FF7, the most overrated game ever made

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Slaughterer Exodus

Immortal Judge
Aug 7, 2009
For some people its the best game ever made, or at least the best FF ever made. For others - like me - its just a overhyped pice of garbage. What do you guys think? Pice of gold or pice of junk?

I know there is a similar Thread out there but I want this one to go in a bit of a different direction. Something like a discussion rather than just everyone posting "Yes its overrated" or "No its underrated" or whatever.

PS: One final word to all the Fanboys out there who just hate me for posting this Thread. Be my guest! Call me a graphic whore, retard, whatever you like. See if i care.
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It does get a lot of attention, possibly a bit too much. Personally, I find it to be a fantastic game. FFVII was one of my first RPG's. I hold it rather dear due to the sort of sentimental value it holds. No lying here though, I've yet to play a game much like it. The storyline was so compelling and the twists and turns were unexpected. Also, the characters were quite memorable.

No flames are going to come from me though. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions. I like the game... You, not so much. I don't like Metroid. I get a lot of grief for that :/

So, as it may be overhyped, I believe it deserves that honor. FFVII began a new generation of gameplay. I can't help but love it. ;3
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I'd rather not feed the troll. Whether you meant to be trolling or not, showing up in an FFVII section of a forum, calling FFVII garbage, and then neglecting to post any reasons as to why is pretty much identical to what any troller would do.

I will say however, that it does get more attention that it deserves. It's not like it doesn't have any redeeming qualities though, I feel it's a great game. It's just not as great as some people say.
I'd rather not feed the troll. Whether you meant to be trolling or not, showing up in an FFVII section of a forum, calling FFVII garbage, and then neglecting to post any reasons as to why is pretty much identical to what any troller would do.

This. I absolutely loathe the amount of attention this game gets, and you can see me in some of the other threads pointing out the many faults this game has and why it doesn't deserve such a spotlight, but that being said your post still comes off as nothing more then trolling and flamebait. You asked for a more in depth discussion and yet you provided nothing of your own to do so.
I didn't bring any arguments yet cause i wanted to see what reaktion i get for this thread. FF7 is not the worst game ever made but its nowhere near as good as it is hyped. Compair FF7 with the hyped FF7. In this comarison FF7 is garbage.

Enough for this. There are my reasons:

I have no idea for what reason everyone seems to go nuts about this story all the time. Everything comes down to a boring 3rd class cartoon show story about following the bad guy around the world.
Letting one of the characters die was actualy a pretty nice idea - well it would have been if Aeris wasn't one of the most annoying characters in the game and if the characters reacted to her death...

What do we have here...
Whiny Emo with big fucking sword? Check
Busty fanservice generator without personality? check
Cliche serving 24/7-badmooded muscle headed black guy? check
I won't continue this list for the sake of space but I think you get the picture. Even if you don't care that these characters have nothing to do with each other despite their hatred against Shinra, don't you find it dull that they don't have any profile outside the cliche they serve, either? No matter what, Cloud and Vincent are always Emo, Yuffie is constantly on her happy-happy-drug and so on.

The Materia System has some good thoughts but unfortunatly the developers didn't think most of them all the way through.
Its extremly annoying to switch Materia with another character and multiplying and mastering the materia takes way too long.

This is the worst part of the entire game. Lots and lots of minigames. Why didn't they invest the space this shit takes to make the materia or the battle system better. Or maybe think about some way to make the characters different from each other in battle.

Yeah i mentioned it already in the last paragraph. Why are there no differences in the gameplay of the characters? Aside from their Limit Breaks and range of their weapons all character are exactly the same. Everything only comes down to what Materia they have.
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