FFF YGO Cards V2.

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Guide of Misery
Mar 27, 2010
Nexus Circle
So I recently got interested in making YGO cards for the forum again. And this time, I actually made them more serious instead of goofy ones.

First up, me.

Next is Ken, @Zipper



And Toni. The mischievous Duck. @Ducky

If you want a card, put your name down on the list and I'll see what I come up with.

I wanna ask for one, but my username isn't really YGO card worthy.... :sad3:
....Uh.... Thread about cards. What?

  • Flaming/Trolling:
You are expected to treat members here as you would like to be treated, therefore the actions concluding in "flaming" another member (whether part of staff or not) is strictly forbidden. By flaming we define it as insulting and/or provoking another member taking it to a personal level. We are aware though, that sometimes flaming could be taken as a joke between members, but you must also understand that each mind works differently and not everyone is willing to admit being insulted. If you are insulting/bashing/critiquing a member, and the member asks you to stop, and if and only if you insist on continuing with such actions, then the case will be taken to staff and you will receive an infraction upon infringing the rules of "flaming". Remember that there's a very thin line between flaming and joking, so try to learn when to stop when you are asked. On another aspect, if we see that you are flaming a member and the member does not retaliate (concluding that the affected member wants to avoid a greater issue) you will be asked to stop immediately or else you will receive a warning.

This is the only warning that I'm going to make here.
If you're going to post here, keep on topic. Post count is disabled, but this is the spam games section. If you want to continue your conversation, take that chat here.

Further posts like this will warrant a stack of infractions.
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