Favorite Mist?


Dec 14, 2006
Chocobo Egg
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I personally like Basch's Level 3 Flame Purge. Y'know, the one with the swirling swords...? I never get bored watching him perform that attack. Vaan's level 3 attack (I forgot the name) is my second favorite...the one with those two fireballs.
the one i truly hate though is Penelo's Replenence. It's sooo stupid. All she does is dance around while snow is falling and breaks the screen. How so not hardcore xD
hell i hated all of Penelo's to tell the truth. except for the level one which was like really short. Fran's Whip Kick was awesome butt i didn't liek the level 3 one soley because of the fact that is look very similar to shiva's xD.
the one i truly hate though is Penelo's Replenence. It's sooo stupid. All she does is dance around while snow is falling and breaks the screen. How so not hardcore xD

Lol, I thought her Replenance is kinda funny, especially when she oh-so-lightly touched the ice and it crashes.
Pyroclasm was pretty cool for Vaan's level 3 Quickening. Ashe had soem really cool one's too I thought. Penelo's put me to sleep. Fran's jsut dealt with kicking and bowling and junk. Not cool. Basch's were pretty sweet though.
Really? I never noticed his eyes. Oh well, I might as well go check it out right now. FFXII is on while I'm here. ^_^ Now that's what I call multi-tasking! =P
I like Basch's Flame Purge the best out of all of the MIST attacks.
Vaan's Pryoclasam is runner up next to Fran's Feral Strike...
I love the fact that Fran goes all *Fist of the North* star on the enemies.
Vaan's last quickening attack is rather awesome!

His eyes glow blue in the beginning of it and he busts more ass than Belias in the game using fire as his element.

Basch's mist attack is my absolute fave because it just fits his personality so well. I can picture him still doing this attack even if their might be sequeals for FF12 in the future.

The swords move nysnc with his hands, totally awesome.
The Quickenings even though they might look like they use a certain element, fire, ice, etc. actually are non-elemental so the pyroclasm wouldn't neccesarily do more fire damage than Belias whereas it does no fire damage.
You know when you do alot of Quickening Chains then when you run outta time you do a final elemental themed attack....do those deal elemntal damage because i never noticed.