Estranged Friends


Savage I.
Sep 19, 2007
We were friends for about ten years, but then all of a sudden stopped communicating. I know not of the reason. I know not why we were silenced. I ran into him today, tensions were building, as he walked right up beside me in the line. We looked at each other, but no words were uttuered. I grabbed my pizza, and walked out. It felt extremely uncomfortable, but why? We used to be best friends.

Do you have any estranged ex-best friends?
xD I'll move this to the Pagoda for ya' as it seems more fitting there.

EDIT: Okay, estranged ex-best friends...uh, not really. I mean, I was friends with this one girl back in high school, and we would go over to each other's houses and eat dinner together with each others' family. (Mainly me going at her place more often since her mom makes awesome Italian food!) We were like best friends, I suppose.

Anyway, we had a little dumb fight back in 9th grade and stopped communicating until our Junior year...and even then, we were still uncomfortable with each other, so all we did was say "hi" when we pass each other at school, and that's basically it. I still talk to her on AIM every once in say, once every 2-5 months. =/ Yeah, we've lost communication, pretty much.
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I suppose I do. I have many friends whom I've lost contact with. All my best friends and I have parted ways, really.

There's Lucy, my longest friend. We used to be together every weekend, if we were allowed. We'd spend the holidays together and were a lot like sisterly friends. We were both weird at times, but we were almost always happy. When we argued, we soon made up. Then she went into hospital. I tried my best to support her, and she didn't seem too badly off, but she lost A LOT of weight. When she went back to school, she got attention from all the popular kids. "You're so thin!" they'd tell her. She fell into that crowd and has since beceome quite chavvy... Now we're two different people.

I saw her the other day. She was with her friends, I was with mine. She later IMed me and said that she'd looked like a slut. But at the time, she'd basically disregarded my friends and I. She's ashamed of me around other people. She wants to be my friend, but she's not a true friend, so I don't think I can be her friend.

My other friends and I weren't friends for so long. Stephanie was my friend when I was very young. We weren't GOOD friends and she left my school before I did. We lost contact then. Emily was my friend and then she spread a fake rumour around the school about me to get popular. She's since moved away and has gone back to Canada. Before that, we were on good terms. Sure, we're not exactly friends, but we were no longer enemies either.
I have a few actually. One of them I see every now and then at school, we share a few sentences together. The other one, still at my school, just stopped talking for good, just something happened, and one of my real good friends moved, never talked or seen him again, it's really bad how these things happen
I barely keep in contact with old friends. I have numbers and all that, but finding the time to contact them and meet up is too much hassle IMO.
From the time I was two, my neighbor was my best friend. We hung out all the time. We spent weekends together, summers together, played with the rest of the neighborhood kids.

And one morning, she slammed the door in my face for absolutely no reason.

We didn't talk for a couple of years after that, and I was rather hostile towards her.

But near the end of last year, we began speaking again, and we'd both completely forgotten the reason why we had been angry at each other to begin with. Now, we're back to hanging out, and we're even better friends than before. I attribute this to the fact that we've both matured a bit over the years.

Besides that incident, I don't have very many estranged friends. Some of my best friends in grade school and I are still on speaking terms, we're just less close. So I've never really completely disconnected from any friendships.