Favorite Genre of Music


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Mar 17, 2010
The Farplane.
Ok i did do a search for this. Hope i don't get shot down.

What is your favorite Genre of music and why. Please elaborate.
I guess I really can't say which genre of music I lke because I sink into the vast majority of them. But if I had to say specific ones, then they'd be pop, rock, hip hop, R&B and metal. I'm quite diverse when it comes to music. It depends on the vocals and music entirely for me whenever I hear a song in a particular genre.
Id say mainly rock music, love anything loud and full of guitar. Im not an r'n'b, hip hop or a person. I like classical and also J-Pop and J-Rock.
Metal. It's one of the first genres I really got into and it's been that way since. Even when I go out so far on the weirdness spectrum as to listen to Pat Boone's cover of "Crazy Train" or William Shatner singing "Mr. Tambourine Man", I always end up going back to listening to a metal group :3

Besides, it's one of those odd genres that can end up being hilarious simply because it's metal (for example; anything Northern Kings does. Metal version of Lionel Richie and Frank Sinatra? Ysplz).