Help [FFX] Boss: Evrae


Dark Knight
Jun 12, 2009
OK, so when I first got to this battle on the airship, I just went in guns blazing. Somehow, I beat it, but then procceeded to die at the wedding. Now, every time I try to beat this thing, I always end up getting utterly massacred by it's poison breath. No amount of Mega Potions, antidotes, and phoenix down can seem to help. Auron has about 1,000 HP more than everyone else, but he still always manages to die at the last second.

I have read a walkthrough on IGN all the way through this game pretty much. But now, the strategy for this fight doesn't seem to be working. I am not in a postion where I can go level up, and everyone is out of sphere grid points.

Does anyone have any good tips for fighting this boss???

Use Al Bhed Potions, they cure pretty much every ailment Evrae puts on you along with 1k HP and you should have plenty of them after Home. My main party was Tidus (for Haste), Auron (for hits) and Rikku (for the Al Bhed Potions). Mix is great here, and I had Tidus and Rikku on Stoic Overdrive mode with Auron on Warrior.

For me it was easy but slow. Cast Haste on the whole party alot and don't be afraid to use an Al Bhed Potion when you're only missing 500 hp. If no-one's hurt, get Rikku to use a Fire Gem or something.
I didn't use the Move Out! Come In! Trigger Commands, seemed pretty pointless IMO but I heard they're helpful.

That's my advice :monster:
Yeah, don't bother moving the airship out and having Cid use his missiles, the damage isn't really worth it and you move your heaviest hitters out of range.

Evrae has resistance to all 4 elements of magic, so unless you have Flare (which I doubt), Lulu is going to be rather useless. The ideal strategy is to simply allow Evrae to stay close by, so you can utilize Auron/Tidus/Rikku, as was suggested above. Al Bhed Potions will indeed be your saving grace in this battle, since they heal both Poison and Petrify (pretty sure about that).

Make sure you keep Evrae in Slow, and your party in Haste. He'll try to Haste himself once in a while, but just use Slow again to counteract that.

Good luck. :monster:
Well, I disagree with keeping everyone close all the time. I'm not sure how much progression you've made through the sphere grid, but I know at this point in the game for me, I'm not that far at all. With that said, the Airship Salvos will be a blessing. Once Evrae casts Haste, he'll simply swoop back in before the missles can get off, so make sure to get them in before this. Early on though, you can avoid Poison Breathe by moving the Airship away.

I don't stray away from the story at all to power-up my party, so my general stats aren't that great, even though I get everyone involved in battles for the most part. But yeah, make sure everyone is in Haste and he is in Slow. I've never successfully casted Slow on him once he Haste's himself, so I wouldn't bother trying that. When he does start casting, his HP is run down a bit, so pummeling him into submission is the way to go here. Depending on how much you've progressed everyone (and what characters you focused on more), it would be beneficial to know who is hitting harder. For me generally, Auron, Wakka and either Tidus or Kimahri are your heavy hitters. Rikku becomes the healer, so she'll be a big part of the fray as well. But Auron and Wakka will be the big damage dealers at this point, so keep them in the party for sure (plus their HP is higher so they can weather some damage).

Hope that helps, best of luck!
Well heres what I did ( I was also beaten at the wedding then failed a couple of tries on Evrae, don't feel bad. ):

One of my main party chars is Tidus and at the beggining of the battle I cate haste on him which should help with the poison. Casting haste alows me to have more turns, which means, Tidus will probably get to go right before Evrae uses "posion breath". Right before he does this, I use delay buster/attack to buy time. Then if lucky enough you will be able to use Tidus again and then Cid. Voila, poison avoided. I also used wakka during the battle for dark buster to avoid swooping scythe and other attacks. If you are hit by the poison and survive, use Rikku's use ability and cure everyone with an Al-Bhed potion. Good Luck.
Firstly, beforehand, Overdrives full for everyone. Stock up on Al Bhed Potions (if you can get them, I can't remember. If you don't have much, bad luck, Antidotes and Hi-Potions will have to do).

Start with Tidus, Lulu and Wakka

In battle, have Tidus tell Cid to pull away, Lulu Overdrive, Wakka Overdrive. Tidus Haste(ga) everyone and Slow Evrae, Lulu and Wakka spell and attack his (Evrae) ass. Cid should use up missles. Tidus switch for Rikku and heal with Al Bhed Potions if someone is poisoned or petrified, or just Hi-Potions with Antidotes and Softs. If I remember correctly, Evrae will use Swooping Scythe after a certain amount of HP is gone. Once it uses Swooping Scythe, switch out Lulu and Wakka, and unleash all Overdrives. Don't bother pulling away, as Evrae will just continue to Swoop onto you. Continue attack with strongest characters until dead.
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If I remember correctly, you can buy Al Bhed potions from Rin, so buy lots if you haven't already, this boss is A LOT easier if you have tons of them.

Now, onto the battle, Immediately move the airship back, because Evrae's long range attacks are relatively weak and you don't have to worry about poison breath. Anyway, while you are far away from Evrae, buff your party with anything you have (haste helps alot) and wait while Cid fires his rockets at Evrae (maybe sneak in a few shots with Wakka or Lulu while you are waiting). After the third round of missles, move the ship closer to Evrae.

From here on out, the fight essentially just relies on brute force, my party at this point was Auron, Tidus and Rikku. I would just keep attacking with Tidus and Auron and get Rikku to use an Al Bhed potion almost every turn, which meant that Evrae could never inflict any real damage (that couldn't be fixed immediately), If Rikku is hasted, then this fight is ridiculously easy.
I on the other hand had Auron and Tidus' overdrives full at the start, used them both then moved away and tried to build them up again. I had Wakka attack every turn, Auron heal almost every turn unless someone was injured, I had 99 potions and a similar amount of high potions. Tidus and Wakka had haste as did Auron, because I was using Ally, so when it's their turn the overdrive gauge charges. When it was Tidus' turn I had him use cheer, so when Evrae came swooping in with his sycthe attack, it didn't do much and Tidus and Auron did upwards of 3000 each. Then for good measure I smashed him in the face with Spiral Cut and he died.

- You can buy Power Distillers from Rin before the fight. Mixing two of these gives everyone Protect, Shell and Haste. (If you have any Light/Lunar Curtains, even better - mix two for those statuses plus Regen.)
- Evrae is vunerable to Darkness and Power Break. His claw attack will usually miss if he's under Darkness (it doesn't affect anything else), and both his claw attack and Swooping Scythe will be weakened if he's under Power Break (Poison Breath and Photon Spray will not).
- You can always predict exactly what Evrae will do on his next turn. More info on this at the bottom.
- Al Bhed Potions heal every status effect he can inflict on you, as others have already said.
- If you got the Teleport Spheres from one of the optional Sandragoras in Bikanel, you can use them to customize Evade & Counter. This guarantees perfect evasion of his claw attack.

Predicting Evrae's attacks:
When fighting at short range, he uses the pattern Claw -> Claw -> Inhale -> Poison Breath -> repeat. Once he casts Haste on himself, he only uses Claw once before inhaling instead of twice.
At long range and high HP, he uses Photon Spray every turn. At low HP, he uses Swooping Scythe instead. He also uses this as a counterattack when at long range.
That's the simple part.

The hard part is predicting Stone Gaze. Evrae has a hidden counter that increases every time he's attacked. When hit by a PHYSICAL attack (Attack or Skills, but NOT overdrives/items even if they appear to be physical), it increases by 2. When hit by a MAGICAL attack (Black Magic, but NOT overdrives/items even if they appear to be magical), it increases by 1. Counterattacks DO count towards this. When this counter reaches 5 or more, he will use Stone Gaze on the next turn that he would otherwise use Claw. I'm not sure what overdrives do to the counter, if anything at all. Items do NOT increase it. Once he actually uses Stone Gaze, the counter resets to 0.

Once he casts Haste on himself, the counter no longer increases under any circumstances. However, if the counter was already at 5 or more when he casted Haste, he WILL still use Stone Gaze on the next Claw turn - but not again after that.
I'm not buying your excuse about not being in a position to level up before this battle. There are a ton of fiends who have infested the airship and plenty of battles to be fought to do so aka TONS OF OPPORTUNITIES TO LEVEL UP just by running around the ship and getting in random battles. I had to do it for a while before I got enough HP to even withstand its attacks. Salvos help in this battle so make sure you use them before Evrae starts its Swooping Scaythe attack when Cid won't even have a chance to get them off from a distance since you can't move the ship back at that point.