Favorite Job/Class


Chocobo Breeder
Mar 16, 2007
Long Island, NY
For this I am going to have to say... Ninja!! double attack ftw =)... Then comes the archers as my second favorite <3 range. Discuss yours.
Hmm...this is a toughie...

I like using Samurai for their ability to hold two swords, but they're very slow. However, due to their lack of speed, I normally tag on either Math Skills, Throw, or Geomancy as their secondary technique.

Besides Samurai, I, as said above, like to use Ninja as well (with Ignore Height, Two Swords, Counter, and any of the above skills). Since they're nice and quick, they add on nicely to my roster.
if you don't include Orlandu's one,or any of the other special ones, mine's Samurai?
My favorite is Ramza's squire class. The unique abilities and physical endurance and power are priceless. There are other classes with useful and cool abilities, but I just add them as the secondary skill to Ramza's squire, and there ya go!

I suppose I like the Mediator and Thief classes as the secondary skill for Ramza's squire job. I love those classes because I can't resist stealing everything from everyone, or just inviting them to the party to strip their goodies before booting them. I'm a cleptomaniac!

Ramza + Mediator or Thief = Happy Lagaidh.

Bork Foo Pah.
I'm a status effect junkie, so Temple Knight's instantaneous spells are right up my alley. Favorite normal class is probably Oracle, because they can use weird weapons (sticks, books) as well. Nothin' like murdering enemies with the power of speech.
Lancer. The length of the spear and the high HP win it for me. Jumps are just a bonus (a very strong bonus).

Plus, they look really cool. Come on, you know it's true.
My, ninjas are quite popular here, aren't they?

My choice would have to be a.... Summoner, with either calculator skills or white magic. Once leveled up, he becomes VERY useful in my party.

Although I have to admit Lancers look pretty cool. Yes, it is true, Cecily.
calculators rule us all
they are the best of the best and make cid look like a child
definately gonna go with dragoons. They can attack from really long distances and have a really high attack along with being able to use good armor and weapons. Summoners are my second favorite because they can attack such a big area. I have all of my characters have the monk ability revive though, so i don't have to use phoenix downs all of the time. monks are also a good one just because of there earth punch move thing because you can attack from so far away.
I would have to say calculators, because when used properly, they can be the best, and I mean so good that there better than every other class put together, so, basicly they PWN everything else.
I enjoy a monk and calculator from the normal classes. I like unarmed or chars that fight simalar to a monk. Also destroying people with numbers is awesome. From special chars I will say Cid's Class.
Archers - Ranged Attacks <3
Mimes - Godly
Calculators - Epic Attacks I.E. attack all fighter with levels multiples of 3