FFVII Accomplishments?


ShinRa Guard
May 27, 2007
Asheville, North Carolina
So what are your accomplishments on FF7? I hate to brag, and I always thought I was pretty good for what Ive done personally. Maybe you guys have done better. So lets see!

to start, I have 2 big games on FF7 ( 200 hours plus on each), my first one is the very first time I beat the game. Every character is level 99, and I have 2 gold chocobos an LOADS of mastered materia.

My second game is my best game, I spent several several hours morphing the creatures in the shinra crashed plane in the ocean, and gotten my three main characters (Cloud, Red XIII, and Tifa), max stats from all the power up things you get from morphing them, even 250 luck for each. I have all the ultimate weapons, (not that thats much of an accomplishment.)

Anyways, thats not that great, so I believe my BEST accomplishment Ive done, is defeating Emerald WEAPON with ONLY Cloud, NO materia whatsoever, not a single one, and the BUSTER SWORD. Hes lvl 99 with max stats and I beat Emerald under the 20 minute time limit. I didnt cheat to get my items, I morphed the giant serphant near the chocobo farm about 50 times for 50 X Potions. and I used the only 3 hero drinks I got during the entire game. I didnt cheat for any stuff, (like using the W Item cheat, considering I never got the W item materia because I forgot!:mad:) Anyways, I got the idea from this guy I saw on youtube, who did it with one of clouds final weapons, (forgot the name), and a ton of hero drinks and elixers from the W Item cheat. I decided I was going to do it except with the buster sword. took me 3 tries. What about you guys?
The best accomplishment would just be beating the game personally.
To be honest, the game was pretty hard, and that is the main reason why I enjoyed the game. ^_^
It took me a long time too...I guess a year (??)
So yeah, my greatest accomplishment.

Other than that, breeding my chocobo at least to the mountain chocobo.
Good accomplishment in itself.
Haha I remember how happy I was when I got my first 'special' chocobo. I was so happy because it took around 8 hours cause I never got the right chocobos. It took me about 14.5 hours to get a gold chocobo.
i don't mean to downplay anyones achievements, but if you play Final Fantasy and level up through the game, it should be a doddle.

My 1st ever time playing FF7, it took me a year to complete. I died facing Sephiroth a few times before beating him.

My 2nd time playing, i did a speed challenge. I beat the game in 25-30 hours.

I must admit i've NEVER had a Gold Choboco. I just can't seem to do it. I'd need someone to physically show me how to do it.

Oh, and therefore i've never had Knights Of The Round. :(
Well, its pretty complicated. If you didnt already know, there are certain places in the FFVII world where different types of chocobos are, theres ranks like, bad chocobo, good chocobo, excellent chocobo, and some other types. You have to mix like an excellent chocobo and a good chocobo to get this kind of chocobo, but you also have to give them a certain seed. Its really hard and does take several hours. But its worth it.
yeah , it's a ziog nut or something. i may have another go sometime soon.. I'm in the mood for some old school FF gaming!
it's called a zeio nut :p

Anyways I've beaten the game and gotten some very good golden chocobos.

Still havent beaten ruby and emeral weapon but that's my goal next time I'll play ^^
I've pretty much done everything there is to do apart from beat Emerald and Ruby Weapon, which I found too hard. I even got all the characters up to level 99.
well lets my biggest ones would be:

-beating emerald weapon on accident while watching a porn
-attacking ruby weapon twice, going out making a sandwich, coming back and having it dead
-2 gold chocobos
-2 of every summon at least
- not getting it once aganist sephiroth

thats about it that i can think of. iv never had my characters up to lvl 99 before in 7.i beat the game in the 60s or 70s.
I did most things in the game but never got my characters to level 99. After I beat the weapons I sorta moved on to a new game.
I did all of the side quest, got the golden chocobo, beat both weapons, got all of the obtainable materia, and got all of the limit breaks and final weapons. I only got my characters up to level 80, I didn't care enough to get to level 99.
I did all of the sidequests, got all materia, beat the game, got all limit breaks, all ultimate weapons and beat all of the weapons (including emerald and ruby). Not exactly in that order though. I never made it to level 99 though.
Accomplishments? My first playthrough I completely missed both Yuffie and Vincent. I was over level 50 when I went to get Vincent...basically killed the Lost Number in 2 regular hits.

It took me a very long time to beat the One Winged Angel. Granted, I didn't try every day...when I'm that stuck with battles (usually final ones), I leave it alone for a while until I feel like dying again. I was just lucky once and voila.

One of my fondest memory goes back to before I knew how Limits worked during one of my first playthroughs. I managed to get Barret's Ungarmax before Wutai when Yuffie stole all your stuff. The RAPPS flying boss went like this:

Cloud-> attacks
Cid-> attacks
Barret-> attacks
RAPPS-> attacks Barret
RAPPS- *death*

It was hilarious.^_^
Ive beat the game a few times and beaten ruby weapon, all level 99 all ultimate weapons all that jazz, all master materias (you can actually get those kind of easily if you get them from bueghengen in CCanyon, never breeded any chocobos but i will in the game i am playing now, never bothered with emerald weapon, by the way i dont know if you knew this but you can replinish you chocobos stamina constantly if you hold down r1 and r2 while it runs....
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-Most of my characters are in the high 80's to mid 90's.
-Have beaten Rudy Weapon and he never even hit me in battle.
-Have every single piece of Materia.
-Teamed up with Indiana Jones to raid the sunken Ship and find the Hades Summon and Morph the Underwater Materia junk.
-Have spent close to 100 hours of gameplay in the game.
I have everyone's ultimate weapons and limit breaks, have most of the materia, did the chocobo, sunken gelnika, and Wutai sidequests, and beaten all of the weapons (including Emerald and Ruby). My characters are on level 80.
Maxed gil, all chocobo's breed that I could possibly fit in the stables. Learned everyone's level 3 limites before leaving midgar, beat all weapons, and solo'd Safer Sephiroth with Cloud(killing off the other two on purpose). Maxed out Cloud's str and vit stat. It got to a point where I didn't need materia on him anymore.
I finished the game no more than 3 months! I immediately defeated Safer Sephiroth, without using the Destruct materia (I forgot to equip it. XD), on my first time. Never bred Chocobos, I will when I played it again. Also while fighting him, he attacked me and I thought I was a goner until I saw that my characters had 1 HP left, and I was still able to defeat him. XD