FFX: Love It or Hate It?

Love it or hate it?

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I am colorblind ; coffee black and egg white.
May 26, 2009
If you had to pick, would you say you love the game, or hate the game? Explain the reasons why you feel this strongly about the game in this thread and share your opinions.

Please try and elaborate on your posts, as short spammy posts may be deleted without warning.
I love this game probably a bit too much. It is my favorite Final Fantasy game ever.
The characters are great!
Lulu would have to be my favorite of them though. She is so strong and collected (as Rikku says at one point I believe). She uses black magic, her clothes are awesome. She fights with a MOOGLE and she is extremely caring beneath all her strong and seemingly emotionless front. She also lives with the heartbreak from Chappu's death, guilt of her first summoners death and possible her newly arising feelings for Wakka??
The plotline made me sadder than Aerith's death, a feat I thought impossible until FFX. The ending had me grabbing at the screen, trying to stop Tidus from leaving/fading. Yuna's lonely whistle right before her speech really hurt me emotionally, it was just so tragic.
Yunalesca freaked me out as did Seymour and Sin. The killika tragedy had me speechless just as did the entire Yunalesca meeting and battle.
Oh yes and the sphere grid is brilliant! I find it hard to believe people have gone all over it with all their characters so I don't suffer the problem of having 7 carbon copies.

I think I have said enough, I could go on for ages though.

Absolutely love it. To this day, I still can't decide whether I like VII, IX, or X better. On the one hand, I find 2D pre-rendered backgrounds to be more nostalgic, and I always liked the style of spell/summon animations from the PS1 games, but then the 3D graphics of PS2 really were something. And the cutscenes: OMG. Like, seriously. They were just nuts. And the sphere grid was really cool. A nice break from standard Final Fantasy fare. As for the storyline, I would say FFX takes the cake. VII was a very basic adventure story. You knew Sephiroth was the badguy basically the entire time, and you finally, and completely defeat him at the end, and that's the entire point of the game. In FFIX, Kuja and Garland were just there to give a reason for the characters to push on. They saved the world, yeah, but it was more about their relationships. And the happy ending was very emotional, but not as impacting as a sad ending. NOW, in FFX, it was just.........just.........I don't know how to put it. Just awe-inspiring. The whole philosophical question of the meaning of death was very cool, and all the secrets behind the Order of yevon and the Final Aeon was riveting. And then the ending...........if my brothers hadn't been around at that time I most definitely would have cried. Not at the time when Tidus dissapeard, but at the very end of Yuna's speech, where she reminisces about her adventures and about Tidus, as the music slowly and gracefully comes to a close, and she says, "never forget them". THAT was the epitomy of story-telling right there. In fact, when I heard that there was a sequel, I was like: MUST PLAY. But then I saw it on Youtube and was kinda dissapointed at the whole Charlie's Angels approach to the game. So, to save time and money, I read through a story synopsis online somewhere, and then watched all three of the endings on Youtube :D

Then, I truly felt as if the story was complete. Although the music during the additional Zanarkand scene was very depressing even during a happy reunion. Kind of strange.

I also loved the characters. Wakka was probably the best. He and Lulu changed the most during the course of the story. Auron was just plain cool. He was down-right awesome. Tidus was a little whiny and immature, but then again, the kid's had a pretty hard life. Yuna was very good. Kimahri didn't have much developement except when fighting Biran and Yenke, but he didn't really need any. He was just the silent, loyal guard-dog. Rikku was at most times just plain stupid. The whole shaking-her-hands-in-the-air thing got really annoying, and the way her lines were delivered almost never fit the situation. And the whole Al Bhed tribe capturing summoners so they would get sacrificed? Like, I sort of get the point, but come ON. You mean to tell me that a whole race of people are THAT naive? Give me a break.

Oh, and then Seymour, he was great. I was dissapointed he wasn't the main villain. His voice acting was phenomenal though.

The other thing I didn't completely enjoy was the general linearity of the game. Namely the world map. And even in the end of the game during the major side-questing, you don't even see an animation for the airship travelling anywhere. You just select the destination and poof. Kinda lame. Some improvement there would have been nice.

So, in short, I absolutely loved this game. :D
I enjoyed it, however I wouldn't say I -loved- it.

What I did -love- was Blitzball, even if the competition grew stale after a couple of games. They really should have put more time and effort into it, considering how big the sport was in game. I wouldn't mind Blitzball as its own game, however the same could be said with Tetra Master and that will never happen >.>

PS: I know Tetra Master is available if you purchase FFXI but that's just a waste of money.
I liked the game, but I didn't love it. The whole religion is the villian has been done so many times already in video games that this story line didn't impress me too much. However, I did enjoy it and I loved visiting all the temples and finally defeating Sin in the end. It just wasn't ground breaking for me.

I wasn't fond of the linear game play and I wished that I could have explored the world more. (If I can breed chocobo's in VII while a large meteor is headed for the earth, I can veer off the summoner path!)

The melodrama kind of got annoying too. the whole "Waah Yuna is going to sacrifice herself!" got old and I couldn't feel sorry for her because she chose to become a summoner.

I liked the characters. Yuna is one of my favorite FF girls and Auron is one of my favorite FF characters overall. I even liked Wakka because FF has never really had a party member that was prejudiced and it created some conflict in the party. And he eventually does get over it and accept Rikku when he finds out the truth about Yu Yevon.

The battle system was also nice and it was nice to be able to switch out the characters. The only thing that would have made it perfect is if when your party died, you would be able to bring in the characters that were sitting out to finish the battle like in XII.

Overall I found the game good, but not great.
well you experience final fantasy like never before,it was actually amazing,especially when its a 2000-2001,people still recognize that game as one of the best final fantasy games,but please,dont play after u beat the game,theres nothing to do.
My favorite game of all time.....so it would be safe to say that I loved it. lol.

I absolutely loved the characters (except for Seymour. He annoyed the hell out of me). A lot of people hate Tidus but I never actually found him to be annoying. I guess a happy go lucky lead character is too much to ask for in a series of emo lead characters. Not to diss on them, cause I love them. But good for Square to actually try something new.

I think the voice acting was very good and that the voice actors for the game get too much hatred. Yes, there were times where the flow of the voices seemed very odd but that was because they were trying to fit English words into the scenes where it was originally Japanese. So in order to fit the lip syncing it would be slow or unnatural. And honestly that wasn't their fault. They did the best with what they were given.

Sorry for the mini rant but I see that argument against X all the time.

I don't know how anyone can hate on the story, it was just so beautiful and I really grew attached to it. The end of the game brings me to tears every single time.

One of the things I loved about this game: You could control what the aeons did. I can't understand why SE decided to go back to the original versions of the summons where they would just do whatever they wanted and you couldn't control them. I think X was on to something with the aeons but SE stopped it at that. Oh well.

Also being able to "tag" new members in the party for different situations was really fun and was really strategic for the player. The battle system itself was so much fun and so was the Sphere Grid. Gone were the days of buying magic spells, now you actually learn them on your own (which makes a lot more sense in my opinion).

The music.....yeah, I don't need to explain how beautiful the music was. That's pretty obvious. The graphics were stunning, and pretty much every FMV was memorable.

FFX also has one of the funnest sidegames of all time: Blitzball. People have been known to play Blitzball for hours...almost as if it was it's own video game by itself. I personally spent a lot of time playing blitzball and became quite good at it.

It's one of the few games I grew emotionally attached to and I have so many fond memories of the game.
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I have to say, its truly an amazing game, there are obviously some that disagree, but to me (back when it was released) it was groundbreaking and the graphics were/are pretty intense stuff, the story line was amazing, you felt attached to the characters, best of all, heaps of sidequests to do! (not all are easy either) I enjoyed " To zanarkand " as one of the music used, did not however enjoy the battle arena music! And the love between tidus/yuna was easy to become attached to, hence ffx-2!
I love this game!

It is easily my favourite game out of the entire series.

I got emotionally attached to the characters like no other FF game (until FFXIII recently) and it is the only Final Fantasy game that I have beat about 10 times. XD

I love the entire story and the soundtrack is my favourite. <3

The sphere grid was the most fun!

Fantastic FMV's as well. I really enjoyed this game and it was the first Final Fantasy I had ever played and what really got me into the series. =)
I loved it,

FFX was the first FF title to introduce voice casting
Wakka was awesome
Auron was cool
Rikku was hot
Lulu was hotter
Kimahri was beastly

The summons were fully controlable
I loved the way Tidus was telling his story in the beginning half of the game
The cutscene on the boat/ferry with the conversation between Lulu and Wakka blew me away, I could feel the pain
but what made the most impact was when GATTA was sitting in the tall grass at Yevon Temple (Ixion) and when I spoke to him he told me his master was torn in half by Sin --> 0__o

I swear I was so mad I really wanted to kill Sin myself. (I got myself thinking let me finish this game asap to kill Sin ! ) :p LOL
Absolutely love Final Fantasy X. It was such a groundbreaking game for the series - the first FF game to introduce voice-acting, the first PS2 game, it had to live up to the hype and in my opinion, it did just that very well.

Fantastic storyline, amazing character development, I thought the Sphere Grid was an amazing idea, and introduced a completely new way of developing the characters.

Really good interesting deep characters, I loved following Tidus' story, and everyone else's, especially Auron, because he was so mysterious and I kept wanting to know more about him.

Actually, me and my girlfriend are currently playing this game, we just killed
Seymour at Mt. Gagazet
which is always a pain, took me a few times to defeat it because I forgot which tactics to use.

It's such a great game, LOVE IT :D
I love and hate it. On one hand it had an amazing story, and great graphics. On the other hand, it had the most annoying mini games I've ever had to do in my life, like lightning dodge and chocobo racing. I hated those. I still haven't dodged enough lighting after two straight days of trying. I made it too like 180!

So, I didn't vote, because, like I said, I love and hate it!
I loved this game because:
Blitzball was addictive
It had funny characters, mostly Tidus
The aeons were the first summons to be manually used
"Ride ze shoopuf"
Music was amazing
The battle system was unique
The voice acting was awesome, too.

I LOVED THIS GAME! Definitely has to be a favorite, im having trouble deciding between this one and XIII. Definitely loved the storyline, it gave a good history of each character and let you get to know them. The "love story" between yuna and tidus was a plus as well. Besides just having an amazing storyline, the battle system was good too. It got rid of the ATB system for a more turn based game, it was like final fantasy was returning to its roots. Well i could go on for a while so i'll wrap it up, fantastic gameplay, fantastic storyline. enough said.
I dont want to declare my love for an inanimate object lol.....but I did love the content on the disc!

Great characters, weapons, monsters and the music was excellent, nothing wrong with this game, except the CTB should have really been an ATB system for more:hmmm: intense battles.....I think?

Outside of that the battles were the best I had in a long time, the Overdrives werer a return to the limit style special moves of FFVII & FFVIII and were very cool especially Tidus. A game feels more complete when the lead character has great finisfing moves,
and Swordplay ranks with best of them.

The summons were spectacular the most striking was Bahamut IMO, Anime, Yojimbo ,Ifrit , shiva the were all there better than ever.

One of the best ever!
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I liked this game. I especially liked how I maxed the damage I could do around half-way through the game. The game itself had a really good ending. The whole "You don't exist" thing. Good stuff.
"Amazing, simply amazing, you make up one theory after another, refusing to face the simple truth" THIS GAME ROCKS!!!!!

This has to be my favorite FF game in the whole series. I love how Tidus turns from this whimpy kid into a leader of sorts. Auron was the ultimate badass. IMO he even beats Barrett. He is mature, experienced and silent. Yuna, the high summoners daughter. I like her because although some people say she is weak she proves she is not. I think from Macalania on she proves that she is indeed strong and determined. As Kelk Ronso said she has a will of steel "tempered steel that not even the mightiest Ronso could hope to bend". She has courage, integrity, honor and she is determined. Lulu, ah, who couldent like lulu. She is the female version of Auron IMO. She's mature, somewhat experienced and not afraid to tell you to shove it. Wakka wasn't my favorite charecter but still i think he was alright. Rikku, she made the game more funny, i think i laughed allot the first few times i revived her, just cause she said some funny stuff. Khimari, the silent guardian. I never really used him much, except on the playthroughs that i had him go down lulu's path.

I loved the storyline. It had so many twists and turns, it just kept you entertained. By the time that you thought you knew where the story was going, some shocking revelation came up out of nowhere. Kill me for saying it but i think that this storyline beats 7's. Barely but IMO it does.

Contrary to what other people have said about Seymour i think that he was a great villain. He was a tenacious SOB that just refused to die. Yes he wanted to destroy the world, but he though that in destroying it he would save it.

As for gameplay i think that this game was great. The battle system was good. I liked the overdrives, especially Auron's tornado. IMO thats the best special attack in the series. I think that an ATB would be interesting but i wouldn't want it. I think that in a remake in the future they should just leave everything as it is maybe more enhanced graphics. Don't get me wrong the Graphics were phenominal but i'm talking like 10 years down the road. The Sigle and Crest side quests were great, exept for the chocobo race, I swear if i ever meet the person responsible for that.:rage:

All in all a great game. The last great game that came out for the series.
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X is defintly up there in the best Final Fantasy games. The only complaint.. the voice acting. Good thing the voice acting was fixed in XII, which had the best video game VA ever!
I love it although I put it 4th after Tactics, FFVI and FFVII.

There are people who hate it.One of them told me so recently on another forum.

His reasoning never made any sense to me though.