Favorite Instrument

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Apr 15, 2007
What's your favorite instrument? Or type?
Post it here.

Mine would have to be either the bass guitar or the lowly flute.
Combined, they have a good rhythm anyways, so I say both. ^_^
well i paly guitar so im sayin that
with a guitar u can make ppl sad and angry or even cry. u can get so many different sounds on a guitar.
i like euphonium (similar to a tuba) mainly because it is the only instrument i can play i chose it because i wanted to be different to everyone in my school and because i cant play for shit on a guitar
even the triangle?? i think not;)

Some people are gifted triangle players. :D

the piano is such a graceful instrument. Actually, graceful = Harp.

Yea, play a harp and God instantly sees you as worthy.
Bagpipe. Fuck yeah.

No, I really like the sound of the saxophone, though. I used to play drums, however. XD
How 'bout cymbals, eh? :P

I like drums, just so you know.
In fact, if it wasn't considered by some to be background material, it's the most important instrument that a band will ever use.

Hard to find really good drum players, ya know?
i play guitarused to play violin
but personally i think the piano is by far the best can be so powerfull (yeah i know all instruments can be powerfull)
Bagpipe. Fuck yeah.

No, I really like the sound of the saxophone, though. I used to play drums, however. XD

the bagpipes really annoy me!! im scottish and i dont particularly like them, they only sound good when scottish songs are bein played
I for one like the bagpipes.
Well, that's probably because.....I don't know. I'm weird that way.

Another instrument I like?
Flute. Harp. Lyre. They create really down to earth natural sounds.
And that is why I like them.
The human voice, eh?

Never thought of it as an instrument, even though it is. 0_0
Oh, heck yes. ^_^ I guess it's easier to say voices are instruments when you listen to a choir. I used to be in choir back in the day (Alto, for those who are curious). I still love the feeling of using my own voice to create soul-soothing harmonies. The feeling just seems more powerful to sing with the harmony than to just sit back and listen.
I think it would be cool to learn Guitar and drums. I'm musically handicapped at the moment. Use to play the Cello in 9th grade.
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