FF XII script imperfection


May 12, 2007
If you have played this game then it is highly probable that you are aware of the fact that for reasons unknown humans are reffered to as humes... In the one cinema where Bergan hits Drace down and Drace sais:

"That strength.... it's inhuman."

Shouldn't it be inhume... What do you think? Did anyone else even notice this?
Well, I kinda see what you are on about, but with both inhuman and hume relating to each other, I don't think many people would bother kinda thinking too much on it. I think it's also inhuman, as it's something that sounds a bit more appropriate for speech, not inhume, as it sounds like a half finished word if you get what I mean.

Maybe they're just called humes for this game because..they felt like..being different? Who knows lol XD
Maybe Hume is what other races call Humans? after all i can only seem to remember Veira and Bangaas calling them Humes...or the way that commoners say Human? because after all Drace is a judge Magister and would use a more traditional Pronounciation?

Or maybe Judge Rulia is correct (since she normally is about XII) and they used Inhuman simply because it sounds better than Inhume
The race is also called Hume in FFXI. Mistake or no mistake, most scripts aren't perfect, especially when it comes to a FF game. ^_^
I really dont think theres any problem with that, hume and human are obviously very closely related, so its easily possible that earlier in the past they were referred to as humans (and the word inhuman was born at that time) and then later on the name somehow changed, possibly because that is what the other non-hume races referred to them as.

Besides that, if they put inhume microsoft word would give them hell over spellcheck, we really cant have that happen can we?
they should have made up their own accents. A man speaking in a french accent wearing oakleys in a Final Fantasy game is uncalled for.