FFVIII Cosplay


Ashley Roya
Aug 29, 2008
Spa City
I'm already planning out Cons for 2009. Does anyone know which cons they're wanting to attend??

Here is my line up so far:

Ikkicon Feb 6-8 Austin, TX
KamiKazeCon April 10-12 Huston, TX
Anime Expo July 2-5 Los Angeles, CA
Otakon July 17-19 Baltimore, MD

I'm planning on going as Dion Roger's version of Gunslinger Rinoa:


What is everyone else planning on cosplaying as??
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just go as Rinoa the regular one. But when people cosplayed as Rinoa some of them did very naughty things.
I never seen the back view of that pic. I say go for it. Sadly theres nothing like that here in the UK. You'd get your head kicked in if you tired anything like that. Have fun.
I never seen the back view of that pic. I say go for it. Sadly theres nothing like that here in the UK. You'd get your head kicked in if you tired anything like that. Have fun.

There are anime conventions in the UK, and I've seen plenty of FF cosplays at them (not so many FFVIII ones these days but still). They're a lot smaller in numbers attending than the ones in the USA of course but they are still fun. There's four planned for next year I think and I plan to go to two - I don't cosplay myself but know people who do.

Hope you enjoy it Ashley :)
I've never seen that image of Rinoa before, what's it from?

Ive never heard of any conventions round here, although Im sure there will be....somewhere, not that Id go mind, I don't know anyone else that's actually into FF other than people on the internetz D:

Plus I'm too skint to warrant buying/having an outfit made....haha oh well

Hope you hve fun there :monster:
Yeah, what's a Dion Roger for that matter...? Looks pretty neat though. For some reason, to me, black shorts on a girl will always be win...(even though the only one I can think of would be Lucca from Chrono Trigger...>_>)...
That is the hottest version of Rinoa ever.

The only thing I can thing of, is why does the have shorter hair? The head looks more like Garnet. But that outfit.. Oh my..