Favorite Keyblade (I and II)

okay, my favourite... hmm...
1st: Ultima Weapon- it looked awesome, it was strong and it was an enjoyable trip to get it. I felt better about getting it with all the effort i put into getting it.
2nd: Lionheart- What can i say? Squall's ultimate weapon in Keyblade form... FTW!!!
3rd: Oblivion- it looked evil
Okay, my favorite keyblade in the first game was lionheart. That was just...a beautiful keyblade. nothin else to say. In the second one, my favorite keyblade was fenrir. It was worth it getting that keyblade.
I loved the design of Follow the Wind and the Circle of Life from Kingdom Hearts II. As for Kingdom Hearts I, I liked the Metal Chocobo XP
I'd now like to change my opinion, or rather, add to it:

I love Riku's Keyblade (The Key that has the power to unlock people's hearts)

Riku's Keyblade in KHII (Way to the Dawn)
For KHI, I'd have to say it was between Oathkeeper and Ultima Weapon. Both the Keyblades looked really awesome, and I was amazed when I saw Ultima Weapon for the first time.

As for KHII, a lot of them really didn't tickle my fancy.. and I ended up not liking alot of them, but the ones I did like, which were new to KHII, are Hidden Dragon, Hero's Crest, Guardian Soul, Star Seeker, and Follow the Wind. Kinda hard to pick between them all, though, since they don't really look too nice.

As an overall fave Keyblade, I'd say Riku's Way of the Dawn is the best.
I love Oblivion more than the other keyblades because of its name and it's the second best.
I'm a big Oblivion fan. I like the name and the color. That little purplish-black swoosh when you swing it is so... cool. I even have an Oblivion avatar floating around on my computer somewhere.

It sounds weird for me to like a Keyblade so much, but it's true.
I love metal chocobo For the following reasons...
1. you get it from Cloud...
2. It looks super cool (and big)
3. you get it at the beginning of the game when you fight (and beat) cloud in the Coliseum.
4. It is the third best weapon in the KH1