easy gil

Cecil The Paladin

Blue Mage
Apr 27, 2007
Gil getting pretty annoying to get i try to make gil in the stillshrine by chaining zombies for festering flesh (worth like 524 for each one)

is there a better place to do something similar to this. I tried to do it in the barhiem passage but thoes damn ghosts ruin my chain amd they are always comming up.

btw i do have all of the monographs so that wont be a problem
Go to feywood and start chaining mirrorknights till you get 99 of those things they drop. Overall in around 20 mins you'll make 200k

But you'll have to have some decent equipment and at least lv 30 to do this effectively.
ha the fey wood should be no problem for me ( man how noobish do i sound making all these threads lol) and i dont quite recall what the mirrorknight looks look like... kinda makes me wonder why i even bought that guide

are they thoes big golem looking things or thoes big behemoth looking things that drop kotetsus a while back?
They are those big bird guys (Not flying)
They should be around the area just before raffalecia (or whatever it was called)
Well, if you have all of the Monograph's then getting all of the best loot is no longer a problem. Anyway, the best way I’ve found to make Gil is simply done by going through tons of battles and selling all of the loot you receive them as well as selling any weapon, armor & accessories you no longer need.
I tend to equip one of my characters with the thiefs cuffs and set his gambit to steal. So while one character steals the other two do all the damage. You get loads of loot this way.
After you beat Zeromus, return to where you fought him. There are zombies there...a SHIT load of them. they drop really valuable loot. As for their rare drop...i canr remember what it's called, but they are really, REALLY valuable
im not to far in tis game (30 hours of playing, not beaten mateus yet) and i have had gil troules befor so thanks for the advice
Yeah, usually just finding a high level monster (when you have the monographs) and getting high chains you can get a huge amount of money. I didn't know about the zeromus area though, thanks Lone_Wolf
Basically all you have to do is fight monsters, steal from monsters with all the monographs and you will be sorted.
yeah i tried the method gabranth gave me and it was amazing lol i get money fast.... try that one also the zombies that keep appearing in that secret area in the dead lands is also REALLY good
hmm i recently start all over agian and im at the enemy airship (cant remember name) but i keep setting off the alarm and im getting chains like crazy!!
hmm i recently start all over agian and im at the enemy airship (cant remember name) but i keep setting off the alarm and im getting chains like crazy!!

I think you're talking about when you are saving lady ashe and theres empire troops coming at you like there's no tomorrow...yup they dont end meaning...mega chain kill!:P
no :| but i know a better place! at the sandsea...(i think its called orig yensa sandsea or something) those creatures come at you like no tomorrow! i just hit a 157 chain walking around that area. Just gotta avoid those pumpkin heads and u can get huge chains from them XD
I got 99 earth stones from them dropping them and i sold them all for like 6000 gil or something and then i did it all over again :) give it a try
you just have to build chains. The only problem for me is that I have to go solo or my team mates will kill to break the chain :(
There's a chamber in the Stilshrine of Miriam where you fight Zeromus, and after you defeat him, if you ever return to the chamber skeletons will respawn for quite a while and you can get a bunch of Blood-Darkened Bones.

That, or I go to the Lhusu Mines and keep walking the bridges over and over. Skeletons pop up there all the time, too.