Every Worldmap Song From Every Final Fantasy


Feb 3, 2010
I had this idea for a massive mix, sort of in commemoration one of the coolest gaming series out there. Thus, I fired up FLStudio and had at it:


(HD render, hosted on vimeo cuz youtube was being a hater.)

The source tune is every main worldmap song from Final Fantasy(sies) 1 through 9.

Make yourself a sandwich (or some hot cocoa. it's winter, afterall) and give it a listen. Feedback is welcomed.

Surreal... brings back a bunch of memories, but has a psychedelic techno vibe as well. This is something I would listen to while playing Final Fantasy while high. As a FLStudios user I tip my hat to you, this clearly took a lot of effort and you certainly should be proud of the result.
That was really well done. I actually listened to whole thing and quite enjoyed it.
I laughed a lot at the beginning too, your intro was pretty funny.
Thanks Adamant! Thanks LemonyMog! Working on this was totally a rush of memories, and i'm actually amped for 13, and hoping it creates some more great ones. (the soundtrack from the little i've heard so far sounds quite promising)

Oh, and do you have any of your FL stuff posted online, Adamant?
That was pretty epic, it doesn't half bring back some memories and the remixes were awesome! It's nice to listen to how the music has developed over the years as well. Rep to you. :ryan:
Thanks Mercurial, I'm glad you enjoyed it. Yeah, it's amazing how Uematsu managed to pull off such epic tracks for like, a decade straight. Even at what some may consider the low points of the series or whatnot, his songs were more amazing and memorable than most, if not all, of his competition (not to mention his songs having way more personality than the average game/rpg). It was definitely fun working on this one.