FF7 vs FF8


Apr 2, 2011
Recently figured out FF7 and FF8 were available on PSP, im stuck on which to download because i only have space for 1, I think FF7 is kinda overrated and the outdated graphics turn me off big time but is it worth it? because im sorta interested in FF8 but many people have so many complaints about gameplay. which should i get??

PLUS i have never played a final fantasy game besides DISSIDIA and i never played an RPG like it.
FFVII has a simpler battle system set up, and a simpler lvl up process.
To me, FFVIII has the better storyline-ish.
There both futuristic games, so I guess if you never played any of them, get VIII if you played one, played the other u didnt play, otherwise I guess it's a matter of choice.
Recently figured out FF7 and FF8 were available on PSP, im stuck on which to download because i only have space for 1, I think FF7 is kinda overrated and the outdated graphics turn me off big time but is it worth it? because im sorta interested in FF8 but many people have so many complaints about gameplay. which should i get??

PLUS i have never played a final fantasy game besides DISSIDIA and i never played an RPG like it.

FF8 battle system and customization may be frustrating for FF game beginners. But once you understand it, it can be lots of fun. Meanwhile, FF7 is much simpler yet you can still customize your characters to a large extent.

They have similar turn based and active time battle systems. But in FF7, you can set characters at front or back rows. You can't do this in FF8.

*mild spoilers*
It is arguable that FF7 has a better storyline than FF8. However, FF8's story is decent too. They have totally different storyline. FF7 is more about environmental degradation, misuse of resources, rebellion and self-identity. FF8 is more about love, school/academy, sorceresses, time and fate.

FF7 has a compilation of other titles like advent children, crisis core, etc. Whereas, FF8 doesn't have any other related major title as it was less famous.

But if in the end, you are the type who likes action like in dissidia, the original final fantasy games and RPGs in general may not suit you. The combat is slow paced. What most people admire in FF games is its beautiful storyline, characters, music, setting and character customization.

Lastly, don't be turned down by graphics. The SNES FF titles like 4 and 6 have ugly graphics, but are still amazing games.
With this decision I'd say get VIII because of it's graphics (for your personal preference), it's story, and it's challenge. The battle system is easy if you just read up on it and understand it. A guide can help if you get lost but VIII provides a really good challenge as not all the monsters are all weak which I think makes it more worth your money.

While VII is nice, I've played it and it kind of is over rated in my opinion, but it is a decent game. In terms of gameplay it's pretty sloppy (I didn't like the materia system but hey that's just me).

Both games have nice sidequests that can keep you entertained and both have a fair amount of action in it so I say the ultimate decision is up to you. I can personally say that I beat 8 and loved it despite one few boredom parts in it. I haven't really picked up VII again though. It was a decent game to me but it lost it's appeal to me. I hope that helped ^^.
I believe that, as a 1st RPG, FFVIII would be pretty nice.
The battle system and everything is more updated than FFVII so it will probably keep you hooked longer. Also, considering that you have an avatar of Squall, why not choose FFVIII?
But, by no means am I saying that FFVII is not recommended. If you do happen to beat FFVIII, and love it, then FFVII is a definite must.
Recently figured out FF7 and FF8 were available on PSP, im stuck on which to download because i only have space for 1, I think FF7 is kinda overrated and the outdated graphics turn me off big time but is it worth it? because im sorta interested in FF8 but many people have so many complaints about gameplay. which should i get??

PLUS i have never played a final fantasy game besides DISSIDIA and i never played an RPG like it.

Delete space and get both. But if you have to choose, I'd get VII. It's a better game in every way than VIII. And the way the PSP is set up, the smaller sprite graphics will probably look better compared to the tall ones on VIII. I've played both on my PSP and VIII seemed out of place for the PSP. I'd say get both but the decision is up to you.
Thanks guys, i downloaded FF8 and its pretty awesome, as soon as i finish ill take everyones advice and try out FF7 :)
well honestly if you have never played final fantasy 7 than I would hit that one before you play 8. Yet you mentioned that you thought it was over rated.....if that means you have already played it and rated it yourself than you should probably play the one you have not played. I know its just an opinion but VII>VIII. I would play VII if you still havent....but definately get around to trying them both...because everyone has a different preferance.
I guess all this is very subjective, but besides the outdated graphics I think FF7 is simply a better game in all aspects. I don't even mind the graphics either, I think the overtly humanlike characterization takes away from FF8.

While the materia system in FF7 is kind of simple, there's still loads to figure it out if you're really looking to challenge yourself against the weapons for example, whereas FF8's system seems really complex, it actually isn't. If you ask me, it ruins the game. As soon as the bigger spells come in to play, the game is effectively over as even a remotely challenging one. I don't even stat whore, and I haven't gotten wiped out even once during FF8 besides the obvious challenges like weapons...
Final Fantasy 7 is the better of the two, but if you want something a little different then you go to FF8, the stories are completely different and FF7 is the more engaging and has a better battle system but FF8 has a romance plot and some unique twists etc In all honestly I love both games but FF7 is the more engaging and you can replay it as well over and over and still constantly enjoy where as FF8 would slowly start to become tedious.
final fantasy 7 has an easier to understand and yet complicated story line and non player characters that are actually awesome, also better antagonists and protagonists so 7 is better than 8 easily :)
Graphics isn't everything, dude. I'd gone with Final Fantasy VII but I'm clearly bias in this given my love for the game. I think it has the superior replay value of the two games, there are more things you can do and if you're like me and enjoy naming all of the characters you get to play then VII over VIII any day but since you already have VIII go crazy with that and play VII later.
Get VII.

Not only after you finish the game, and become completely blown away by the characters and plot, there's actually an entire compilation to supplement that.

Do note that you should do this:

- Play VII

- Play CC

- Read the On the Way To a Smile novels(trust me, if you don't, you'll never truly understand AC. Pay extra attention to Case of Tifa and Case of The Lifestream), and the Ultimanias's entries on FFVII

- Watch AC

- Read the Reunion Files

- Er.....DoC if you're a Vincent fan
entire compilation


mostly anyway :neomon:

But they are both decent games in their own respects. Final Fantasy VII was well-rounded in quite a few aspects of gaming. Final Fantasy VIII featured a lot of attractive art, great OST and a high tech sci-fi universe.

I'm personally a little biased since Final Fantasy VIII was my first FF, but I just have fonder memories from playing it than I did with VII. I just loved it's world and music so much.

mostly anyway :neomon:


If you liked VII, there's no reason not to touch the compilation.

The only ones who absolutely hate it with a passion(and I mean FFVII fans, nevermind the avid fans of other FF's who will hate on It for other reasons) are the ones who whatched AC and were dumbfounded because they didn't understand anything, and thought certain things happened for no reason.

Which is natural, they don't explain much in the movie, like I said, you have to read the novels to get It fully.

Otherwise, CC was a good game, and DoC is for Vincent fans so no one really cares about It.

Having a compilation is a legitimate reason to recommend VII, which is what I'm doing.
Novels? I require more information on this subject. Never heard of FF Novels.


it's actually called novellas. There are a few novellas and short stories on FFVII. Google 'on the way the smile' and 'maiden who travels the planet' or something like that. As for FFXIII, there are episode 0 and episode i.

Browsing further, I think there are also adaptations for FFII, III, IV, XI, etc.


oh and FFXII has a manga :wacky:
7 is as far as the final fantasy definition goes, a way better game, it has more intresting characters and plot and its just downright fun to play. Honestly I like both games and the first time you play 8 it may seem complicated....but after the first time it becomes stupid easy. You can have 3k life for everyone before your first SeeD training mission....and do nothing the next half of the game. Card Mod and the Draw system are completely broken in my opinion...allthough the card game and game itself are fun. As far as fanbase goes, and net profit of the game...FFVII is the clear winner between the two, but as far as which one is better is a manner of perspective and opinion.
Having a compilation is a legitimate reason to recommend VII, which is what I'm doing.

i'm just saying a lot of it is bullshit because the art and animation of the original game was raped and turned into Dragon Ball Z.