Elder Wyrm or Tiamat help

Indeed you do, but be warned - the route WILL be tricky. Your parth will consist of many level 38 Coeurls, and a Diresaur at the end. Which is only level 27 I think. Just run for the hills, and you will eventually be in the Feywood. However..make sure someone has Libra on. There will be a trap right in front of you. Chances are, some Deadly Nightshades will gang up on you. They'll be level 40. IGNORE them, depending on your level, and run left. You will be on Paramina Rift, and it should be a short walk away from a Save Point.

Ooops, Henne Mines? Ack, Tiamat is NOT optional. Are you sure you ain't on about Golmore Jungle?
i think you mean Elder Wyrm - yes he is optional, just go south, run through paramina rift and head north - but keep fleeing all the way through to mt bur omisce - cause if you can't beat elder wyrm you stand no chance in paramina rift.
Ah, Elder Wyrm. Optional, but you may as well fight him.

He inflicts you with multiple status effects, so make sure you've got Esuna at hand, and some Handkerchiefs. His fire breath is a bitch if you're inflicted with Oil.

Try to avoid the use of Quickenings until you're some way into the battle. You're better off saving your MP to deliver the final blow through a series of Quickenings. Hopefully he won't use Spores much on you, so just basically set your Gambits to heal yourself <40% HP, and bash away at him with physical attacks. Though, you probably won't need said Gambit because of Larsa.

Good luck.
Paramina Rift is incredibly easy compared to Elder Wyrm.
Paramina Rift is incredibly easy compared to Elder Wyrm.

Regardless, there's a reward for beating Elder Wyrm. LeBlanc's a generous guy...

I find that fighting the more challenging the stronger foes aids in my gameplay tactics. Taking the easy route is hardly preparing the player for the worst to come.
I honestly didn't have much trouble with the Elder Wyrm. Busta got hung up there for a long time... but I got him on my 2nd try, I think. It was a pain in the ass staying on top of the status effects but if you could keep oil off of you, he wasn't terribly hard.
Going through gangs of level 38 coeurls, and going through part of the feywood is an easy route hm? ;P
Who said Elder Wyrm was optional? He's definitely manditory. That's when Mjrn walks around all tipsy and buzzed and you go follow her and she walks right into the 'Dragon's Lair' and Elder Wyrm erupts from teh ground. He has to be defeated for you to progress. I was hung up on him because I hadn't leveled at all like I should ahve been at this point.

So yeah, I leveled against the Blue Hounds or whatever they're called in teh Jungle and beasted up, and went to fight him and nailed him on the first try the next time.
Who said Elder Wyrm was optional? He's definitely manditory. That's when Mjrn walks around all tipsy and buzzed and you go follow her and she walks right into the 'Dragon's Lair' and Elder Wyrm erupts from teh ground. He has to be defeated for you to progress. I was hung up on him because I hadn't leveled at all like I should ahve been at this point.

So yeah, I leveled against the Blue Hounds or whatever they're called in teh Jungle and beasted up, and went to fight him and nailed him on the first try the next time.

Busta that's.... Tiamat.

*shakes head*
What? Ah...Elder Wyrms' the one who comes up out of the ground and shakes his weed infested head everywhere and junk...right?
Yea, Elder Wyrm is in Golmore Jungle. That's the guy you couldn't get past. You could take an alternate route though, apparently. You can't sidestep Tiamat though... who you killed easily. Remember? lol
What? Ah...Elder Wyrms' the one who comes up out of the ground and shakes his weed infested head everywhere and junk...right?

Sure, but you mentioned Mjrn running skitz like a drunk around the boss. Which was Tiamat, not Elder Wyrm. Mjrn is nowhere near that part. :P

I just came here with the intention of editing my post, but it seems a smidge pointless now. XD
Ok, I got it now. Yeah Tiiamat took a Quickening to the face and went down in a few, but Elder Wyrm took me a few days. Never knew he could be sidestepped...Oh well. Glad I did face him though when I had the chance.

Also, the title of this topic is way too long, which boss is HE talking about? I'm going to edit the title to ease up my eyes a bit...
Actually I kinda liked the topic title "While walking through Henne mines one day, I happened upon a big beastie. He was mean and went growl. Then I died. Please fix, if you could?"
Well thx guys... I think ....but the main thing which way is easier elder wyrm or parima rift?
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Ultimately... Paramina Rift, but seriously, you'd do well to fight Elder Wyrm.

Put Larsa to use, dammit.