012: Duodecim Duodecim Spoiler Alert


Chocobo Breeder
Apr 14, 2011
Since a lot of you seem misinformed or underinformed as to what is going on in this game I'm going to type up all of the Charater Profiles and lore of the game. I'll also stalk around Youtube and get all of the cutscenes. This should clear up any misunderstandings. If you think this is actually helpful then please sticky, if it isn't then feel free to shut me up. I just want you all to be as informed as you can be instead of debating whether or not they have amnesia.

And thanks for the support Lady Yuna.

Arrgh this is a lot of typing. I think my hands are going to fall off, forgive me for any typos you spot and pm me any you might see.

Youtube videos will come later after I find them all and put them in their appropriate places, videos relating to text in the profiles will be placed immediately following the sentence that references them. So you won't be confused.
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Irritated at the coercion imposed on her to battle, Lightning maintains distrust even towards the goddess of harmony, Cosmos. Her distrust led to many conflicts with her allies shortly after her arrival.

Through her travels with the others and acknowledging their strength, she slowly opens up to them. Not capable of believing in a god, her allies became her emotional support.

To her, Kain's actions of harming their comrades must have been shocking to no end. But her will to reject the next cycle of battle after having learned the truth was only brought about because of the presence of her allies.

Revolting against Cosmos for causing her comrades to select a path of defeat, and disgusted at the thought of allowing her friends to shoulder the burden of sin while she proceeds, Lightning chooses to battle the hordes of manikins.
hmmmmm this would be good... but we do have a spoiler thread where people can talk about the storyline XD but i'm just one person of many within the forum, putting youtube videos up and explaining sounds like a good idea, because i know that some people get confused with the story :D and having this may help them with understanding it XD

Having difficulty comprehending the battle of the gods, Vaan holds no interests in the battle. He has set his sights on finding a way to get himself and his comrades back home and enters battle against the forces of Chaos seeking that goal.

He rescues Terra from the clutches of Kefka and tells her to become a warrior of Cosmos. Even Terra is taken aback by the sudden proposal, and if another warriors were present, would have surely denied his proposal.

However, his words struck a chord with Terra, leading to her altering her purpose. Terra is eventually revived as a true champion of Cosmos. Vaan's open mind must have spurred this miracle.

At times his carefree spirit surprises even his comrades, leaving them utterly speechless.
Laguna Loire:

Laguna is known to joke around as if a child, yet is very understanding. Before they know it, everyone around Laguna is following his lead.

That charms even rubbed off on an enemy, the Cloud of Darkness, and caused her to take a vested interest in the warriors of Cosmos. Through his charm, Laguna is able to obtain vital information from her regarding the manikins.

It seems that he loses his touch when Vaan is around, causing him to sigh often, though Laguna seems to have fun just the same when he's around Vaan.

Although an inhabitant of different time periods of the same world as Squall, neither of them are aware of this fact.

Laguna has a horrible sense of direction, to the point that the other warriots often poke fun at him, but Lightning and Vaan are especially appalled by how bad Laguna's sense of direction truly is.

As with Jecht and Kain, a long time has passed since Yuna has been summoned to this world.

The Emperor scoffs at Yuna about being a "seasoned one" because he is aware that she has been involved in the battles prior to the twelfth cycle.

Jecht has been summoned from her world as well, and also has regained much of his memories. Jecht's presence is a source of comfort for Yuna.

She vows to continue fighting in hopes of altering fate itself despite having become depressed with the disappearance of Jecht and seeing Tidus severely injured.

Yuna whistles in hopes of possibly reuniting with Tidus-this was a sign to search for each other in the past. It is this whistle that brings about their incidental reunion. However, having been recently summoned, Tidus possesses no prior memories, preventing him from remembering Yuna.
Kain Highwind:

Some time has passed since his summoning to this world. This time has aided him in regaining most of his memories, including those of both Cecil and Golbez, other inhabitants of his realm.

Feeling a sense of urgency with the appearance of the manikins, Golbez informs him of the truth of the cycle, causing him to further debate the action he should take. Meeting with the Warrior of Light, however, who also resigned himself to their destiny to lose, gives him the resolve to confess the truth of the cycle. They then make a pact to effect a "false" defeat in the twelfth cycle.

He planned to cut his ties with his allies by declaring himself a traitor, but through his travels with his allies, he comes to understand their goals and ultimately changes his ways.

Lightning was the only target he could not capture. It seems that the others convinced him to apologize to Lightning again upon rejoining the party.
Tifa Lockhart:

Holding them dear as though they were family, she worries about her friends while continuing her fight.

First summoned in the twelfth cycle, she remembers little of her past and is unaware of others from her world who were summoned as champions of Chaos. But her rescue at the hands of an enemy ignites an emotion of nostalgia, reviving her once-forgotten emotions of trusting her friends.

Using those emotions to compensate for her lost memories, she continues onwards. Disbelieving Kain's cryptic actions and words to push her away, she uses her last potion on him, proving that her feelings to trust in her allies cannot be easily swayed.
Warrior of Light:

Holding no prior memories of his past, the Warrior of Light behaves as the other warriors summoned by Cosmos, but he himself was not summoned by the goddess. In truth, he is the only warrior created in this realm by the Great Will.

Summoned at a time when the war of the gods had just begun, he was affiliated with neither the forces of harmony or discord. Prishe, a former warrior of Cosmos, brought him to Cosmos, and from that point forth was reborn as a warrior of harmony.

At first, his will was faint, but interactions with Cosmos and his comrades shaped the familiar, strong, and righteous attitude he has today. If Garland, who had discovered the Warrior as Prishe did, were successful in taking him back to Chaos, he would have become a warrior of discord, fighting against his current allies.

The name given unto him by Prishe has long been sealed away through the many purifications he has endured, but Cosmos called out to him with his name when he faced certain doom during the twelfth cycle.

Shouldering the hopes and dreams of his fallen comrades and Cosmos, the Warrior succeeds in bringing about a true end to the cycle of conflict in the thirteenth cycle.

After the final cycle concludes, he arises in a foreign land-a pristine lake with a large castle looming in the distance. The Warrior of Light sets out towards the castle with a darkened crystal in hand.

Garland was summoned to this world long before the battle of the gods had begun. He was commanded by the Great Will to persuade Chaos to fight, as Chaos had refused to battle Cosmos. Through his persuasion of Chaos to walk the path of a destroyer, the endless battle of the gods came to pass.

Despite understanding the hopeless truth that the endless conflict of the two gods is a means to grrom Chaos, Garland continues to aid Chaos as ordered by the Great Will.

Garland's actions are not an act of loyalty to the Great Will, but rather out of sympathy towards Chaos. Having given up hope of escaping the cycle, and feeling compassion towards Chaos, who faces similar circumstance to his, he aid Chaos faithfully.

Perhaps he truly enjoys the conflict for the first time now that Cosmos and her warriors have broken the chains of the cycle.

Firion fights as a warrior of Cosmos seriously, having taken to heart the message that he fights for the sake of this world.

The "wild rose" which he carries with him was left by his side when he awoke at the start of the thirteenth cycle. Golbez had left this bloom by his side, and had begun to conspire with Cosmos, hoping that it would revive Firion's memories.

The attachment he shows towards the flower is not because he has a fondness of flowers, but rather out of the feeling that its name is strongly connected to his past. Though he has yet to remember, the name of this bloom holds a strong meaning in his past.

In fact, "wild rose" is not the name of the flower Firion possesses, but rather the name that someone had casually suggested. Despite this fact, it is commonly called the "wild rose" by most, including Firion, after its name had been mistaken by those who wield it.
The Emperor:

Abandoning his missions as a warrior, he plots to rule the world.

Realizing that he is powerless against a god through his observations of many battles, he places his machinations on hold.

Conditions turn to his favor during the twelfth cycle when he is successful in having Chaos's powers endowed on the former warrior of Cosmos, Jecht. After the ritual purification, the Emperor guides the amnesic Jecht to form a crystal possessing the god of discord's power and steals it for his use.

After Cosmos's defeat, he confronts the warriors of harmony in the hopes of becoming the ruler of the world.

Everything was to go according to his plans, if not for his underestimating the unity of the warriors of harmony who hand obtained their crystals.