Fan Fiction FFVII: Paths We Walk


Aug 17, 2009
North America, leave it at that.
Alright, well time for the newbie to come out of hiding. So here is my story, the summary I have given on FF.NET & MM.ORG is, "There is always a protagonist to every antagonist. The yin and yang. As such there was Cloud and Sephiroth, but who was Jenova's opposing force? Aerith? The Planet, or someone quite different? Warning! Original Character/Fan Character-Centric!" Yup you heard right, Original character. Before you start screaming that it's a Mary Sue, she is not a MS! This girl is not perfect, she's very much a human, with plenty of faults. The OC/FC is not super powerful either, the reason she was Jenova's opposing force will be explained in the story.

The story originally was titled "In the Absence of Darkness", but as I lost inspiration for during the span of two years, I have since then taken a new route, a re-write of the story. The story is now called, "Paths We Walk." There are a few things you should know first.

1. There may be some OOC-ness to the characters, as I don't have a beta to discuss the story with.
2. The Prologue takes place one year after Advent Children Complete. Yes, I am using the details of ACC as the history, heck there might even be flashbacks to it. Chapter One takes place one year after Dirge of Cerberus.
3. This is AU, so there will be details that have been changed. You will likely not see them in the beginning. I will give fair warning when it happens though.
4. The Prologue is only two pages long. Chapter one and two combined are 7-8 pages long. Short I know.

1. The main character's name is Dorian Fair. She is not, I repeat not related to Zack Fair. In chapter one, you will see why "Dory" has that surname.

If you are confused about any details that are written in three chapters, you can ask me.

Story can be found:
PWW @ Media Miner

I am requesting constructive criticsm. I don't want to be flamed but I would to hear if the story sounds alright, character development is coherent, anything I'm doing right, and wrong. The villians haven't made their appearance yet because I'm not about to introduce a ton of new original characters when you're just getting to know the main character.