.
You don't already have one? It's got some pretty fun games for it, New Super Mario Bros. is pretty fun. ^_^

And of course, it has the DS remake of Final Fantasy III, too.

Yeah a lot of people have told me about how great the DS is and I've kinda been see-sawing between getting one and not getting one for a few months now
If it's anything Nintendo, my brother is all over it, gets it first chance he gets, wasn't too long before he got the DS. :P

I get enjoyment out of his Nintendo games, though I'm more of a person that would buy Metal Gear Solid games, or FF games, but he gets some FF games too, he loves FFVII, and can hardly wait to get Crisis Core for his coming birthday, I'm looking forward to it too.
Believe it or not but I forgot that it came out today. xD Well either way wont be able to get it in a few days or so. =/ I will get it though since I never played the original one.
Me and my brother both completely forgot it came out today until I saw this thread. :P Has it gotten good reviews? I haven't ran into any, oddly enough. >_>
Good reviews?

Well, Game Informer awarded it their Hand-Held Game of the Month Award...

... is that good? :D
I forgot all about this, I'l have to check ebay or amazon out I think, dunno when it's even out over here, although I'd completely miss it...

I'm not in a great rush to get it, Im guna complete V first then I'l look into it if I can find a cheap enough copy
Oh wow, completely forgot about it. I'll definitely buy it soon. But no wonder something kept nagging me to go to Gamestop earlier! We didn't though, but I wanted to go to check some of the games or see if there's any new releases. >.>
I don't think I'm going to bother purchasing the same copy a 3rd time in a row. Even though it's got 3d graphics, and some voice acting. Seems silly to buy the same game a 3rd time yeah, unless it gets a serious remake, like on a major home console. With, really outstanding graphics, continuous voice acting. I do like FFIV, but I'd rather get a more impressive remake.
This is a complete remake, dude... its not just another release of the same old same old.
Anyway... I just got home with my copy... gonna sit down and play it now. :D

Okay, so after playing for 1 hour (the save file literally says 1:00 as the play time), I saved outside of Kaipo, the oasis like city in the desert where you go with Rydia after Cecil and Kain get split up, after defeating the General and his men while defending the little summoner... and then I decided to come online and post my first impressions of the remake.

I'm pretty impressed. The intro FMV was pretty cool, but I'd seen it before... but playing the game, wow. The graphics, as you can see above, are about the level of FFVII, a huge improvement over the SNES original title. But whats more is that we actually get voice acting. Yeah... I know... we get to hear what these characters sound like, its pretty cool. Granted, I think they made Kain's voice a bit too deep, but it all seems to work... and its well acted, too... much better than the stuff we saw in FFX, and probably still better than FFXII... honestly, I think its the best FF voice acting outside the FFVII spin-offs (AC and DoC), but those have an unfair advantage, imo... but whatever.

The gameplay here is tight. Its almost identical to what we saw in the PSX port, where the ATB was adjusted to be similar to the modern FF games, rather having it set to strictly turn base, and this does that all nicely, too. We also have nice animations for all the attacks... Darkness gives a constant dark aura around Cecil, while Kain's jump is fairly flashy, though still really quick on te attack.

But whats really cool is the summoning... we have PSX type summons here... when Rydia gets pissed and summons Titan... it was badass, imo. His arms popped out of hte ground, the shock took the screen, and we got to see the crack in the Earth form. It was pretty cool.

In fact, its all been pretty cool so far... though I think the coolness factor is multiplied on someone like me since I'm a huge FF fan, and have always loved FFIV. In fact, FFIV was the first Final Fantasy title I played (when it was released as FF2 on the SNES), so this whole experience is just awesome for me. For you FF fans who loved this title, I can only imagine you'll feel the same way about it... but everyone else... well... so far, I don't think it would stand out too much as a brilliant RPG... but I'm only 1 hour in, so... yeah, its not like I have enough info and experience with the game to write a review yet.

So anyway! There's my first impressions... I'm totally loving it, and think you FF fans will, too... but if you have some doubts... just look for my review to come once I've completed the game. I'm sure it won't take me too long, so far, it seems that everything is in the same place, and the maps seems to be pretty much the same in design, so... yeah... I'm expecting about a 30 hour game... and that won't take too long.
I just picked it up a few hours ago and have been playing since I got back. I never played IV before, so this is new to me, and I have to say I like Final Fantasy IV better then V, which I beat last week on the GBA. I already beat III on the DS as well, when I found out another DS remake was coming I got very excited, and today's the day! Well, gotta get back to it....
I would buy the game but not for $39.99. I think that is a bit too much for a DS game even if it was new. Besides I had already played the SNES, PS, and GBA versions already. The only main thing that is pushing me to get this game is the voice acting.