Favorite Battle System

Favourite Battle system

  • FFX

    Votes: 8 44.4%
  • FFXI

    Votes: 1 5.6%

    Votes: 9 50.0%

  • Total voters
XII's. Battles are how they meant to be, with the new ADB system, which is fast and furious, and you can still swap characters in and out of battle.
i dont know....i prefer Xs system for boss fights and intense battles...but i prefer XIIs for training and going through crowded areas, it beats the screen smashing every five minutes...i think ill vote for XII
i dont know....i prefer Xs system for boss fights and intense battles...but i prefer XIIs for training and going through crowded areas, it beats the screen smashing every five minutes...i think ill vote for XII

I agree with most of this. The boss fights in the turn-based titles makes boss fights a lot more intense and it is a lot more strategic. Boss fights in FFXII is just attack and let them do what they do. You may have to interfere but it isn't really strategic. Levelling up is easier in FFXII just running around and defeating enemies as they come.

I actually would prefer FFIX's because I liked the ability system although in fairness that could easily make some fights easy. Out of the lot above I would probably go with FFX just for intense boss fights makes it worthwhile.
Well FFXI is simular to XII's system only without everyone playing with other people. I would have to say I favor the turn based system although the ADB system is quite fun itself.
Definitely XII's. In XII they still are turn based but you don't notice at and that's what make the game more fun. No more walk around the *battle music* black screen then enemies. The fact that there was no more of that made the game more interesting to me.
No many choices here.

I went with XI. As much as I don't like it, the battle system is a lot of fun if you are playing with a group. Too bad they couldn't have made it a better game.
I believe your on crack, good sir. Where in the world is ATB? ATB was the best, hands down. God, why did they have to change it to some gay crap? Urg...
FFXs battle system is more tactical s in close fights comes n useful,that and you can snack whilst playing.There the tactical freedom which you can carefully choose your option and enjoy the graphics.
I havent played FFXI
FFXII i hated it , it was just soooooo boring for the energy rquired to play it no i got no satisfaction back from it.
I've only played FFX out of the choices but i've seen reviews and trailers of the other games. I know what you're all saying about the screen turning into a battle every 5 mins, but that's what a true RPG is in my opinion. I hate 'real-time' battles. There's no fun in it. I know this because Zelda just isn't fun for me, and it's the same thing.
FFXs battle system is more tactical s in close fights comes n useful,that and you can snack whilst playing.There the tactical freedom which you can carefully choose your option and enjoy the graphics.
I havent played FFXI
FFXII i hated it , it was just soooooo boring for the energy rquired to play it no i got no satisfaction back from it.
Ho' man I agree with the tactical stuff.
On FFXII I get through the majority via mist or attacks, on turn-based, I'd fail doing such fight tactics...While my FFVII for example, my first time through, I had to come up with several different tactics in an attempt to beat Demon's Gate, finally killing it after over twenty times (yes I was underlevelled).
You seem to be missing an option or so in the poll. Bias much?

Anyway, I'm not sure to be honest. I loved having the freedom in XII, but I'm still partial to ATB.
Only these 3 options? Sheesh, I'm glad my favorite battle system was a choice then.

FFXII's was my favorite so far in the series. Sure it's the newest andmost recent one I've played, but it allowed for so much more freedom and it made the battles by far the funnest way to level up yet. If Square-Enix keeps bringing out stuff like this, we are in for a treat for years to come with these future FF games.
I'll go with XII because I've always hated going to a seperate screen. It get really annoying. Plus it's a faster pace and feels more realistic. And i don't know about you but I prefer to not think sometimes on boss battles and lie the controller down and watch instead xD.
By far XII. I can pretty much establish the system in XI, but it doesn't exactly appeal in the way XII does. As for X, it allows the player to ease up on the gas far too much. Granted, you could sense impending defeat if your character in the following turn couldn't turn the tide, but really, it was far too... bleh.

XII had that awesome sense of realism. Alright, so ATB isn't entirely 'real' in itself, but the setting is perfect. You withdraw your weapons... you cast the spell, you sheathe your weapons, etc. Real-time folks, and it wins.
