Favorite Character

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Woops >.<

I would have to say Cian. His story intrigues me and, for some reason, I felt sympathetic for him immediately, even though we just met him. It's rare to get attatched to a character as quickly as this.
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I`m more of a Celes girl. I like her Runic ability to much to say otherwise. A kick booty costume, military background, bad "guy" gone good and ,went for the "treasure hunter" of the gang, emotionally torn between guilt and love, great singing voice.... What`s not to like?
100+ evade
100+ Mgk evade
Cyan ^_^ROXXXORS-_-

cant touch this.... shyyyt

I use break on the other 3 party members, then im invinsible.:lol:
I'm going to be boring and go for Terra. I like the way she was slowly developed, from the time when she was a mysterious girl in a Slave Crown until her real past is revealed later in the game. She seemed really interesting to me, and I liked how this game put a bigger emphasis on the female characters than the previous FFs.

I have to admit I didn't like the game as much once the focus shifted away from Terra and Locke and Celes became the more "main" character. I like Celes, but more time devoted to Celes means less time devoted to Terra. That being said, Celes is kind of cheap and really fun to use. Runic!
I would find it incredibly difficult to pin down who in particular I liked most. I loved Cyan for his story in Doma. I was intrigued by Terra's heritage. I was interested by Celes no nonsense attitude. I adored Edgar's silliness. Truly if any game made me love nearly ever character this one was it. :D
I'm totally intrigued with Shadow and his past. It's also interesting how Relm and him has some sort of connection through the "Momento Ring."

The rest are very interesting also. Each one is unique in their own respective way and each one has his/her own story to tell. Well maybe minus Mog, Umaro and Gogo.
Wich F.F. game is Aeris in???If this one...Aeris!
Door, thaddaway! >

Favorite is Edgar, because he's abit of a stud which he very clearly uses this skill to find out about the empires betreyal during the Thamasa part of the game. that always makes me giggle, he's a 'true gentalmen' ya'know :lol: As well as a kick ass fighter, mostly due to 'Tools'. Auto-crossbow kicks ass as well as Drill and Chainsaw! and I really cannot stress how much De-Obliterator has helped me manipulate the weaknesses of tough bosses! top notch.
locke-im a sucker for the hero coming in and saving the day, go Locke-hero for hire
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