FFVII: Outside Crisis


Nov 25, 2009
Coahoma Texas
Starting with the war with Wutai, and advancing from there, this is the story of Soldiers third class, Turk recruits, Midgar PD recruits, and Shin-Ra army troops. This is a story of those whose lives are changed by the events of FFVII compilation. This is outside the crisis.

Format for character sheet:
Weapon of Choice:
Physical Description:

My character
Name: Kernth Jamessen
Organization: Turks
Weapon of Choice: Twin specially made pistols, each with a bayonette on the bottom. The pistols are cosmoguns caused by materia inserted into the handles. He also carries the standard turk extending baton.
Physical Description:
Weight: 210lbs
Hair: Blonde, his bangs hang loose, and he pulls the back into a ponytail.
Eyes: Green
Clothing: Standard turk uniform, with a red shirt instead of white.
History: As a boy, Kernth watched his village burn to the ground. He was saved by Verdot and a small band of Turks assigned to trying to find survivors. He has lived his whole life in Midgar now, and dreamed of being a turk the whole time. This dream is now realized, and Verdot is his first commander.
Hope this Bio is ok as I love any form of FFVII based RP. :D

Name: Orion 'Nex Addo'
Age: 19
Organization: Soldier Third Class
Weapon of Choice: Custom forged Shinra standard issue third class sword. With one main difference, the blade is double the thickness of the original blade, for this splits down into two blades.
The first of the two blades is imbued with a fire materia earning its name of flamma.
The second blade is imbued with an blizzard materia earning its name of glacialis.
The two can be used together to create a large explosion when enough power is focused in it.
These two blades are black coloured for the flamma blade and white for the glacialis blade.
Physical Description:
Height: 6ft 7in
Weight: 105lbs
Hair: Crimson, short at the front and spiky, long and flowing around waist height at the back.
Eyes: Crimson dominant colour, blue markings around the pupils of each eye.
Clothing: Standard Soldier Third Class Uniform.
History: Orion was recruited into the Soldier forces after displaying a large potential, when fighting some ShinRa grunts after causing a ruckus inside the ShinRa building when trying to find out what had happened to his father, who was taken away by ShinRa troops a few weeks before.

After that day Orion settled into his new found respect for the company and began building up a tally of kills of those who seek to stop ShinRa, earning himself the name amongst his fellow Third Classers 'Nex Addo', the latin name for death bringer.
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Mind if i join in? ^_^

Name: Deven Archer
Age: 18
Organization: Turks
Weapon of Choice: Dual Magnums ( how they look: http://media.giantbomb.com/uploads/0/3107/269996-smith___wesson_model_500_magnum_revolver_super.jpg )
Physical Description:
Height: 6ft
Weight: 250lbs (mostly muscle)
Hair: Short, Dark Blue
Eyes: Bright green eyes
Clothing: Smartly dressed in a Turk Uniform
History: Deven signed up to the Turks with high hopes. He was born in Kalm and was raised within a wealthy family. He got his first gun when he was 13, an air rifle and soon he got his dual magnums at the age of 16, that he still weilds now.
So hows this RP gonna work roughly? Just so I can get some ideas and the right mind set for my character.
Name:..... Just call me Jack(explained in the history).
Age: 18
Organization: Shin-Ra Army
Weapon of Choice: Shin-ra assualy rifle modified to have an extendable barrel, a scope the flips up from the right side and locks into place, and a fold out mini stand(like a normal sniper rifle) He is trained in the use of most blades, but only carries a special longsword his father had made that goes from about his mid bottom rib to the ground.
Physical Description:
(Height: 5' 6"
Weight: 190 lbs (evenly proportioned and cut)
Hair: silver/gray a family trait
Eyes: Dark orange, another family trait
Clothing:Unless required otherwise for some reason shirtless. He doesn't always where the Shin-ra army uniform in battle and when he doesn't he rarely gets reprimanded by the officers he works under.
History: Coming from a long family history of military service his families motto is "if you aren't doing something about it you can't complain" sometimes being young and rash he switches "you can't complain" with "then shut the fuck up" His father began his hand to hand combat training and marksman training at 4 years old. They trained heavily and he could pass the Shin-ra army exam by 7 years old. The training didn't stop even when his father had to spend lengthy times away due to being a career military man in the army. He would have made General if he made it back from the last trip alive. When it came time for Jack to enlist he had fallen ill with a hybrid version of pneumonia that attacks the lung and halts most brain activity. His father demanded he wait because Shin-ra's main force was about to ship out for a battle. So Jack promised to wait until his father returned. His mother went with his father, because she served part-time(army reserve style) as a military cook , and Jack stayed in his grandmother's care. As Jack was starting to recover his grandmother caught the hybrid pneumonia and died because of her old age giving her a weaker immune system. Neither of Jack's parents returned alive.Waiting til the bodies arrived and until after their joint funeral he immediately enlisted keeping his word to wait for is father's return. Blaming himself for the death of all three, because he felt he should have been there fighting by his fathers side and his gandmother wouldn't have fell ill then, he vowed to never use the family name again until he could earn the right and bring honor to it. He assumed the name Jack and began his military career.

Sorry for it being so long!
Ok, the game is gonna work as a free RP. An attack and defense scene will look like this.

Firing into the crowd, I laugh maniacally as I watch people fall. I walk over after the whole crowd is down to look for the body.(This is just a short sample, real battles need to be much longer)

I barely catch your beginning to fire, and drop to the ground, hiding my pistol below me, face down. While you are checking bodies, I hold my breathe. When you reach me, I hold very still, tightening my grip. When I hear your boots stop, I spin over, firing up at your chin for the kill shot.
(Again, just a sample. That is a battle scenario, obviously. The whole thing won't be battle, as I will try to have things like performances of Loveless and Shin-Ra events and such.)
Oh, brilliant! I had a turk character from another rp. Should work here. It doesnt use your format, but i believe i cover everything your format requires.

Name –
Dies Irae

Alignment – Chaotic Neutral

– Human/ Cyborg

– Female

– 21, but appears to be 17-19

Eyes: Red iris with a red pupil. Spiraling out around the pupil are patterns of flaring fire which appear to be moving
Hair: Jet black
Skin: Pale Caucasian
Height: 162 cm
Weight: 54 kg
Dies is somewhat of a petite girl with very pale skin, red eyes and deep black hair. Most people will relate her to a bit goth-loli type. Her eyes are nice almond shaped and quite large accompanied by long lashes. Her nose is straight and at the tip, curves into a small point. Her lips are medium and well proportioned, but is pale pink rather than normal coloured. Her ears are medium in size and a bit pointy at the top. Her black hair hangs naturally down just above her shoulder blades. Her hair at the sides come down past her ears and to her collar while her fringe is scattered and hangs in front of her face. Usually, it is swept to the left, but due to her job, it frequently falls out of place.

As with her impression, Dies' body is slight, slim and small. Only standing at 162 cm and weighing 54 kg, Dies fits into the catagory of small teens in which she has a goor reason, despite her age. Due to an unfortunate incident in the past, Dies' bone frame and some body parts are machine, hence being a cyborg. Also, as a result, her growth has stopped. In addition to her growth, her appearance, in reaction to tghe implants and medicine has cuased her to look and appear the same. Her chest is average and her rear isn't completely developed like a full woman, but close enough. Her arms and legs are nicely proportional to the rest of her body and she has no extreme muscles in sight.

True to her appearance, Dies hardly talks, but when she does, it is surprisingly clear, smooth and a perfect pitch. She is capable of reaching a wide range of octaves, but hardly does as she rarely talks beyond a few words.

Attire/ Armour –Refer to image in appearance

Dies differs from ordinary turk as she stays away from their typical suit uniform. However, it is still black and formal. On her legs, she wear thigh high socks which is black and ends with a zigzag pattern around the top. Following the zigzap is a white border and at the center of each triangle is a small white dot. On her feet are a pair of black, laceless loafers.

Her dress is a one piece in which covers her body, down to just above her socks and her arms, but leaving her back open. It is black on the outside, red on the inside. From the neck, it appears to look like a suit collar in the colour of black. At the front, it comes down in a V with to just above her heart. On the sides, the come down past her breast, exposing her flank and back as well as a slight bit of cleavage on the side before curving in towards the back just after the bottom most rib,
and connecting with the other side. The dress at the front clings to her shape somewhat, hugging slightly to her waist before flaring out into a loose skirt down to the bottom. Underneath the dress is a small white lace dress the same as her black dress.

Back at the top, from the shoulders are two sleeves which run down her whole arm but flares open slightly halfway down her forearm. At that point, at the underside of her arm, it splits open until the end. The sleeves reaches to the end of her fingertips.

Her back, as said is open from a bit below the base of her neck, opens up in a triangle towards the edge of both shoulder blades before going forward, around her side, under her armpits and connect with the front above her breast. Two black straps, one on each side, run backwards from this back under her armpits, cross over each other before clipping onto her dress at the waist.

On her hands are a pair of fingerless, form fitting gloves.

Accessories – On each wrist is a black metal bracelet. At the underside of the bracelet is a link trinklet which allows materia to be attacked onto. She also has two chain earrings on both ears.

– Dies is neutral. Due to the dark nature of her life, she is a bit cynical and pessimistic. However, that does not mean she is evil. She views the world in a grey fashion rather than straight black and white, in which nothing is completely right or wrong. She tends to lean towards the good side a slight bit more, but would do anything to accomplish her mission and goals.

As well as being pessimistic and cynical, she is quiet and lonely, introverted, preferably to not talk and think to herself than to become festive or show too much emotion. She is in short, a bit of an emo, always slightly depressed. However, she enjoys company, just not to too large of a degree. She has a moderate temper though and can take verbal abuse and insults as they come. She just ignores it. However, past a certain point, where they keep continuing or for an extremely extended peroid of time, she would get angry.

In terms of taking action, she has no qualms in using threats and physical action to get to her goals. If a more diplomatic manner can be done, she might use iot, but generally, her missions dictate her use a more direct approach. As with her general outlook, killing people isnt so much of an issue. She may have persoanl regret in killing those marked to death by ShinRa, but all is overcome by professionalism at the moment of the act, hence all she is left with is regret afterwards. Those less deserving are killed with no hesitation.

First Impression
– At first glance, many think she is just a small girl. On closer inspection, her black clothing and guns dispel any misinterpretation of her nature. Since her face is hardly smiling, with her black hair, red eyes and pale skin, people will think gothic, dangerous and a bit odd. If she happened to stare at someone, the person will develope a chill due to her eyes, thinking she might be a vampire or something dark. There will be very little people ho will be able to look past her dark exterior to see a much more cheerful inner personality and mind.

Strength – As with her body, her strength, despite being artifcial, is boosted due to her cyborg parts. Although still not quite the best out there, it enables her to perform feats beyond normal humans. If a normal man requires 10 punches to go down, she could get it down with 6 or 7, mostly 7.

– Like strength, this is also artificial. Her legs, infused with machinery can get rather fast. At maximum speed and run up, she can reach 40 Kmph, but has a lasting time of about 2 minutes, mostly less. On an average run, she can reach 30 Kmph. Her actions are fast though. Fighting is quick and can become blurs. Her fingers are capable of such rapid fire that it appears to be in automatic. However, due to finger integrity, she can only do this in three bullet burst for each pistol. Also, as a gunner, her reload speed is phenominal, at a 1.5 seconds for both pistols.

– Endurance is spilt into two for Dies. In terms of fighting, she is rather limited as her lungs are still human. However, since she is not a melee fighter, she fatigues slower.
In the most intensive fighting at close range, she can last at most 5 minutes. At longer distance, this is extended to 10-15 minutes. Her ability to make gymnatsic jumps and actions are not affected though as these are from her mechanical parts.

Reflexes – The one part that was not altered was her brain. With intense training and specificiation on this section due to there a lack of need in the other sectors, her reaction is at the top echelon, reaching at 0.18 seconds, 0.07 faster than an average human. Therefore, she is much capable of dodging and shooting off faster than average people. If she has sight of the man, her relfexes plus a bit of estimation and luck, should allow her to time her dodge just before the trigger is pulled to side step out of the way. To the sides of her, she could only depend on the sound of the gunshot, therefore, she is unable to dodge completely, but may be able to move enough to avoid a critical hit.

In terms of endurance in a fight, due to her being turned into a cyborg, pain isn't a problem and her frame is capable of stopping sword strikes. However, that being said, since there is still a large portion of her human, due to her size Dies cannot take multiple physical strikes. She may be able to use her arms as a shield of sort in blocking strikes, but they too are capable of breaking after multiple use. Fists and kicks are not a big issue in terms of endurance, but sword strikes and such are stil deadly and she will fall like any human once her frame is breached.

Fighting Style
– Dies' fighting style is a ranger type. She will keep distance as much as possible, using the terraiin to the max and using tactics of any kind. Ambush, laying traps, blinding through grenades and such she will use. However, disgrceful and deceitful type she will not as it tarnishes whatever honour she has (eg: begging for life then attacking). In addition, she makes use of acrobatic and agility, jumping around and taking advantage of height and cover and any obstacles in which could impede on the opponent.

– Dies holds a multitude of weapons, all bar one are ranged.

Dual Pistols: Her dual pistols are named "Tombstone" for the red one and "Graveyard" for the white one. They are extremely well made, capable of stopping blades, but only for a number of time. As it is not intended so, if stuck enough at the same point, it will break.

Reload is not through the normal way through the pistol grip, but through a rail system where the magazine housing is just below the hammer, but above the grip. To reload, the bullets are placed nosed to nose, linked, on a long rail the length of the pistol in two rows. This is slotted through the housing straight through to the the end. When the last bullet is spent, the rail is ejected backwards automatically by tapping the gas from the last bullet to propel it back. The magazines are arranged vertically on her waist so that all Dies has to do is twirl it till the housing faces the floor before slipping the pistol downwards, locking the magazine into the gun in one motion and twirling it back into her hand, all in one go in 1.5 seconds.

His pistols hold 21 bullets each with 10 in each row with one ready to be shot once in the gun. Hanging from the but of each pistol on a 5 cm chain is a cross accessory with a large empty circle in the middle with a circular frame around it. This allows materia to be placed in. Standard Materia in these are blizzara and Fira. It is holstered on a single shoulder holster that has two holster under each arm.

Support System: The support system is the red box in the picture on her back. It is red and about a meter in length, 30 cm wide and 15 cm deep with a red strap that is slung over her left shoulder and hangs at her right hip. This case holds three weapons in which can lay out heavy fire. The case is a shell which is designed so that any weapon can be placed into the box providing it fits. Generally, its two plus the rocket system. The main trigger handle is on the right hand top side of the of the box, slightly forward from the middle in respect to the image. It consists of two triggers for two forward weapon. The rear weapon is in a mirror image of the main weapons trigger handle and consist of one trigger. When the guns are activated, along the black edges, the case will pop open slightly and the muzzle of the guns will poke out. The trigger handles will pop up too and is held upside down to a usual gun, with the triggers to the tip of the butt, away from the box. The rear weapon trigger handle opens seperately with a different button. Dies is open to a large array of weapon choice, but she mostly rests on these three
MA5B: This is a compact assault rifle in which rests on the right side of the box. It is the main weapon of the box, carrying 7.62mm ammo fed via belt linked. Therefore, reloading is not needed and a steady suppressing fire can be provided. Shells are ejected away from the body and downwards into the ground.

Mantel Semi-Automatic Shotgun: This is placed besides the MA5C and above the magazine feed for the rifle. It is a semi- automatic shotgun and also linke fed and does not require pumping to shoot. The shells are ejected upwards and away from the shooter

Heavy assault system: unlike the other two, this part of the system takes up half of the left side of the box. It can hold a flameflower, grenade launcher, small RPG or water diamond cutter. However, Dies usually uses the small rpg with three rocket rounds.

Khukri Machete: This is what it is, a pure black khurkuri machete. It is around 40 cm long and hangs from her waist at the back, handle facing the left.

Mariette 1.00 Calibre Anti-material Rifle: A large sniper rifle which is an optional load out for Dies, standing at 180cm tall. True to its size, it has incredible destructive power, and that is with just normal bullets. It can be loaded with incindiery, explosive, magial, sub sonic... you name it, in accordance to the situation. It is relatively heavy and if she carries it into battle, her speed will drop considerably. However, if she trades the Support system, then there is no speed reduction. It is carried by hand as it is too long to be carried on her back by itself, though it's sling is draped on her right shoulder, which does take a fair amount of the weight off.

Vehicle: Dies has a powerful bike she names Nieva. Similar to cloud's bike in a sense that it has frontal compartments for guns. In terms of specs and such, it is very similar to Fenrir. The frintal wheel is hidden mostly and can hardly be seen.

Dies is capable of performing feats of acrobatics and gymnastics beyond that of most humans due to her implants. Jumping up high into the air or climb up buildings with ease is the norm for her and her balance and sharp eye allows her to spot and use handholds and steps for these feats in places where it seems to be impossible.

– Dies is incapable of using complex magic, even before her accident. She can only use simplistic curative spells such as cure, remove poison and such. However, she hardly uses them as it does little to her cyborg body. She has materia though.
She has the materia for stop, haste, gravity, restore, revive, reflect and for some odd reason, Bahamut SIN.

– Dies' life initially was relatively peaceful and happy. On a rural farmland just off Midgar, she and her parents lived happily amongst a small village of other farmers. There was little scrutiny about her eyes or her complexion as everyone was family. However, at the age of 15, her village was mysteriously razed to the ground in a sea of burning fire. During this incident, Dies was crushed by a water tower, completely destroying her body. Coming in and out of consciousness, Dies felt some hope when she was taken from the wreckage. This hope was soon dashed to pieces as she was taken to some odd labratory in which she was experimented on. Throughout the next two years, she was taken in and out of tanks of fluids to be experimented on, then placed back into it to sustain her life. On her 3rd year, they took her out for a single last experiment, seeing that her vitals were becoming extremely dangerous. They injected a serum into her bones, which ate away and turned her bones into a form of resiliant metal in order to replace her mangled frame. Organs, nerve systems, muscles and such were taken anr replaced with machinery, most likely trying to see if they could resuccitate destroyed warriors back into fighting condition. For them, they were successful, as Dies recovered from her experiments and such to the point of exceeding normal human standards. With such satsifactory results, for the next year, she was sent on multitude of sectors to see where they could use their new project. For security reasons, her mind was injected with a medicine in which muddled her memories, in which appear as slight dreams, leading to a decline in mental state and landing her to what she is now. after a year, she was finally dumped into the Turks, seeing her impeccable ability in their area of need such as spying and assassination.

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Wow that really is an indepth Bio if I ever saw one :P how long that take you?

And also Firion thanks for clarifying that for me now i can get into the right mind set for it. :D
Ahaha. Thanks. Its an okay bio. It didnt take too long since its specially tailored for FF7 rp. The ones that people write in the Heroes are detailed.
Well, it's a little... overpowered... for this type of RP. I guess it's ok, but you will have to get upgrades a bit slower. If that's ok, approved.
Well, lets just say she gets her rifle and Support system later on. So right now, all she has is her machete and pistols.
I'll probably start it on next saturday. That way people have plenty of time to sign up. At present I am just working quietly about the story.
Sorry I am starting late. The Shin-Ra organization is declaring that Wutai has a large mako deposit under it. The Wutai army is resisting Shin-Ra's entering their land. Forts Tambelin, Triani, and Gonaga are all top targets, along with the Wutai capital of Tamebeli. Tambelin is being handled by Soldier, but volunteers from all branches of the Shin-Ra organization are needed. Choose assignments ASAP and prepare yourself.
Are you still open for sign ups? if so, here is my Bio.

Name: Stephen Hownam
Age: 19
Organization: SOLDIER third class
Weapon of Choice: Stephen uses a custom made sword, that is a similar size to the Soldier sword. The sword is enfused with the summon materia of Bahamut.

Physical Description:
Height: 6 foot
Weight: 11 stone
Hair: short brown hair with blond highlights
Eyes: his eyes are as red as his Bahamut summon materia
Clothing: this

History: Born in Midgar, Stephen always wanted to join Soldier, and so spent his life training, from the age of 7 he has been learning to wield his sword to perfection, and when he was 14 he found the Red orbof his Bahamut materia,that he enfused into the sword, changing it's blade to the blood red it is, and changing the design on the hilt tothe pair of Dragon heads.

Stephen joined Soldier at 18 and has beentrying to work his wayintothe higher classes ever since, although he is still a third class, he still holds the hope that he will become a first class as he grows older with the Shinra organization.
Yo, Stephen, quick question. Is bahaumt SIN and Bahaumt the same? Cuz my character holds the Bahamut SIN summon, but that shouldnt affect you having the bahamut summon right?

Oh, and due to being over usage limit, my posting is limited Stephen. Ill post when i can, but its going to be a less than usual. ill try to get to my cousins place as much as possible tho.