FF Music Favourite airship theme?

Which theme?

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Soul Saver

Perfectly sane
Jan 21, 2008
Staffordshire, England
Forgive me if this has been done before, but I couldn't see anything. Which airship theme do you like the most?

I'll have to go with the Hildagarde theme, though the Blackjack, or Setzer's theme comes right after, IMO.
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Erm, either VII or VIII's I can't remember any of the others haha.

Yeah Il go with VII always liked that one
I can only remember XII's and VII's...mainly because the airship themes didn't bother me that much. :wacky:
But out of the two, VII's was definitely more memorable, therefore, VII for me.
Forgive me if this has been done before, but I couldn't see anything. Which airship theme do you like the most?

I'll have to go with the Hildagarde theme, though the Blackjack, or Setzer's theme comes right after, IMO.

Hildagarde Theme ftw, all the airships in IX were cool, especially the Invincible :).

- Kuja
I loved VIII's theme.

Mod Edit: Please add more effort to your post as this is considered spam. (For instance, why do you love VIII's theme?) Thanks.
Yeah FF VIII has the best theme and airship for that matter, in my opinion.
I liked the Ragnorak theme. I still have it on my iPod :P The theme however, reminded me more of little tiny hummingbirds at play than a large, majestic, dragon-y airship thing. XD
I'd say the Hilda Garde theme is the best, more epic than the Highwind.
The Invincible was a badass ship, but the moody music it accompanied on the world map got tiresome.
For shame~!! The Red Wings of Baron isn't just the best airship theme, nor just one of the best FFIV themes, but one of the best FF themes period. It's pure imperial majesty and just plain win. If you haven't heard one of the orchestrated versions of it, do yourself a favor & look it up.
Although FFVII is totally overrated, I still voted FFVII because the Airship theme makes things cheerful and exciting unlike the ominous and imposing world map theme once meteor is on its way.
Ride On was my favorite theme as well (FFVIII) I loves it ^_^
It may not be the most like Epic theme, but I LOVE that song
Obviously, I'm biased-- but the Highwind theme is by far my favorite. Thematically, it's so optimistic. On a technical level, the contrast between the Highwind Theme and the overworld theme (post-Aeris, called "The North Cave") is striking and effective.
I liked both FFVI, FFVII, FFVIII, FFIX Airship themes, but if i had to pick one i would go with Highwind one, dunno why, it was the theme that caught more my attention, the soundtrack is pretty nice when you ride the Airship. Ragnarok theme is also good ^^
I like the airship theme from FFVIII....I think it is called "Ride On". But this one is my favourite because it's the only one I remember.:)