FFVII: Reincarnate [sign up & discussion]


Also known as NixMaster
Dec 12, 2008
About five hundred years after the events in the original FFVII, Cloud and others begin to return from the planet. Soon, a familiar enemy will return to threaten the planet.

Each player will take a reasonable number of characters (let's say about three heroes, three villains max), and they can be anyone from RedXIII to Tseng. The characters will not necessarilly look the same or have the same personallity. They don't even have to be on the same side.

If you would like to join, include the name of the character (the family name can be different as long as the first is the same), age, appearance, weapon of choice (let's try to keep every character different), personallity, hometown, occupation, bio (optional), and allegiance (who's side they are on, or what they fight for). And if there's any addition information, you'd like to give, put it under Other.

Character list:
Cloud: Buster
Sephiroth: Buster
Zach: Buster
Reeve/Cait Sith:
Dr. Gast: Buster
Also, a mystery character named Jennifer Ofelia Vasser.

I'm not going to wait forever to start this one. So once we've got this going, just pick a character and jump in. If we have an objection, we'll figure it out quickly.


Name: Cloud Slade.
Age: 23.
Appearance: Short black spikey hair, blue eyes, and a tan.
Weapon of choice: Short sword, and bow.
Personallity: Talkative and friendly. That is, before the "incident."
Hometown: Costa del Sol.
Occupation: Monster slayer.
Bio: At age 19, Cloud left his home to find work as a monster slayer. In Kalm he met Sephiroth and Zach and banded together to form the Slayer Brothers, a group of monster slayers.
Allegiance: The Slayer Brothers (beginning). Revenge (later).
Other: Will become a villain.


Name: Sephiroth Steele.
Age: 22.
Appearance: Very long light-blonde hair, and green eyes.
Weapon of choice: Heavy two-handed sword.
Personallity: Very introversive. He prefers to get things done instead of lolligaging so he can move on to their next job.
Hometown: Kalm.
Occupation: Monster slayer.
Bio: The oldest son of the steele family. He first worked with his father and his brother Zach as a blacksmith. But after meeting Cloud, he and his brother decided to become monster slayers.
Allegiance: The Slayer Brothers.


Name: Zach Steele.
Age: 20.
Appearance: Medium length red hair, and green eyes.
Weapon of choice: Gunsword (like used in FFVIII) and a small shield on his right arm.
Personallity: A big naive, and not at all afraid to speak his mind. Sometimes he acts without thinking first. Likes to have fun.
Hometown: Kalm.
Occupation: Monster slayer.
Bio: Up until he was 16, he worked for his father as a blacksmith. But then he and his brother Sephiroth saw Cloud fighting a monster and observed that Cloud was in need of help. After conquering the monster, the three had the idea of joining together and becoming monster hunters.
Allegiance: The Slayer Brothers.
Other: Zach is left handed.
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Name: Alexis Lockheart
Age: 15
Sex: female
weapon: Gunblades (x2)
Bio: Born in nibelhiem, this shy girl joined shinra to gain fame and increase confidence. hailing from the same area as brave Cloud she was also kicked out of soldier after the events at nibelhiem and now wants revenge on shinra as a whole. Her parents split up when she was 14 and she managed to survive to 16 when she joined soldier to earn her money for the family
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Name: Alexis mortimax
Age: 15
Sex: female
weapon: Gunblades (x2)
Bio: Born in nibelhiem, this shy girl joined shinra to gain fame and increase confidence. hailing from the same area as brave Cloud she was also kicked out of soldier after the events at nibelhiem and now wants revenge on shinra as a whole. Her parents split up when she was 14 and she managed to survive to 16 when she joined soldier to earn her money for the family

Who's Alexis, or is she a fan character? If she's a fan character, I prefer that she be a reincarnation of a former character. Maybe Tifa or Yuffie, or some other female character.

Even my character Jen is a reincarnation. It's just a secret who this person is.
She was intended to be a re-incarnation of Tifa. I put that on as the area she was from. wouldve stuck with te martial art fighting but i wanted yazoos gunblades so yeah Alexis is Tifa re-born

tell you what ill change her last name
Can i be four... Rufus.. Reno...Rude.. and Elena

and perhap Tseng....... the turks were my favorite you see ^.^

Or if its ok with you.. may i create my own FF7 character ???
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dammit I wanted to only be Reno and Rude lol.

I was just about to sigh up then I saw someone else had taken them, I just wanted to be the pair of them lol.

Could we go half or something U get Rufus and Elena and I get Reno and Rude?