FFVII - Worth Getting?

Aztec Triogal

Feb 8, 2007
Williamsport, PA
Since this topic crops up so much, I figured I'd make a topic and sticky it.

Is this game worth getting? Please post your replies so that people who cannot decide can read this to make their decisions.
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Um, interesting font...

I guess it really depends on your personal tastes. I love FF7 and its one of my favorite games. On the other hand, I didn't enjoy X that much. If you've played through most of the first disc and you're not really interested then I doubt you'll enjoy the rest of the game.
FF7 is the best of the series. Definitely worth playing. Yet after playing the later FF's you might not like it.
7 is seen as being in the best in the series, IMO it isnt. But it is worth playing, however with a busy lifestyle, 3 disks is much.
FFVII is the pinnacle of the series for me. Better characters, better story, more complete gameplay. The same old arguements.
I'm surprised that by that point it hasn't gripped you. Usually by then, everyone loves the game. Maybe it isn't for you then...
It all depends on what you want to do. I'm surprised it hasn't hooked you even more easily then what X did though. In my opinion, VII had better gameplay and a better story also.

But then again, it was the second FF game I played after IV. I got hooked around the Sephiroth Story that got told in Kalm mind you.

Well if you have tones to do with your lifestyle and want to play more High defination game's and what-not to; what you say; keep up with gaming then I would definatly abandone it at that...
It is. FF7 was voted the best game ever hence it is the best Final Fantasy.

It was her opinion. Any supposedly factual information can't change another person's view of the game.

If you played the game up to that point, and are asking other people whether it was worth completing, then perhaps it isn't the game for you. For the sake of having another FF title under your belt, I'd say go for it. It's quite a compelling game once you get into it, whether it's your favourite or not.
Well, in my personal opinion VII is definitely worth playing. I haven't finished it yet, but I'm totally hooked. You say you have played through most of disc one and that it hasn't hooked you. But maybe later in the game your interest will spike as I understand there's enough plot to go around. Just do what you instincts tell you.
I suggest you play all the FF games, especially 7, 8, and 9. Why? Just because it's Final Fantasy. xD Really, no matter what people say, it all comes down to you in the end. So playing it wouldn't really hurt, right? Go for it.
FF7 is definetely worth playing. Just keep playing and you won't be dissapointed. There are plenty of sidequests that are interesting and fun also. Lotsa hours just in chocobo breeding alone. I own FF8, FF9, FF10, FF12, and I still find myself coming back to FF7 once in a while to play it over and over.
i've heard a lot of people say that after beating games like X or XII, VII seems like a huge step down. while the graphics aren't nearly as good obviously, the gameplay is all that matters. as far as gameplay and replay value go, VII is one of the best in the series. plus the game really starts getting interesting, AFTER the temple of the ancients, so give it a little more time.
Ya, it's all about the gameplay and plot in VII and not so much graphics as in the later games in the series.

But that really shouldn't matter, it has above decent graphics anyways for a (earlier than most) PS1 game.

But anyways, yes, it is definitely worth playing, what FF isn't? :monster:
One of the best, if not the best, game of the series.
FF7 is and probably always will be my favorite game of the series, you should definitely pick it up, the best freaking sound score,the best story, the best main character and sephiroth is the most badass boss of the series.
I say go get it and beat it. I don't think it's the best FF but I do say it's really worth playing. It is what got FF so popular, IMO.

btw, Nice font.
FF7 is the daddy of all RPGs. All the modern RPGs have tried to take some idea off 7. Its got the best gameplay which is easy to pick up yet difficult to master, its got the story , the charactor development, elements of personalisation and the shear scale makes FF7 a legend of a game.
The story of trying to save the planet from an evil cooperation really struck a cord with me and helped me realise that companies will try and do anything they want until someone stops them. The charactors back stories made the charactors have depth. It also had the legendary badass of sephireoth in it, who you hated yet understood and felt sympathy for.
Personally i think ff7 is one of the Only must have games
yeah i was thinking about trying it again. i hear there are some major plot twists and the story is in my opinion the best part of many RPGs. i think i stopped playing because someonbe told me Aeris dies before i even got to that part.
dude, ff7 is waaaaaaaay better than anything you have ever played

my bf just started playing that game and he said he just doesnt feel connected to it, so i kinda understand how you feel

however, things start getting pretty awesomely interesting after the first disc, so just keep playing it, you wont be sorry