FFX or FFX-2


Final Fantasy is my Life
Jul 5, 2008
In my opinion FFX is much better than FFX-2. In fact FFX-2 should not be named "Final Fantasy" and it just destroys FFX legend. I think that Enix is to be blamed for this. They have destroyed Final Fantasy. Not a single new FF is like old FF games, like FFVII, VIII, IX and X.

Which do you think is better: Final Fantasy X or Final Fantasy X-2? Why?
FFX - no brainer really.

as an RPG it's superior by far in terms of it's story. for a start it actually had one, and not only that but it ws brilliant :P

FFX-2 was actually an ok game, and i quite enjoyed the dresspheres and the overall battle system a lot. it was fun but chunks of it were so dragged out and bits very just pointless. then again the whole point of the game was to let fans have tidus back, so to make an entire game sout of it was quite an achievement lol.

but yeah, story, gameplay, music, ect. - all bette rin FFX.
I liked both but FFX was the better game of the 2 from the story to the gameplay
It's obvious, final fantasy x-2 is much better than ffx.
It has the dresspheres, a lot of creative characters, etc.

It's just my opinion, but final fantasy x-2 is the best game ever created
For me, FFX is the better of the two... Firstly, it has a very engaging storyline that most of us can relate to, as well as memorable characters like Yuna, Tidus, Auron, Rikku, Wakka etc... X also has far better music, who can forget songs like "Suteki Da Ne" or the enchanting "To Zanarkand", that has brought tears to many FF fans' eyes when played during the ending?

Not forgetting the wonderful Yuna, the only virtual character that I've grown to love and consider a companion in the online world... Which is why almost my entire presence on the Internet is centered around her!
It's obvious, final fantasy x-2 is much better than ffx.
It has the dresspheres, a lot of creative characters, etc.

It's just my opinion, but final fantasy x-2 is the best game ever created

A lot of characters?? Just 3 playable characters. And tell me if I don't remember right, but there is no FF with less than 4 characters. FF3 had 4....:funnyface:
And regarding the dresspheres: is that FF, or just a way to make gameplay easier and make a game with 3 characters? It was the only solution. .......................................
I like FFX-2.It may not be better than FFX(which I have not played yet),but it doesn't suck.I did enjoy the dresspheres and it was a fun game.
It's obvious, final fantasy x-2 is much better than ffx.
It has the dresspheres, a lot of creative characters, etc.

It's just my opinion, but final fantasy x-2 is the best game ever created

It's.."Obvious"? Oh, that's laughable. That really is. So you put the dresspheres and some of the characters above a far more decent story, music, more challenging gameplay, better sidequests in X?

Eh, feel free to like it, but it clearly isn't better. FFX provides challenges throughout really. You only get a few here and there in X-2.
Well, it was kind of expected, what with the ending and all. So, the dresspheres were a welcome addition.
For me, FFX is the better of the two... Firstly, it has a very engaging storyline that most of us can relate to, as well as memorable characters like Yuna, Tidus, Auron, Rikku, Wakka etc... X also has far better music, who can forget songs like "Suteki Da Ne" or the enchanting "To Zanarkand", that has brought tears to many FF fans' eyes when played during the ending?

I agree 100% with whatever you say!!!
Better characters (FFX-2 destroys Yuna...), better music and don't forget: better battle system, far better story.
Mmm... of course. FFX. It just pulled me in much more, though I kinda of prefer the battle system from FFX-2 over FFX a tad.

The story and characters irked me in FFX-2 and seeing the same enemies, I didn't have the heart to finish it up, but I watched my sister play and finish it. There was just a lot that seemed missing in FFX-2 that the game play didn't make up for it.
It's my honest opinion that FFX is far and away better than FFX-2. There's a reason why it's been given higher ratings by critics and there's also a reason why it was voted the 3rd best PS2 title ever by the Japanese.

That being said, FFX-2 was not a bad game, and it certainly didn't "destroy" the Final Fantasy franchise. Square Enix have nothing to be held accountable for as this game has a compelling story for the most part and decent new characters with intriguing backstories. It's an enjoyable game and I really don't see why people get so pissed off about it.

Is it because this game allows things that no other Final Fantasy title does? Because it takes a different approach to Final Fantasy games by asserting only 3 playable characters that are all female?

And seriously, anyone who says this game was bad because it lacked challenges needs to be acquainted with a little thing called Via Infinito.
FF X-2 is only a funny addition to Final Fantasy X. I don´t see it like a real Final Fantasy for itself.
Final Fantasy X without a doubt!

I did enjoy some of the music in X-2, and preferred the gameplay too, but the story and the characters were far from superior, or even level, with those in FFX.

Final Fantasy X just had a story, and a cast, that was hard to beat. The music was also by none other than Nobuo Uematsu, while that in X-2 was not, so that goes without saying. :/

One can't really compare the world...since it was the same. :P But I have to say, while I enjoyed being able to go anywhere in X-2, the gameplay wasn't better for it. (I just really disiked the sphere grid in X).
Everyone are in my blacklist, hehe
When i said "a lot of creative characters" i didn't mean main characters.
FFX without a doubt. I didn't mind X-2, it was fun, but bugger me were Yuna and Rikku irritating. Infact I really dislike Yuna in X-2, not that I have ever been particularily fond of her anyway but...yeah

X just had a better story, better characters and the sphere grid was way better than those dress spheres. I did like being able to change my jobs and stuff in X-2 but give me the sphere grid anyday of the week

Oh the villains were better in X aswel, Leblan's voie really grated on me

Seymour had an annoying voice but at least he was a decent bad guy with scary hair. Bad guys have to have the scary hair.....

Oh and X had better music

I really did NOT like all that singing going on in X- 2 it made me cringe
You are in my blacklist, hehe
Let's see.... Why do you want male characters?

If you dont like Final fantasy x-2 you...

...are gay or if you think that woman can't hurt someone
...dont like the dresspheres
...escaped from a mental asylum

That's all for today, hehe
First off I'm not gay, and I'm a woman if you are implying that I am a man there, and I think women can be as strong as men. The dress spheres aren't as good as the sphere grid - they were ok and that is all

X-2 isn't that bad, it's just no where near on par with X

And escaping from a mental asylum has nothing to do with the topic at hand