Exdeath Leveling Trick


White Knight
Oct 10, 2009
North Carolina, United States
How do I completely take advantage of this. It takes forever for Exdeath to get 9999 bravery points because he never uses them. Once he does, I use magic pot and try to hit him. I only get like 15 levels though. I thought it would get me to 100. Oh well, is there any thing that would improve this setup? I'm having trouble getting the chocobo equipment.
Well chocobo gear is your best bet (down, wing and feather combined give you a 100% boost I believe) you can also buy the EXP boost calender bonuses from the PP shop and get your bonus day. Combined you should gt a hefty amount. The highest i've managed (from level 20) is 51 levels.
Wow, I've gotten the EXP bonuses already and I always set it to my bonus day on my PSP calender. All of my chocobo feathers broke so I'll just have to play 50 more battles to get it
Or unlock the treasure Hunter Play Plan, you can get loads of feathers and such in there, it's pure chocobo gear. And it comes in hefty amounts.
What is this trick? Is it when you battle a lvl 100 when you are low leveled and use mimic to get its bravery and OHKO it? Do it during 2xEXP (bonus day), 5xEXP bonus with chocobo feather.
yup...you got it right...is there a thread on this where it is explained thoroughly how is it done?
I've managed 99 levels by beating gabranth lvl 100 max AI with chocobo feather on bonus day X 5. To gain AP quickly, give character diamond ring and dazzling diamod set and keep battling chaos on AP Icon boost day.
Oddly enough, I don't even do anything in particular for levelling up, except always battling a lvl 100 and spamming the HP moves. it works fairly well for me
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I leveled all of my characters with ghost kefka, much easier in my opinion. Just let him break you and copy his 9999 brave points. Then hit him with an hit point attack when he uses forsaken null.

The most levels i got was 81 for Garland, i don't know how i got that much seeing as how i used the same accessories for everyone else and the highest they got was 58.