Effective Diablos Strategy


May 21, 2007
Hey guys,

i am currently re playing FFVIII, and i came across an effective way to beat diablos as soon as you get the lamp, this may of already been posted but oh well,

As soon as i got the lamp i battled diablos. But prior to that i think it was the mech spider thing from dollet, you draw double from. Giving all your casts a double effect.

So once i got the lamp, and fought diablos, i drew demi from him, casted double on squall (or who ever) and casted demi twice on him, knocking out 1/4 twice, and did it again, then once selphies limit break kicked in, i used full heal, healing everyone, and i just spammed all my GF's and alas. diablos is mine at lvl 11.

I hope this helps someone?
Another effective strategy for fighting Diablos is to have someone cast Blind on him, since it'll render his physical attack useless. After that, all he'll be able to do is cast Demi spells, so your character's HP might go as low as 1, but they won't die. Since the low HP will trigger the limit breaks, players can just use those, or use GFs. Diablos is pretty easy once he's blinded.
my best strategy was take plenty of healing potions and spells, take my 3 strongest/best characters and unleash my strongest attacks and weapons, don't hesitate to unleash limit breaks and use as much strong spells as i possibly could
Best strategy I have is to do it as soon as youget the lamp or he just gets too hard :gasp:

I made the mistake of waiting til later on in the game once and bugger me was he ten times harder than the first time I tried :gasp:

I wish I'd thought to use blind though...I just kept drawing/casting Demi which more often than not missed and relied on Selphies Full Cure until he eventually died
Best strategy I have is to do it as soon as youget the lamp or he just gets too hard :gasp:

I made the mistake of waiting til later on in the game once and bugger me was he ten times harder than the first time I tried :gasp:

I wish I'd thought to use blind though...I just kept drawing/casting Demi which more often than not missed and relied on Selphies Full Cure until he eventually died
If you obtain Tonberry, however, you can learn the very useful "Level Down" ability. :neomon:

I tend to hurt my own characters enough to get them into Limit Break status but Diablos did this for me anyway.
That's a long wait is getting Tonberry though and I like to be able to learn Mug as soon as I can :monster:

I really hate getting Tonberry aswel -_-
Seriously, use blind. It makes it so he misses almost every time.

The only other attack he has is demi which can't kill you.

You can beat him as soon as you get him.
Another effective strategy for fighting Diablos is to have someone cast Blind on him, since it'll render his physical attack useless. After that, all he'll be able to do is cast Demi spells, so your character's HP might go as low as 1, but they won't die. Since the low HP will trigger the limit breaks, players can just use those, or use GFs. Diablos is pretty easy once he's blinded.

^ pretty much the same it was really affective against him, I didn't actually find Diablos strong however I thought he was cool his attack was awesomeness.
i just used my GF's and demi. Blind's a cheap magic.

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