Exam Weeks


Spiral out, Keep going..
Nov 21, 2006
Nashville, TN
Black Mage
Cloud Strife
FFXIV Server
Well next week is exam week, but currently I'm sitting here in full business attire (shirt and tie) and already had one business management presentation... and now have 1 test on Tuesday and 1 quiz on Wednesday and 2 code programs due Thursday and lastly 1 last presentation on Friday.

Anyone else feeling the burn? I just want these two weeks to be over..
I hate exam weeks, well I hate leading up to them, I feel no pressure when I'm sat in them because at the end of the day you do what you can, it's the results day that's worse for me because you just really don't want to know :ness:

I think my first exam is on May 15th with Psychology and English Lang and then we've got exam weeks for the week before half term and the week after. I only have to sit 7 papers though thankfully. :)
Bah, my stupid art teacher is cramming three exams (one is a slide test, second is a take-home exam, and the other is a final), one art project, and one essay - all needs to be done by May 13th. I wish he could have made us start on the art project a few weeks ago...we didn't really do anything then. >.> On top of that I have a piano presentation in which I must memorize the notes without sight-reading.

All in all it's not too bad though. I'm not worried about it. I just hate it when teachers cram everything in a two-weeks time-frame. It should all just be exams, but no, we have to worry about an essay that he grades so harshly and now an art project in which I must re-create an art piece from the book without using any art materials like pen, pencil, paint, etc. So I hope my creativity still has it in me. >.> Maybe I'll re-do 'Starry Night' by Vincent Van Gogh using Legos, I don't know.
Heeere we go:

Wednesday - Criminal Justice Case Brief Presentation
Friday - Physics II Exam, Logic Exam
Monday - Linear Algebra Exam
Tuesday - Differential Equations Exam
Wednesday - Criminal Justice Exam

And I took a Differential Equations test today. :ness:

The Physics exam in particular is important because my grade in that class is riding heavily on my exam grade. -_-

I find the "exam time" to be quite stressful, not necessarily due to the exams but the overload of work that seems to appear from all classes simultaneously WHILE you're trying to study. -__-
Did English Language in January, and although I thought I did shite at the time, I ended up with the highest score of the year, I only dropped three marks xD I finished my General Studies exam last week. I've totally failed it because I just went on a tangent about how Gordon Brown and Labour suck, since one of the questions was on Society & Politics. Whoops.

But my exam week is split into one horrible week, and one nice week.

Wednesday 20th May - English Literature. Two hours long. Two questions on Enduring Love, and one question on The Great Gatsby and the Browning and Keats poems.
Friday 22nd May - Sources of Law exam and The English Legal System exam. Three hours long.

That's my horrible exam week. It's awful. Especially Law. Three hours. On a Friday. Awful.

My nice exam week is then -

Tuesday 2nd June - History - Mussolini and Franco
Monday 8th June - History - British Politics 1945-1990

History's an easy subject and I'm not worried about those exams at all.

Law's going to be the worst one since we don't know quite what's coming up on the paper, and out of 7 topics, I'm confident in about 5. If I have three questions on the other two, I'm totally fucked. It's awful D=
My exams are over, but it went something like

Thursday -- Constitutional Law
The following Monday -- Property Law
Thursday -- Torts
The following Tuesday -- Contracts

And I am currently trying out for the law review
Well, next week is half-term and then its revision week, and then there's the exam week. we have yet to recieve our timetables.
Last week was my exam week... I had 4 of them. And I had a lot of papers due last week too (6 total). I did 5 papers in 3 days without any sleep at all... I actually started hallucinating on the third day of no sleep... o_O

I'm so glad it's over...
I'm currently studying for my Chartered Accountancy qualification. My exams aren't until the end of June but i'm working on my subjects now and it's an absolute nightmare. There's so much information to learn, process and actually understand.

It's extremely overwhelming and very difficult to stay motivated and to stay concentrated on it. Grr.
Oh, don't say that word "exams". *sob* We started them this week. I'm scared I might not pass them.T_T