FFF Back Online


Jun 6, 2006
Dear Members,

We are very pleased to inform you that Final Fantasy Forums is finally back up and running once again. We had many and huge issues with the server but we are glad that everything has been sorted out as usual. So mark my words. No matter what happens to FFF, I'll never give it up! I'll definitely get it back online no matter what it costs me!

Anyway, we really hope to see you return to the site and start posting! Also tell your friends that FFF is alive again! And in case you haven't noticed yet, we have successfully upgraded the forums to v3.6.0 so enjoy all the new features brought to you by the vBulletin team. ;)

As for the merge of the other FFF, I have decided not to continue with it as it would surely cause a lot of problems to this site. Besides I don't think it would be a good idea for us and to the staff in here so I'm calling it off. I'm really sorry about it though. I don't think it'll work out pretty well.

Like always, if you are having any problem with the forums, bug/typos found on the site, feature suggestions/ideas, please be sure to do it in the Help Desk forum.

FFF Administrator
PRAISE BE TO YEVON!!!!! lol god... i was starting to go crazy without the fff... i was entirely bored...
Ha, finally. I was getting to like this place, and bam, went down. Well, glad it's back up now.

Admire the dedication you have there, Darkblade.
I'm glad the site is back up. ^^ I was having a way good time just like everyone else and then it just went poof. Well, I'll try and post lots to revive the place.
Well thats great that the forums are back. Great work Darkblade! This place will be popular like it was before.
You're welcome guys. And I thank you all for your interest in FFF. It means a lot to me.
Back are we?

*Looks around*

So we are. Very well it is time once again to resume the domination of this world in the name of Lord Sephiroth. All who stand against the One Winged Angel will die.
Stands against the silver haired love deprived monstrosity that is your lord.
Hmm still alive .
Bladey :D i really liked MGSF more :(
i cant wait till its back .
Other then donating is there any way for me to speed up the process .
Don't worry MGSF will be up soon. Josh is taking his time to be complety sure that its complete and ready to be viewed to everyone. Give a few days maybe weeks, it will be done when its done basically.
Thats great to hear , im a bigger fan of MGS then FF and quiet frankly i thought that forum owned this one .
Btw i was Azrael there .
Cheers .