FFV Favourites & Worsts List


Dark Knight
Aug 28, 2007
Bambi Branford
FFXIV Server
Favourite Character:
Favourite Male Character:
Favourite Female Character:
Favourite NPC character:
Favourite Weapon:
Favourite Job Combo:
Favourite Magic:
Favourite Summon:
Favourite Job:
Favourite Random Monster:
Favourite Boss:
Favourite Area
Favourite Place:
Favourite Method of Transportation:
Favourite Cutscene:
Favourite Music:
Favourite Version

Worst Character:
Worst Male Character:
Worst Female Character:
Worst NPC character:
Worst Weapon:
Worst Job:
Worst Job Combo:
Worst Summon: Worst Magic:
Worst Random Monster:
Worst Boss:
Worst Area:
Worst Place:
Worst Method of Transportation:
Worst Cutscene:
Worst Music:
Worst Version:

Last edited:
Favourite Character: Bartz
Favourite Male Character: Bartz
Favourite Female Character: Reina (Lenna {GBA})
Favourite NPC character: Boko
Favourite Weapon: Chocobo Sword
Favourite Job Combo: Sorcerer with the ability 2-Handed (Mystic Knight/Two Handed {GBA})
Favourite Magic: !SWORD (Spellblade {GBA})
Favourite Summon: Hydra (Syldra {GBA})
Favourite Job: Sorcerer (Mystic Knight {GBA})
Favourite Random Monster: Nut Eater (Nutkin {GBA})
Favourite Boss: Gilgamesh
Favourite Area: Big Bridge
Favourite Place: Same thing?
Favourite Method of Transportation: CHO CO BO
Favourite Cutscene: The Fire Crystal breaking and Kelgar trys to hold off the metal thing as the tower is collapsing
Favourite Music: "Battle at the Big Bridge"
Favourite Version: SNES Version (Japanese)

Worst Character: Krile (Cara {GBA})
Worst Male Character: The one prisoner who deosn't say anything
Worst Female Character: Shiva (GAH!!!!!!!!!!)
Worst NPC character: SHIVAAAAAAA (RAGE!!!)
Worst Weapon: Flail
Worst Job: Thief, no excuse for only being able to use knives sorry
Worst Job Combo: Thief with the ability cover
Worst Summon: Remora, I don't even know what they do!!
Worst Magic: ????(blue magic)
Worst Random Monster: Goblin
Worst Area: Desert
Worst Place: THE SAME
Worst Method of Transportation: walking
Worst Cutscene: I have none
Worst Music: I have non
Worst Version: English GBA

picking worsts was HARD!!! this game is to good XD
Fav. Char: Faris
Fav Male Char: Bartz
Fav Female Cahr: Farris
Fav NPC Char: Boko
Fav Weapon: That one Chicken Knife
Fav Job Combo:Beserker with Barehanded
Fav Magic: 1000 Needles
Fav Summon: Rahmos
Fav Job: Dragoon
Fav Monster: Goblin
Fav Boss: Exdeath
Fav Area: None
Fav Place: None
Fav Transport: Black Chocobo
Fav Cutscene: When Galuf dies when he faces off with Exdeath(Was sad though)
Fav Music: Chocobo Music
Fav Version: GBA

I love the game to much to choose worsts. Same with all games related in the slightest to FF
I love FFV :3

Favourite Character: Bartz
Favourite Male Character: Bartz
Favourite Female Character: Reina
Favourite NPC character: Boko
Favourite Weapon:
Favourite Job Combo: Jobless :D
Favourite Magic: Necromancer ability
Favourite Summon: Hydra
Favourite Job: Dark Knight
Favourite Random Monster: Nutkin
Favourite Boss: Gilgamesh, Enuo, and Shinryu <3
Favourite Area: Sunken Cavern
Favourite Place: ^
Favourite Method of Transportation: Airship
Favourite Cutscene: Fire Crystal
Favourite Music: "Battle at the Big Bridge"
Favourite Version: GBA

Worst Character: Ex-Death >.<
Worst Male Character: Ex-Death
Worst Female Character: Shiva
Worst NPC character: Ex-Death
Worst Weapon: Basic Sword
Worst Job: Thief
Worst Job Combo: Thief with barefist
Worst Summon: Remora
Worst Magic: Red Magic
Worst Random Monster: Goblin
Worst Boss: Shiva, so easy.
Worst Area: Desert
Worst Place: ^
Worst Method of Transportation: Walking
Worst Cutscene: Not really any.
Worst Music: It was all good.
Worst Version: SNES JAP.
Favourite Character: Bartz
Favourite Male Character: Bartz
Favourite Female Character: Raina
Favourite NPC character: Gilgamesh
Favourite Weapon: Excalibur
Favourite Job Combo: Knight/Hunter (2 Handed/Sshot)
Favourite Magic: Cure3
Favourite Summon: Phoenix
Favourite Job: Summoner
Favourite Random Monster:
Favourite Boss: Gilgamesh
Favourite Area: World 2
Favourite Place: Big Bridge
Favourite Method of Transportation: Airship
Favourite Cutscene: Raina helping the Dragon
Favourite Music: Battle on the Big Bridge
Favourite Version: FF Anthology PSX

Worst Character: Faris (but I love her really)
Worst Male Character: Galuf (but I love him really)
Worst Female Character: Faris (but I love her really)
Worst NPC character: Mid
Worst Weapon: Excalipur
Worst Job: Any of the superfluous GBA remake bonuses
Worst Job Combo: Thief/Berzerker
Worst Summon: Remora
Worst Magic: 50% of the Blue Magic
Worst Random Monster: Quadrharpy (unless I can pinch Aqua Rake)
Worst Boss: Omega
Worst Area: World 1
Worst Place: Desert
Worst Method of Transportation: Ship
Worst Cutscene: Pirates entering/leaving the pub, I guess
Worst Music: "Hurry" theme. Eg, when escaping Karnak
Worst Version: SNES (or rather, lack of a Western version)
Favourite Character: Bartz
Favourite Male Character: Bartz
Favourite Female Character: Faris
Favourite NPC character: Gilgamesh
Favourite Weapon:idk
Favourite Job Combo:Ninja and Ranger
Favourite Magic:Flare
Favourite Summon:Bahamut bet you didn't expect that one
Favourite Job: Mime
Favourite Random Monster: Summons
Favourite Boss:Neo Exdeath
Favourite Area idk
Favourite Place:Val Castle
Favourite Method of Transportation:Airship
Favourite Cutscene:none
Favourite Music: Decisive battle
Favourite Version GBA

Worst Character:Galuf
Worst Male Character:Galuf
Worst Female Character:Krile (seriously Krile?!?!?!)
Worst NPC character:Zokk cause he is a pedo
Worst Weapon: Brave Blade
Worst Job: Dragoon/Red Mage
Worst Job Combo: Monk and White Mage
Worst Summon: Chocobo
Worst Random Monster:all of them
Worst Boss:The Crystals in that forest
Worst Area:Galuf World
Worst Place: Galuf World
Worst Method of Transportation: Walking
Worst Cutscene:all
Worst Music:too many to list
Worst Version:
Favourite Character: Exdeath
Favourite Male Character: Exdeath
Favourite Female Character: Faris
Favourite NPC character: Gilgamesh
Favourite Weapon:Excalipur
Favourite Job Combo: Dragoon and Ninja
Favourite Magic: Gravity
Favourite Summon: Shiva
Favourite Job: Dragoon
Favourite Random Monster: that rabbit thing whose name I can't remember
Favourite Boss: Exdeath
Favourite Area The Sea
Favourite Place: Big Bridge
Favourite Method of Transportation: Airship or Chocobo
Favourite Cutscene:when the worlds merge
Favourite Music: exdeath's theme
Favourite Version GBA

Worst Character: Bartz, but he's still cool
Worst Male Character: Bartz
Worst Female Character: Lenna
Worst NPC character:King of Walse
Worst Weapon: excalipoor
Worst Job: dancer
Worst Job Combo: dancer and mime
Worst Summon:Worst Magic: fire
Worst Random Monster: all pf them
Worst Boss: that mammoth thing from walse whose name I don't remember
Worst Area: desert
Worst Place: desert of the shifting sands
Worst Method of Transportation: walking
Worst Cutscene:can't say. I love 'em all
Worst Music: love 'em all
Worst Version: no such a thing

Favourite Character: ExDeath
Favourite Male Character: Galuf
Favourite Female Character: Faris
Favourite NPC character: ExDeath (Gilgamesh comes close, and former Warriors of Dawn too)
Favourite Weapon: Brave Sword
Favourite Job Combo: Samurai + Gladiator perhaps
Favourite Magic: Wind Slash (from Gaia) and Return (though not used it much, but how cool is that)
Favourite Summon: Odin (Zantetsuken FTW!)
Favourite Job: Either Ninja or Samurai (can't pick)
Favourite Random Monster: Will get back to this
Favourite Boss: Gilgamesh and also Ex-Death (in his castle in World 2)
Favourite Area: Probably around ExDeath's castle and the Big bridge
Favourite Place: ExDeath's castle (Fork Tower would be a close 2nd, and also the Phantom Village)
Favourite Method of Transportation: Airship (so much faster than a chocobo)
Favourite Cutscene: Any cutscene with ExDeath :)
Favourite Music: It's between "Battle with Gilgamesh" and "Sealed Away"
Favourite Version: Might get back to this

Worst Character: Hmm don't know
Worst Male Character: Only 2 playable males, so would be unfair to pick one
Worst Female Character: Only 3 playable females, so would be unfair to pick one
Worst NPC character: Don't know
Worst Weapon: Dancing dagger (OMG, stop equipping yourself to my characters and making them dance during half the attacks!)
Worst Job: Either Beastmaster, Bard, Dancer or Oracle (don't care for those)
Worst Job Combo: Any combo of the above 4 I mentioned
Worst Summon: That Remora fish thingy

Worst Magic: Probably Poison because it's too weak
Worst Random Monster: Will get back to this
Worst Boss: Those 4 Seals/Crystals. Gosh, they pissed me off.
Worst Area: Forest of Moore
Worst Place: Forest of Moore
Worst Method of Transportation: Walking perhaps
Worst Cutscene: Will get back to this
Worst Music: Will get back to this
Worst Version: Might get back to this

Favourite Character: Bartz (and I think Mid 'cause I've seen him in the Legend of the Crystals as a spirit. He's not that small in the original game tho)
Favourite Male Character: Bartz
Favourite Female Character: Lenna
Favourite NPC character: Cid
Favourite Weapon: Excalibur
Favourite Job Combo: Fighter + Mystic Knight
Favourite Magic: Flare / Thunder spells
Favourite Summon: Ifrit / Phoenix
Favourite Job: Mystic Knight
Favourite Random Monster:
Favourite Boss: Gilgamesh / Exdeath
Favourite Area: World Map
Favourite Place: The Void
Favourite Method of Transportation: Hiryuu / Airship
Favourite Cutscene: Lenna and Faris discover that they are sisters.
Favourite Music: Royal Palace / Battle Theme /
Favourite Version: PS1 so far, still trying to finish an FF1-variant game in the GBA

Worst Character: Krile
Worst Male Character: didn't pick (Galuf wasn't so cool to me tho)
Worst Female Character: Krile
Worst NPC character: "He's nuts. Let's just leave him there (in prison)."
Worst Weapon: Excalipur (deals only 1 dmg, lol)
Worst Job: Berserker (strong, yeah, but can't do anything but attack)
Worst Job Combo: anything with Berserk
Worst Summon: I'll pick Remora on this one
Worst Magic: Cure1 (prolly because you'll have Cure2 sooner than expected)
Worst Random Monster:
Worst Boss: Wing Raptor (too easy)
Worst Area: I've got lost in all the dungeons at least once.
Worst Place: Same as above
Worst Method of Transportation: umm, walking?
Worst Cutscene: Faris is actually... what? A girl?
Worst Music: none
Worst Version: none so far. Still trying the GBA version.
Favourite Character: Faris.
Favourite Male Character: Gilgamesh.
Favourite Female Character: Faris.
Favourite NPC character: Gilgamesh.
Favourite Weapon: Brave Blade
Favourite Job Combo: Ranger/Samurai/Ninja, or Summoner/Red Mage.
Favourite Magic: Hastega.
Favourite Summon: Syldra.
Favourite Job: Freelancer.
Favourite Random Monster: Mini Dragon.
Favourite Boss: Gilgamesh.
Favourite Area: World 3.
Favourite Place: Castle Bal.
Favourite Method of Transportation: Wind Drake.
Favourite Cutscene: Deciding to leave without Galuf in the Ronka Ruins.
Favourite Music: Spreading Grand Wings, Battle on the Big Bridge, Lenna's Theme.
Favourite Version: GBA.

Worst Character: Krile.
Worst Male Character: Chancellor.
Worst Female Character: Krile.
Worst NPC character: Chancellor.
Worst Weapon: Whip.
Worst Job: Beastmaster.
Worst Job Combo: Mystic Knight/Beastmaster.
Worst Summon: Sylph.
Worst Magic: ????.
Worst Random Monster: The grey Nutkin thing.
Worst Boss: Siren.
Worst Area: Ship Graveyard.
Worst Place: Fire-powered Ship.
Worst Method of Transportation: Boat.
Worst Cutscene: Exdeath/Galuf.
Worst Music: World 3 Overworld.
Worst Version: PS.
Favourite Character: Bartz
Favourite Male Character: Bartz
Favourite Female Character: Faris
Favourite NPC character: Gilgamesh
Favourite Weapon: Ragnarok
Favourite Job Combo: Rapidfire/Spellblade/Equip Swords or White Mage/Time/Duel Cast
Favourite Magic: Holy?
Favourite Summon: Bahamut/Phoenix
Favourite Job: Mime
Favourite Random Monster: L'Oject Du Art (Time to farm ABP)
Favourite Boss: Exdeath (Neo Exdeath)/Shinryu
Favourite Area: World 3
Favourite Place: Lix/The Big Bridge/Interdimensional Rift
Favourite Method of Transportation: Airship
Favourite Cutscene: Don't remember
Favourite Music: Home Sweet Home, Battle on the Big Bridge
Favourite Version: GBA.