Faith Crest

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Jul 5, 2006
All right, time to get down to business. This is going to be the latest update for my very first original RP character, Faith Crest. I'm also going to need Vegnya and Rhea to approve this because I can't obviously do it myself, can I? It'd be cheating. :P So here you go! Comments, suggestions, improvements ... all feedback is welcome.

Name: Faith Crest
Codename: Crimson
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Power(s): Telepathy, telekinesis, flight and visions
Appearance: Girls/122982444_l.jpg
Occupation: Student and shareholder of Crest Enterprises
Born: Manchester, UK
Current Residence: Crest Enterprises, New York City
Nationality: English
Personality: Faith is a sweet, caring and loving person. She is very outgoing and has really come out of her shell in the past three years of her life. Although there are many things good about her, there is also a hidden dark side to her that is not easily tapped into. She is brave and confident when the odds are against her.
Bio: Faith was born as the youngest Crest sibling. She has a brother named Lance and a sister called Mariah. Before she was born, her father (who was called Vance) mysteriously disappeared. This sparked a lot of confusion, but Catherine Crest was still determined to go through with giving birth to her baby girl. She eventually did and she called the girl Faith. But she didn't have long to rest after this. The Crest family has come down from an ancient generation of psychics. These psychics are destined to do good in their lives. It wasn't long after Faith was born that Catherine had to protect her family from a great evil that had just arisen. However, even if she fought it, she had to sacrifice her own life just to make sure her own children would be safe.

This meant that it was up to Lance and Mariah to help raise Faith with the help of their family butler, William Jenkins. She lived a happy life, but there was a problem that kept arising. Faith, unlike her siblings, had received psychic powers from her mother and would soon have to adapt to her destiny. Her destiny began when she was at the age of three. Her telepathic abilities had somehow become unlocked and she could hear the thoughts of many that surrounded her within a short distance. To solve this, Jenkins enlisted the help of an extremely powerful telepath. This telepath created psychic shields around Faith, so that she wouldn't be able to use her powers until she was seventeen: the exact age of when a psychic would become able to stand on his or her own. But this problem did not fade away. No, something far worse was yet to come.

Four years later, at the age of seven, Faith was kidnapped by an elite squad of soldiers and taken to a remote research centre. This was because they had been watching her for a while now and her telekinetic powers had awakened. They had awoken from a nightmare and the things in her room began to float around. It was there that she was put under many experiments. It was all part of a brilliant plan from a scientist named Nicholas LeBrane. He wanted to unlock her powers fully and use them for his own greedy uses, whilst claiming it was "merely a breakthrough for science". How wrong everyone was proved. With the help of a scientist named Scarlet Blake, (who was forced to co-operate when she refused at first), they began to torture the poor young Faith. It was prior to this that Scarlet did an experimentation of her own on Faith, but to save her from the torture. The only way that Faith could survive the torture was to be infused with the last pieces of an Ancient Egyptian monster known as Ferix. Despite this, there is little known about the matter of Ferix.

However, Faith was rescued only a day after she was kidnapped and was taken home. It was then that the psychic clan gathered at the Crest mansion back in England to discuss what should happen with her. There were heated debates on whether she should be allowed to keep her powers or not. In the end, it was down to Faith who made the decision: to keep her powers and learn more about them. Many years passed by and as she still continued to attend school, she kept her heritage a secret from everyone, even from her closest friends. But when it began to emerge that there were indeed people different from average humans, people who were now described as "mutants", Faith began to question whether she should come out with the truth. She began to spend time alone for a while until she was forced to help save a young boy kidnapped by a ruthless gang of men. Hiding her face and bursting into the abandoned warehouse that they kept him in, Faith began to use her powers actively in public for the first time. After she rescued the boy and brought him back into the public eye, people began to question who she was, even as going as far to chase her. But she was too quick for them; she was gone.

Since she was fourteen, Faith has taken on the codename, Crimson. She has become a crimefighter in New York City to help those who cannot defend themselves. The reason for choosing the name Crimson as an alias is due to the red eyes that emit a glow when she uses her powers. Mariah doesn't know about this (Lance had previously walked out on the family after Faith was kidnapped) and so she was oblivious to the truth. Using Crest Enterprises (her family's company) as the budget for her mission, Faith continues to battle those who wish to do harm to the civilians' lives and tries to find a peace within herself.

Phew ... that took a while! Well?
Wow, that was very long winded. Haha.
You're a moderater, sillybutt. Do you really want the other mods to approve it? ^___^

If so, then...approved. <3
Ah, forget the approving thing. It may sound stupid, but everyone has to be approved by a moderator, right? Anyone got any feedback on where I could improve? Suggestions?
Ah..i see so your a brawler, but will you use gloves or something (no need to get your hands dirty after all)
No, Faith doesn't have a weapon. She usually uses her fists and her powers instead.

It's all well and good saying as much outside of the profile, but you really should incorporate this information within the construction. Should you oppose anyone, it would be rated unfair for you to walk into a battle without them having any information concerning what fighting approach you'll take. Same applies for weaponry.

The bio is pretty nice, but some of it seems a smidge irrelevant.

Overall, good job.

EDIT: Also, I think in order for you to gain experience in role playing, you should create more diverse characters. You use Faith in just about every RP you register into, and I'm seeing it on every forum.
It's all well and good saying as much outside of the profile, but you really should incorporate this information within the construction. Should you oppose anyone, it would be rated unfair for you to walk into a battle without them having any information concerning what fighting approach you'll take. Same applies for weaponry.

The bio is pretty nice, but some of it seems a smidge irrelevant.

Overall, good job.

EDIT: Also, I think in order for you to gain experience in role playing, you should create more diverse characters. You use Faith in just about every RP you register into, and I'm seeing it on every forum.
I would give some information about her fighting style, but there maybe a few surprises in store. ;)

I tend to do that with bios, but the majority is very important to the way she is now.

I understand that and I recently started making more RP characters on the matter. I'll be sure to post them as soon as possible when I get the chance. Since it's the Easter holidays, I probably will. :P
I understand that and I recently started making more RP characters on the matter. I'll be sure to post them as soon as possible when I get the chance. Since it's the Easter holidays, I probably will. :P

Well, that's good news.

I'll race ya. ;D
Oh really? Well, take some of these characters for example:

Lance Crest, Mariah Crest, Scarlet Blake, Lilac Tulsa and Dawn Turner.

Could have more in days.
Mod-ojou-chan? mind actually explaining what the hell her powers do? cause just "telepathy" doesn't say that much now does it, or "telekenesis" (ditto)

For example,
A) does it require you to move your hand "the force style"?
B) does it require some serious focussing?
C) whats the weight limits on the thing? can you life 100 ton trucks and throw them around?
D) if B) is true does that impose speedlimits on the objects?
and so on and so forth...

A) can you "actually" read minds and thus know the plans of our characters before we have conceived of them ourselves? or is it more "fleeting images" and "hunches"?
B) can you force our characters to do things? (DO THIS NOW!)
C) if not can you "implant suggestions"? (Doing this might be a good idea *wink wink*)
D) does it require focussing? How long can you maintain it? How is the energy drain?
Again and so on and so forth...

It feels weird lecturing a mod but seeing as were the challanging party it might be usefull to have everything written down to prevent "misunderstandings" about the abilities our characters have...
I think you better say ex-mod for that case.

Telekinesis. It means you can move things with her mind. Faith is usually used to just looking at an object and it moved with a little help from her mind. However, there are times when she's in a rush that she does swing her arm or moves it lightly. It does require some focus. Depending on how heavy the object, she can move it. But this does take mental energy out of her mind and can wear her out if she relies on it too much.

Now for telepathy. Faith can read minds, but it depends how strong a mind is. If the mind is weak, she can read the thoughts of this mind and possibly could control it if she is strong enough. A lot of focus is meant to be here, much more than the telekinesis because it is also mental and a hard power to master after all.
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