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"Memories of your past can be forgotten, but
Dec 2, 2009
Ohri Jin
FFXIV Server
It's killing me that I can't watch this. I am so. Very. Tempted. i REALLY am. To spoil, or not to spoil? That is the question.
Meh, I looked up the ending before this video came out so I watched the video because I could no longer be spoiled. :wacky: I don't think spoilers for this game will be all that bad though, yes you'll find out the ending, but you're talking about a 50-60 hours storyline plus all the missions such like you'll have to do. I don't think watching it would be the be all and end all. It was very emotional mind. =[
i know, I know. But I always find myself disapointed that I saw the ending before I could actually finish it. I do that EVERY TIME. Except with Dissidia. I was kinda dissapointed with the ending though...
I've done a very good job thus far of avoiding spoilers for this game - about the only things I know about it are the basic setting that is revealed in the trailer and the names of the characters, as well as a bit about the battle system. I think I'll avoid watching that video. XD;
Although I am surprised the ending is up and around...someone finished the game already?
Well, it's possible, the MAIN storyline lasts 50-60 hours for an average player. Add that onto 3 days of playing since release, perhaps an early delivery on the pre-order or one of those shops that started selling them early, I wouldn't be surprised if they played it all day long to get this far.

I'm going to avoid it, I don't mind the beginning parts being spoiled, but I don't like it if I know what's going to happen at the end, and usually the end makes me confused if I don't know what's going on and I end up losing faith and attention in the game - like I saw the ending off FF10 before I even got half-way through, which just ruined it for me.

Plus, knowing it's SE, they have some great endings and I'll leave it for when it reaches my HDTV to view it in all it's glory. Thanks for the spoiler warning though. :)
I suppose I won't spoil it for the rest who would rather do without the spoilers. All I can say is that this ending was something along the lines that I had imagined, and is certainly quite pleasing to me. I like the ending.

Still, Dasher, where could you read up about the ending? I'm extremely curious about what they had been saying and the reasons for what's happening.
Hmmm, I don't think I'll watch it. I did it for X-2 because I wasn't going to waste my time doing 100%, but with this I'll just wait.

Some moron at XIII.net said (in a normal thread, without warning D: ) that
both Oerba's sacrifice themselves for Cocoon
. True?
Fucking hell.
I really like both of them D:

I'm still not watching it xD

I'm not scrolling over that, you know. Hope is my favorite.

At least I don't know
HOW they die / sacrifice themselves
. :griin:

*waits to be spoiled*

... xD

Still not watching it. Well, it's in Japanese, so I wouldn't understand anyway.
I already watched some live gameplay and couldn't peel my eyes away from a tiny cutscene. I had to force myself off of the page so my eyes wouldn't bleed D:
NOOOO!! :gonk:

I accidentally scrolled over a spoiler tag by mistake! I was so desperate not to spoil myself over anything!

But damn- I didn't see that coming!

If there is a way to make me forget what I just saw- please recommend it to me!

EDIT: But hey- I might as well watch the whole ending now then :jess:
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Okay guys, I watched the video and here is what happ- *Bitchslaped by everyone on the forums.*

No, I don't think I'll be telling after all. Although, I will say that I saw that ending coming from the beginning. XD
I just spoiled myself by ACCIDENT. Curse you spoiler tags! Luckily, I didn't look to see what would happen to hope. I only learned what would happen to the OTHER two mentioned.
I'm sorry guys haha, I guess it was my spoiler that ruined it for you! D:

It's not about Hope, Sorrel. You can read it :D
I'm scared. I really hate spoiling things for myself, I almost always do though. *Is trying very hard not to do it for this game.* I was pretty peeved already when I found out that
Serah was turned into a crystal.
I also found that out by accident.
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