Favourite Place


Apr 22, 2009
Hey, coulden't find a thread like this (im probs wrong) so i decided to make one ^^

So basically, what's your favourite place in FF7 and why? :)
Mine is Cosmo Canyon - Just like the whole design of the place. The music is kinda relaxing^^ Plus its the birthplace of my fav character.
The forgotton City, i love how peaceful it is, and the music is just awesome, the colours everything about it is just perfect, and how the houses look like shells! it'd be cool to see it re populated, I always look forward to going there, it's just a shame what's around the corner :gasp:
I like Kalm. No other reason other than the music relaxing the hell out've me, especially after a drink (even more so when I used to smoke illegal substances :wacky: )
Where I grew up in was like Costa Del Sol (Florida) and like Gold Saucer (Central Florida near Disney and Universal Studios) and also in a big city like Midgar (while it was up) and Junion (Orlando, Miami, Ft. Lauderdale, etc) so I'm thinking either Icicle Village (Since I've never seen snow) or the Forgotten City for something surreal.

So it's either Icicle or Forgotten City
Wutai~I love that place it reminds me of Japan and my 2 favorite characters are wutain *Tseng and Yuffie* oh yeah and that's were we loose our materia XD
Midgar -- I don't know if any other FF location has been as well fleshed out. About the first third of the game is spend there. The disparity in wealth is overwhelming -- the slums feel dirty and desperate, and SHINRA feels invincible, which sets up classic juxtaposition when
Sephiroth goes postal on the place
It's either gotta be Nibelheim for me ; For the cute Well in the middle of town, and the close-ness of people. Gramp's Inn and all that, (also duh they know each other 'cause of Cloud and Tifa) but it's just a small, nice town, with one little... Abused looking truck in it. I don't know, it's not even for the reason it's my favourite character's hometown.

Or...Cosmo Canyon ; Someone has already pointed out they like the music, and I'm absolutely in love with Bugenhagen's Special Place. ^^ So pretty. *Starry eyed, and drools* I also love the Cosmo Flame in town. ^^
I like Midgar, I think there's real character in the slums. They look so run down and uninviting, but then you visit places like Aerith's Church and Seventh Heaven which are so homely and nice. The Forgotten City is also amazing, especially in it's design and atmosphere. I wanted to live there....well, before that event happened there of course. I used to like Nibelheim, but now it bores and depresses me.
My favorite place in all of Final Fantasy would have to be The Sealed Cave. That is the path that leads to the other world of the esper spirits. That's one of, if not, THE most sacred place in all of FF history.

But for FF7, my fav place would have to be that temple of the ancients place. The one with that gazebo looking house.
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My favorite place would have to be...City of the Ancients/Forgotten City. The scenery is beautiful, and the music is lovely and calming and magical. n_n
It's great to see part of that area revamped in Advent Children too.
My favorite places would have to be Wall Market and Wutai. Wutai is just awesome, and the side quest there is pretty fun (minus the semi-annoying boss fight at the statue). Wall Market is killer fun. Cross dressing... crappy diner food... and a creeper like Don Corneo. It doesn't get much better than that. XD

My least favorite places are Junon (boooorrrring), the Forgotten City, and Nibelheim. The story behind Nibelheim is good and all, but the music kind of creeps me out, and the actors that Shinra employs there just kind of aggravate me. Plus, there's nothing REALLY to do there (besides talking to all the actors, doing the annoying Vincent side quest, and getting items from old crusty Sephiroth clones in cloaks).

I really don't see why all of you like the Forgotten City so much. I don't think there's a single thing I like about that place.

1. The town is all grey and ugly.
2. There's a weird fish hologram that looks just like Nemo inside one of the buildings. How weird is that?
3. Aeris (coolest prominent female character in the game) dies there.
4. The music is creepy.
5. When Aeris dies, about thirty seconds into the cutscene/movie, you can see something that resembles CHUCKIE'S FACE in the glass on the ceiling. Yes, Chuckie. As in the serial killer from the Child's Play/Chuckie movies. 0.0
My favorite places would have to be Wall Market and Wutai. Wutai is just awesome, and the side quest there is pretty fun (minus the semi-annoying boss fight at the statue). Wall Market is killer fun. Cross dressing... crappy diner food... and a creeper like Don Corneo. It doesn't get much better than that. XD

My least favorite places are Junon (boooorrrring), the Forgotten City, and Nibelheim. The story behind Nibelheim is good and all, but the music kind of creeps me out, and the actors that Shinra employs there just kind of aggravate me. Plus, there's nothing REALLY to do there (besides talking to all the actors, doing the annoying Vincent side quest, and getting items from old crusty Sephiroth clones in cloaks).

I really don't see why all of you like the Forgotten City so much. I don't think there's a single thing I like about that place.

1. The town is all grey and ugly.
2. There's a weird fish hologram that looks just like Nemo inside one of the buildings. How weird is that?
3. Aeris (coolest prominent female character in the game) dies there.
4. The music is creepy.
5. When Aeris dies, about thirty seconds into the cutscene/movie, you can see something that resembles CHUCKIE'S FACE in the glass on the ceiling. Yes, Chuckie. As in the serial killer from the Child's Play/Chuckie movies. 0.0

Nice selections. I think people like that place either because they cannot relate with it and wish to experience that style of living or because it's a serene place that does not have much relations with people. Many people figure since it's already grey and creepy, why not live there in solitude. Outsiders won't dare to go inside and you can easily make it your domain. The only problem is...survival.
That is true. I guess if you're someone living in the world of FF7 who's looking to hide out from the rest of society, the Forgotten City would be the place to do it.

I think survival would be a big issue though, considering how barren the place is. Food? Water? Supplies? It is a long walk from there to Bone Village, the closest actual town. What if you're weak and sick, and some big old monster comes out of nowhere and starts hunting you down? The monsters have gotta eat, too. There's just too much impracticality that would come with living there.

And visiting, in my opinion, would be kinda dumb too. It's ugly. Nothing cool to buy. No fun people to meet. Just a big hologram of a fish to go say "hi" to, and a really heinous death scene.
That is true. I guess if you're someone living in the world of FF7 who's looking to hide out from the rest of society, the Forgotten City would be the place to do it.

I think survival would be a big issue though, considering how barren the place is. Food? Water? Supplies? It is a long walk from there to Bone Village, the closest actual town. What if you're weak and sick, and some big old monster comes out of nowhere and starts hunting you down? The monsters have gotta eat, too. There's just too much impracticality that would come with living there.

And visiting, in my opinion, would be kinda dumb too. It's ugly. Nothing cool to buy. No fun people to meet. Just a big hologram of a fish to go say "hi" to, and a really heinous death scene.

Indeed. Surviving would be uncanny unless you have a deal of experience by your side. There's no need to worry about water but food is a definite must. If a monster comes by and makes trouble, just slay it and cook it.

Visiting wouldn't be that dumb of an idea, I think. It's a great place for tourists to see the ways the people of olden lived. It certainly calls for archaeologists and researchers to uncover the ancient secrets, to say the least. But I don't understand why the game did not introduce that notion.
You know, that's a really good point. They should have made more emphasis on how there was real HISTORY behind the place. But nobody really concentrated on that. The closest they got to thinking hard about the Ancient people as a race and their ways was finding that damn key in the middle of the ocean and using it to unlock the "musicbox" in the Forgotten City. I actually have no idea what happens at that part. My disc is faulty and it skips right through that cinematic. So the Key of the Ancients I guess will forever be a mystery to me...
You know, that's a really good point. They should have made more emphasis on how there was real HISTORY behind the place. But nobody really concentrated on that. The closest they got to thinking hard about the Ancient people as a race and their ways was finding that damn key in the middle of the ocean and using it to unlock the "musicbox" in the Forgotten City. I actually have no idea what happens at that part. My disc is faulty and it skips right through that cinematic. So the Key of the Ancients I guess will forever be a mystery to me...

Check this video out, as it might be where you're up to (I think). Of course you don't want to watch all 33 minutes but just skim through it.
The Gold Saucer. I just have so much fun there. So many games... Moghouse... And the creepy hotel that's name has currently escaped my mind. It's, like, almost impossible to be bored when you're there. <3
My favourite place would have to be Cosmo Canyon. It is the hometown of Nanaki, my favourite character in Final Fantasy VII, and of all Final Fantasy games past, current, and to come, and I'd go so far as to say my favourite video game character, period.

But onto the place, I like the music there, the flame there is nice, I like the overall look and layout of it, Bugenhagen's place is really cool with all that stuff he's got in it, and my favourite part of the game takes place at the end of the cave that Cosmo Canyon conseals. :awesome:
This is tough. FF7's world is beautiful, somewhat surreal, and full of some great locations. Let's see.

Midgar is the highlight location of FF7. I think more time should have been spent there, considering you're introduced to this new, dark, downtrodden urban world at the beginning and not allowed to leave for some eight hours of gameplay. It's beautiful, in a dark and eerie kind of way. Huge towers rise above the tiny towns and villages jam-packed together all over the ground, still larger reactors give the whole dark city an odd green glow, and there's always the big Shinra building looming overhead, like you're simply an insect at Shinra's foot. The slums are creepy and surreal, the higher plates look like huge, skyborne factories, and the underground is like a sprawling maze of urban sewers. It was so depressing, but it was nice in a dark kind of way.

Not to sound like a copycat, but I like Cosmo Canyon too. It's a nice, airy canyon village under a fiery (and seemingly endless) sunset. There are huts and houses and caves built into its side, and you can climb up and look out over the cliffs. I'd feel like I was on top of the world if I were there.

I also liked Junon a lot. The small fishing village with the big military city above it. I liked that whole militaristic feel that the upper city has. The big buildings, the soldiers, the helicopters, it makes you feel like you're ready for some serious business.

I also enjoyed Wutai's oriental vibe, the Gold Saucer's general awesomeness, the gloomy calmness of Kalm (haha), and Costa del Sol's beachy feel.

FF7's world is diverse and amazing. Probably the best FF world of them all.
Actually, I change my mind. After replaying the game I now realize the perfect place for me would have to be the glacial mountains in the North. If I cannot live there, then I would live around that mountainous region with that circular waterfall. The ambiance of those places are just lovely. It's like an idealistic place to start a new life.