Favorite Judge?

Favorite Judge

  • Judge Magister Gabranth

    Votes: 19 61.3%
  • Judge Magister Ghis

    Votes: 5 16.1%
  • Judge Magister Bergan

    Votes: 2 6.5%
  • Judge Magister Drace

    Votes: 2 6.5%
  • Judge Magister Zargabaath

    Votes: 3 9.7%

  • Total voters


The Last Dragon
Nov 26, 2006
Suburban hell.
Ok just because i know a few of you out there are in love with the judges (not naming names :P)

i thought it was about time someone made this poll, just so we can see which of these people are your favorites :P

Ill reserve judgement on my favorite judge for now (just beat Bergan last night)

but if you have a favorite then vote! XD
They're all cunts. Couldn't you have put an option of pie?

Srsly, though. I hate them. But so far my fave was the one you had to fight in the big gay Ice Palace of whateveria. I vote pie though.
I like them all, can't I vote for all? A shame we didn't see alot of Drace though, she was honourable.
They're all cunts. Couldn't you have put an option of pie?

Srsly, though. I hate them. But so far my fave was the one you had to fight in the big gay Ice Palace of whateveria. I vote pie though.

Words like that aren't appreciated around here, I especially don't like to see that "c" word being used anywhere.

It's obvious who I'm going for. I have no need to explain myself as to why Ghis is so great. Ok, maybe I do. His VA, Armor, Weapons, face etc - uber love. He also had a fantastic personality.
Judge Gabranth,

Warning, Major Spoiler:

I have an identical twin brother myself, so I truly identified with both Basch and Gabranth. I liked how SE designed Basch with a kind and caring personality and Gabranth with a darker more evil personality. Both are loyal to their causes yet they exist at opposite ends of the spectrum and have chosen to follow two completely different paths.
Although I favour Drace for some reason, I'm going to vote for Ghis.

I seem to enjoy watching corrupt characters of whom have a lust for power. He was a bitch of a boss, and had the best helm, me thinks. His weapons were pretty gnarly too.
Gabranth for me. I loved Drace's part, but she was only a part of the story for a short time whereas Gabranth stuck through up to the very end almost. Sure he was a big douchebag to Basch in the plot, but he had legit reasons and he reconcioed his wrongs in the end.
Words like that aren't appreciated around here, I especially don't like to see that "c" word being used anywhere.

Well, I think we're all "big people" here. So I posted it thinking it was okay. But in the future I'll remember not to use this word.
Drace, because though she had a very small role in the story, even with being a judge of Archades, she still hated Vayne, and i can relate, RIP Drace, you died trying to do the right thing, kill Vayne, to make sure that Larsa was safe.
Reddas. Even if he's not a judge anymore in the main history, he was part of the sidestory as a judge and for what he did, I think he made more crucial stuff for the history than the others.
Of the standing judges, Gabranth. Although I have to say the uber-fandom of some of our members is kind of killing my once great love of them... *cough*
Oooh, touchy Aztec. I wonder who you could be on about :dry: . Shin, fair enough you choose Reddas, but it kinda kills the whole point of this poll and thread ;P
Gabranth for me. To me, he's one of the best because he's not necessarily a bad judge. Drace is second on my list. It just makes me sad that her fate turned out the way it did.
Understand, everyone, that there's more Judge's than just the six mentioned [the five in the poll plus Zecht]. There's also those minor Judges that you have to fight every now and then.

I'll give my favourites in order.

My least favourite Judge would have to be Judge Zargabaath. I don't dislike him, but he's the Judge who didn't really contribute much to the story until the end and there wasn't much excitement surrounding him.

Next is a tie between Bergan and Ghis and for two completely different reasons. Ghis; because of his lust for power and his lines, basically. I got the impression that he really is ruthless (Marquis: I don't intend to be bridled / Ghis: Then you prefer the whip?) and that he is just a very powerful character, worthy of worship. Bergan; because of his strength, characterisation and his loyalty to Vayne and his ambition for Vayne to become the new Dynast-King.

Penultimately, it's Drace. Her character, though given short time in the limelight, is absolutely fascinating. She's part of the Judge Magistrate, the upholders of the law, but when she comes under the rule of Vayne ... well, I'm sure we all know what happens. She cares so much for Larsa and I SWEAR, there's something going on between her and Gabranth. Drace is the single Judge who is not there for personal or selfish desires - she's simply there to uphold the law [as suggested from the direct quote, which can be found in my signature].

Lastly, Judge Gabranth takes the top spot. It proves that I'm a true Scottish man when I immediately picked up on the fact that Judge Gabranth's voice actor is Scottish. He takes the spotlight throughout most of the game [as opposed to any other Judge]. His story is by far the most interesting [well, considering he's the only Judge with a story anyway, he'd better have :P] and he also has another factor: cool armour :cool: Aye, I'm reduced to saying that, because I've exhausted all other statements :P Anyway, before I digress too much, there's my favourite Judges :]

Oh, Aeris and Aztec: you two wouldn't be referring to Lisa and I, would you? :]
Here's my rankings of judges based on different aspects:

1. Ghis
2. Zargabaath (Dunno why I like this one - it's odd but I love it)
3. Bergan
4. Gabranth
5. Drace

1. Zargabaath (love the shield)
2. Bergan
3. Gabranth
4. Ghis
5. Drace (hate her leg armor)

(This section was just too close to call. Everyone's was great. Not sure if I have them in the right order. I feel Ghis deserves to be further up but then none of the others deserve to go down)
1. Bergan (sick sick voice)
2. Zargabaath
3. Drace
4. Ghis
5. Gabranth

Personality and Philosophy:
1. Drace (loyal to the law - will do everything to uphold it)
2. Ghis (power hungry - love it)
3. Zargabaath (loyal in his heart, but sensible in his actions)
4. Gabranth
5. Bergan (Vayne's muscle, too bloodthirsty)

Role in Story:
1. Gabranth (obviously, he did more than everyone and has a proper history)
2. Bergan (killed a lot - affected the story a lot)
3. Drace (provides the most emotional part of the background story, if not that involved in the ain story)
4. Ghis (died too early but did a lot)
5. Zargabaath (didn't do enough)

Overall I have no idea who is my favourite. Strangely, I think it might be... Zargabaath???
Gabranth is my favorite. Just liked his story, and the attitude and whatnot. Just appealed to me more than the others.
Gabranth. He did what he believed in, even if it seemed wrong to the rest of the world. I admire that....
But I do believe Balthier should have been up there too.....
We only knew briefly that he used to be a judge, so just saying he was the best judge on very little knowledge doesn't seem right ( Not trying to have a go at anyone like). It's kinda like that with Reddas, but the thing with Reddas is that the personality that he had during the game, we could have imagined him as having that personality when he was a magister. :D