012: Duodecim Exclusive weapons.

This is more of a question than a topic for general discussion, so I'm going to move this thread to the Dissidia012: Duodecim Help Booth. (Thread Moved)
This can be tricky considering you need to get lower level exclusive weapons in order to purchase the LVL 100 ones. I suggest fighting against the character who you wish to obtain the weapon for and build up the required items for part of the trade. But to get the lvl 100 exclusive weapon itself, you need an item that represents the character themselves (Wheel of Darkness = Garland) You can obtain these very easily in one of the gateways in the story mode (I believe its the Forsaken Lands gateway) There are 4 red chests that make a square shape in one of the floors where you can obtain 1 of any of these special items used to trade for the weapon, but you have to win the battle with the enemy in the chest. You can also purchase them for 3 (or 5, dont remember) Megalixers, these can be obtained through various ways. Doing Time Attack is the easiest way, considering you can do it an infinate amount of times and if your time is low enough you will be garounteed a Megalixer. This is most of what I know, I hope it helps.