ff8 currently completing


Chocobo Breeder
Jun 24, 2006
:D well i have ff8 and well i think i am near the end of disc 3 im a bit stuck on it though and i was wondering if anyone could help me

im on the bit where you have just blasted through the pandora black box and landed inside to fight fuginn and rajinn but i dont know a way of doin it so if anyone has a like special way of doing it can you please tell me as i want to get the game done so i can then treasure the game and keep it forever and then buy ff7 and ff9 because if i bu them now i will be put off of 8 ??? so please help me :D
You wanna beat them? do you draw Pandemona from Fujin at the start? from there, attack Raijin like hell, (Draw any spells you want from both characters, like Full-life from Fuujin if she's a high enough level) take out Raijin, and beat Fuujin down after. simple strategy, but VEEEERY effective
Sora666- where have you found the walkthrough online lately? I've been unsuccessful any time i've tried. So i go with my instincts. At least I could actually BEAT Fuu and Rai, unlike you.

In fact, I beat the game. several times over, and i still do. Since I bought it from a friend only 2 weeks ago. And besides, you asked. We answered. Its your own fault. Shoulda gone to wherever you found the walkthrough before wasting posts here when you don't seem to be showing any gratitude for the help.

Sephy Gene- I think that he was possibly calling us ALL idiots... I don't know for sure... -_-
OMG, I remember the part of the game, I struggled a bit too, but that was just because I rushed through the game the first time I played it.

I think he was calling whoever wrote the online walkthrough idiots, not you guys... That would be kinda dumb and rude if he was calling you guys that!! Esp. since y'all were helping!!
