

Mar 25, 2007
hmmm, i always thought of this...but did anyone get to zodiark(even with the book, i didnt have the patience to do all the stuff required)...i got all espers besides zodiark and ultima and chaos,....which was your favorite esper and why????

My favs were Hashmal and Famfrit....not really because of power...but because of looks and how they came into the story...and also there scion backround-which can be found in the guidebook.
Esper Experience

Well, from my Esper experience, here's what I have to say about each:

-For his deathblow, I loves how he does his stances with his staff.

-She looks cool...weird design though.

Adrammelch (sp?)
-Now this one's a cool...I love how he works with his summoner.

-He's my favorite. HA HA HA HA HA

-It's cool watching this old guy following you floating in what appears to be a throne with a balance for 2 rocks. Also, his Meteo looks SO's the most devastating looking deathblow I've ever seen!

Cuchlainn (sp?)
-Very ugly summon; what motivates him to laugh like so?...I also wonder how he smells. His deathblow looks really disgusting too!

-Everything about him to me is average.

-Now this summon's cool; the deathblow looks impressive enough the explosion. =)

-3rd coolest summon IMO...mainly for the damage he does along with his deathblow explosion.

-I like his design. I love when he readies/pulls his chained pot/bottle at the beginning of his deathblow...looks REALLY stylish. =D

-Love his design and his elemental wisdom. His entire deathblow sequence as a whole, is the most awesome that I've seen of all the summons yet.

Ultima and Zodiark...don't have 'em yet, but I've seen 'em on YouTube, but Chao's deathblow looks and sounds too cool!
Zodiark by far, just way cool ability (and its really easy to use compared to ultima which isnt reliable). With regards to how hard it is to get him...if you got ultima, you can do Zodiark in half or 1/4 of the time you did for ultima (presuming you're the appropriate level).
my favourite was zodiark cause he's so powerful
but i like adrammelsh cause he flies ^_^
I really can't say...If I could narrow it does as best as possible, it'd come down to Exodus, Chaos, Ultima, and Zodiark. I don't use them at all in the game so I'm going off of what were the most epic battles I played in.
well i didnt use espers much but i would choose zodiark since he is the most powerful esper in the game
gotta be exodus for me. He's useful against anyone, can be recruited quite early on and i found him really easy to beat even with low level characters (maybe i just fluked it)
I love ice, so Mateus was an obvious choice for me. His history is somewhat intriguing also.

Also, Adrammelech, because of my star sign. :p
Let's see...

Zalera, of course, because of the Greek zodiac sign (mine, BTW). Also of the fact that his name is an anagram of Azreal, which in the Jewish mythology, the Angel of Death (BTW, I'm not Jewish).

Zodiark because of the Final Eclipse attack.

Adrammalech had an awesome presentation when you first battle him!

And Exodus... XD Scathe spell, enough said.
ohhhhh..... tough 1; ill go through em

Belias: uber cool first time u use him. but hes useless before long :huh: . looks ok

Mateus: pretty cool, nice design

Addramelech; pretty awesome, shoulda been higher ranked esper (ie 2 or 3 bars to summon him) and a lot more powerful. he looked the part anyways.

Zalera: ......looks kinda cool, but i found it pretty useless.

Hashmal: pretty cool esper

Shemhazai: nice nice, very cool concept with the whole soul theme

Cachulian: kinda cool, nice variety to the others.

Zeromus: woo hoo! very cool probably my fav :) (i just hate thoose goofy looking 2 front teeth)

Exodus: pretty nice

Famfrit: i really didnt like this guy that much..

Chaos: wicked design. coulda used a better deathblow

Ultima; when i heard Ultima i imagined a huge.... well.....Ultima weapon looking thing! pretty dissapointing, final deathblow was ssoooooo crap damage wise......

Zodiark: cool abilities, looked like a worm........i mean come on.....
Ultima. Her Eschanton pwns everything. Serially. Second would have to be Zalera. I like his special even if it disturbs me a little.