FFVII: Outside Crisis


Nov 25, 2009
Coahoma Texas
On the television, the Director Lazard, Genesis, Sephiroth, and Angeal all stand for the public to see, making the announcement that the Shin-Ra army has moved into Wutai. "The Wutai," Soldier's director begins in his all to silky tone, "Are putting up a bit of resistance, so we require added troops. Toward this end, we are going to begin by doing something Shin-Ra has never done for heer employees. We are going to ask you to volunteer for specific assignments. We hope all of yoursense of duty will cause you to give your all. You may also be getting a raise based on being able to tell where you can help most and signing up to go there! This is a great opportunity for all of you, so let's not have any slackers. There will of course be a force kept here, but those will bethose that choose not to volunteer. Let's work together to end the war with Wutai." Lazard's slick smile fades from view, followed by a list of locations in a Wutai city to be hit by special battle groups made from all branches of Shin-Ra. Fort Tambelin is full, as are many others. A small fort near where the reactor is supposed to go, called Calamin, is the only place left on the sign up sheets. Do you choose to go to Calamin, or to stay at Shin-Ra HQ?
Dies tapped her foot impatiently. Nieve was idling as her owner straddled the seat, waiting outside the Shin-Ra building. Dominic, her Turk partner was meant to be out here by now, but instead, chose to be 15 minutes late. They had to head to Calamin to assist the SOLDIERS in their assault. After all, the Turks were their shadow counter part, doing all the dirty stuff.

YAWN! Ah damn...got a crick in my neck...

You are 15 minutes late Dominic. We have lost precious time.

Dominic wasn't Dies full time partner. Only for this mission. Even for a Turk, Dies was an odd one and rather quiet. Some found her a skooch bit scary.

Eh...hehehe... Well let's go then.

Dominic slid onto the rear seat of the bike before a cover slid over and covered the top and side of his seat like a convertible top. Only, Dies still remained in the open. Dies slipped on a pair of biker goggles before opening up the throttles. Nieva roared like a beast and shot out of its idling position and ripped through the streets. Dominic, his first time on Nieva, understood the need for the cover. He would have lost his grip from the get go and flew off the ack of the bike. It didn't take long before the power motorcylce exited town and headed towards the Wutai territories and Fort Calamin.
Inside the Shin-Ra building, everything is going as typical. Genesis is bickering with Sephiroth, Angeal is trying to stop it, and Lazard is sitting in a corner, hand over mouth, trying to stifle laughter.
"Ahh, gentlemen. Look, I know I'm new here, but please don't do this while I am present."
Lazard smiles and gets a list of sign-ups being texted to him as he spoke.