Crisis Core Favorite Character?


.:The FFF Kitty:.
Nov 21, 2009
Ah...seeing there was no thread like this in the Crisis Core section, who was your favorite character out of Crisis Core?

Even though Zack is in FFVII as well, he doesn't really have much appearance in it except for the flashbacks. I really liked his personality and the energy he had in Crisis Core. His last words were also very beautiful and he never gave up on being a hero. second would have to be Genesis. He was a pretty good villian and he made the whole story line exciting.
It would have to be between Cissnei and Zack for me. I generally liked Cissnei's overall attitude and the way she came across in the stroyline, in was a shame really that she didn't play a larger role. As for Zack I like his story but I think what stood out was that he was a breath of fresh air compared to Cloud. He seemed almost opposite in every way. I don't think I particularly have a favourite character but Cissnei and Zack were the two most likeable to me. :)
My favorite character would have to be Genesis. Although he was a little...out there he was a strong fighter, plus he had a air of mystry around him that made me want to learn more about him. Also, I liked how he used quotes from LOVELESS to show what he thought was happening.
I thought Angeal was a good character, he always pushed Zack to do better. But I think Zack has to be my favorite due to his great determination, energy, and overall attitude towards everything, right to the very end.
I liked Sephiroth. In this game, he seemed like a regular hero and role model. Not like the Jenova crazed fiend in FFVII. My next favorite would be Angeal. He was cool and seemed like a honorable man with good ideals and wanted Zack's well being.
I thought Genesis was ace, Hes just my kind of character, strong, has an attitude, wants to be the hero and to top it all off he's theatrical! LOVE IT...
I don't really have one favourite- but I narrowed mine down to both Genesis and Cissnei for two very different reasons.

Cissnei has a rather interesting personality that differentiates her greatly from Aerith. She clearly has feelings for Zack, but keeps them subtle and makes small, but rather amusing hints- e.g. in Gongaga she says Zack's family has already asked her to join the Fair family. I like how she chooses to help him flee despite being torn between her loyalty to Shinra and her kind nature to save Zack.

Some people expressed annoyance towards Genesis's constant LOVELESS quotes. I quite liked it- because it does portray an air of mystery and ambiguity around him. You have to wonder what Genesis actually desires for and the poetic significances behind them. He isn't mad or generic. Genesis accepts his status as a monster and goes about his plans rather cleverly. He is well designed with a good voice actor in Crisis Core.
I liked Sephiroth. In this game, he seemed like a regular hero and role model. Not like the Jenova crazed fiend in FFVII.

Ah! I loved Sephy in CC!!! I could see why people did look up to him as a rolemodel because I honestly did while playing the game.
Guess I'll have to go with a less common answer on this on, nobody seems to be giving a confident statement of Cissnei being their favourite character in Crisis Core, but I am pretty sure that's the answer I've decided upon. :P

Cissnei was a character I was unfamiliar with, it is interesting to see a new face in a familiar series of games, one will wonder how they will fit in with the other characters that are more familiar.

I thought Cissnei was a rather likeable character, she seems nice, she's pretty, and she buys the hero Zack some critical time, so she definitely was a huge aid to him for that, making her a pretty important piece to the storyline, she could've just as easily turned him and Cloud in. >.>
Zack Fair was a refreshing character to see. Upbeat, cheerful, and ready for anything. You don't see the very often in RPGs with the main hero, or in video games in general. Well, I don't often. I liked him the most because of that. Sure he had his moments where you see other emotional sides of him. Like after he had to kill Angeal, he cryed. He also got mad, sad, and serious at times. Out of all the Final Fantasy VII characters, I feel he got the most character depelopment.

I also liked the fact that I got to see Sephiroth sane for the first half of the game, he's honestly not as bad as I originally though him to be. Cloud too. I liked how innocent and happy he was. I didn't like his additude in the first game.
Zack Fair was my favourite.

He really was a charming character and I just enjoyed looking at him mostly. XD

I really liked the younger version of him. He was so cute when he was still learning with Angeal. <3

He was such a gentleman when around Aerith and just a lovely character overall. <3
Zack Fair was my favourite.

He really was a charming character and I just enjoyed looking at him mostly. XD

I really liked the younger version of him. He was so cute when he was still learning with Angeal. <3

He was such a gentleman when around Aerith and just a lovely character overall. <3

The part that really pisses me off is that he had to die. Why couldn't he just live and fight alongside with Cloud?
Genesis would be my favourite character. I love his character design, he has a classy, sophisticated personality, and a brilliant voice actor. Plus I can sympathize with his motives and reasoning for his actions a whole lot more than I can with Sephiroth. He is an interesting, well-developed character, and made Crisis Core worth playing.
The part that really pisses me off is that he had to die. Why couldn't he just live and fight alongside with Cloud?
I agree with this, but on the other hand I don't think it'd fit in with the rest of the compilation. Especially since he doesn't appear in Final Fantasy VII and in Advent Children, the latter we know he's dead. As much as I'd like to have seen Zack appear elsewhere I think it's just the fact it wouldn't fit in properly.
Mine is Tseng. I think I'm one of the only people whose favourite character is one of the Turks, but not Reno or Rude.

Although, I really liked Zack. But I agree it would have mucked the game up a bit if they'd decided not to make it so he died... how would they have explained his absense in the original game? They couldn't change it.
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Guess I'll have to go with a less common answer on this on, nobody seems to be giving a confident statement of Cissnei being their favourite character in Crisis Core, but I am pretty sure that's the answer I've decided upon. :P

Cissnei was a character I was unfamiliar with, it is interesting to see a new face in a familiar series of games, one will wonder how they will fit in with the other characters that are more familiar.

I thought Cissnei was a rather likeable character, she seems nice, she's pretty, and she buys the hero Zack some critical time, so she definitely was a huge aid to him for that, making her a pretty important piece to the storyline, she could've just as easily turned him and Cloud in. >.>

I agree. Cissnei is my favorite too. When I first saw her I was interested in her character. She seemed nice and she had awesome hair.

When I saw how she acted and what she did for Zack, I liked her even more. She's a kind character with some spunk! And I like that.
Can't you tell? =] Genesis was a BO$$!!!

He was. The fact that he could recite LOVELESS before every cutscene like that did seem kind of cool. Also, he was much involved in the story and had a very unique look about him. His Rapier was epic too, the way he channeled magic through it like that.
My favorite character is definitely Zack Fair because, he's determined, has good hair, and probably b/c on the first day I saw the game, I was like who's this cool looking guy. :D

Ah!! he had to die....dam Shinra and the story of the game...
Genesis was completely awesome ^^ The way he recited LOVELESS with his own interpretations made him more of a bookworm, though. I guess that's what I like about him ... The scene when he blasted Angeal's face was also cool :D
My favorite character is definitely Zack Fair because, he's determined, has good hair

Haha! I love the hair part. Yeah he never seemed to give up no matter what. It still surprises me on how Cloud could ever be stronger than him in FFVII.

My female character was definitely Aerith. She made me laugh so much and she was really sweet in the game. Once again I was sad when I remembered she also died..