Espers or Classics?


Cecil's Best Friend
Apr 16, 2007
Do you guys like Espers better or do you like the classic summons? I like the classic summons like Ifrit, Ramuh, and Bahamut better. I think it's gay that they took all of them out and replaced them with Espers. Taking out the old summons was a big mistake I think. They are apart of the classic FF's and they should have stayed in the game.
I much rather prefer the Classic summons than the espers - i felt nothing for them, but it was nice to have all the major airships named after the Classic summons ^_^
Definently the classics. Without them XII sort of lacked the Final Fantasy feel. I know they were names of air ships but come one! The classic summons were the only reoccuring characters in all the Final Fantasy games and sort of linked them all together. Cid doesn't count because it's a different Cid everytime.
I like the classics better.
I was really dissapointed that the old summons weren't really..."summons" in this game. =[

I always love when they introduce a new summon just as a one time perk, but these summons were all dissapointing and useless to me. =[
I love the espers =) , and they fit perfectly in the game and his story. I supose you had read the bestiary of each one so you can put relations between the story of the game and the espers.

Not like Ifrit or Shiva in the others final fantasy , because they're in there because they are classics, that's all.

I like the classics better.
I was really dissapointed that the old summons weren't really..."summons" in this game. =[

I always love when they introduce a new summon just as a one time perk, but these summons were all dissapointing and useless to me. =[
yes, they were kinda useless x), but the system of the espers is preserved and it's like oldies; you can`t control them.

ffX summon system is pretty new in that way.
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Classics definitely. There is nothing wrong with adding new summons like Ixion in FFX or Quezacotl in FFVIII and having others that come in and out games like Carbuncle but they always should have the ones like Ifrit, Shiva and Bahamut and add in maybe a few other recurrent summons like Ramuh, Carbuncle, Fenrir, Alexander etc. That was one thing that pissed me off with the game is the fact that they completely done away with all the summons (except for some being marks, bosses, airships etc) and added in a bunch of espers which I couldn't make out what they looked like. Like I said, nothing wrong with new summons but they always should have a mixture of new, regulars and some others that have made a few appearences.
People, chill out lol :P? They were like away...from one game. lol@ the people who said it was gay XD . Sure, they're not exactly useful, but even I needed a break from seeing the same old stuff. Now I think about it, I don't think the originals would have fitted in. Were the originals ones that caused terror, did wicked things and were consumed by power etc? This is what happened with the Espers in XII - originals, were never like betrayers, they had been..well, neautral, or good, willing to help mankind. We didn't always fight them either.

If it makes the traditonalist summon lovers happy, expect to see them in Revenant Wings..
Espers definitely!

Yeah, I could eat pizza everyday for the rest of my life but I'd become sick of it soo fast. Same with the same old Summons over and over again. The Espers were a nice change from the previous installments of the series; Final Fantasy needed it.

We all know that Ifrit is a fire summon, Shiva is Ice, Bahamut is lord of the Dragons and usually one of the best in the game. When FF games get to predictable, it's time to shake things up a bit and that's just what SE did. I loved it.
I liked the Espers themselves, but not the way they were used. In terms of using them in actual gameplay, they were completely useless. Pretty to look at, but useless.

So I don't really know how to answer the question xD I love all the old summons/gf's/eidolon's/aeons etc... But I did like all the new Espers. I just wish they had been implemented better :/
I only summoned Espers twice. Once to see what Belias was capable of (being the first, you have HAVE to see), and Belias for a second time to open Giruvegan. I was extremely disappointed in the lacking role the Espers played. I found no use for them, really. I'd only use them now for flashy visuals.

Disappointing, so I'm heading for Classics. In other than X, they classed as an attack, which was much more suitable for my needs and personal preference.
People, chill out lol :P? They were like away...from one game. lol@ the people who said it was gay XD . Sure, they're not exactly useful, but even I needed a break from seeing the same old stuff. Now I think about it, I don't think the originals would have fitted in. Were the originals ones that caused terror, did wicked things and were consumed by power etc? This is what happened with the Espers in XII - originals, were never like betrayers, they had been..well, neautral, or good, willing to help mankind. We didn't always fight them either.

If it makes the traditonalist summon lovers happy, expect to see them in Revenant Wings..

How about in FFIX when Odin was used to destroy Cleyra? Atomos to wreck Lindblum? And originally Bahamut tried to destroy Alexandria but is destroyed by Alexander?

They obeyed their masters and could easily fit into FFXII.
Like Busta, I feel that they were a fresh injection, so Espers for me. There's only so many times I can really bear to see the same old ice and fire summons. And if they'd tried to fit the classics into this game then the aesthetic changes I think they'd have needed would likely have upset the fans every bit as much. As for using them, I found them similair to other games, I'll use them to look flashy or buy me some time to think up something else but they're not integral to my gameplan as such. X is the only F.F. I can remember where summons were really vital at certain points.
I kind of liked the way they were used in FFX. How you could control what they did and how it wasn't the same move over and over again. And how they could also get an overdrive. If the Espers could somehow do that in this game then I would like it a little more but not as much as if the old summons were in it. And we could still fight them to earn them because we fought them in X-2 but we didn't get to use them at all which was gay.
Ya'll are on crack :P jk

I totally dig the espers over the summons, even though Alexander is still my all time favorite. I found they were new and origional and I liked the change.
By the way the summons are called espers on final fantasy 6 too. Some one might have said that already though lol. I like the summons more though.
I think espers would have been appreciated a lot more if they were more usable, if people go get them and never use them again most won't bother reading the info about them and learning the little side-stories. Without that stuff then there really isnt that much to like about the espers. I do gotta say though, zodiark on your berserked character is pretty sweet if you can work it out properly so that when he gets out of berserk you stone him, summon zodiark and repeat the process.
FFXII shamed the good name of the Esper, which were Final Fantasy VI's version of the classic summons.
The Espers are quite frankly poo, the classic summons are one of the few things that stay the same from FF to FF and i think XII suffered from that. Plus i didnt really feel any personality from any of the espers