FFXII Help! Plz


Chocobo Breeder
Mar 23, 2007
Hey everyone.
Having abit of a problem with my game, My friend has been playing on it and sadly has made abit of a boob on my save!

He has saved at the Mount Bur-Omisace point where there is no orange crystal to return to town.
All the chars are too weak to fight there and die in 2-3 hits.

Hmm I looked around and all I can find is some useless NPC's and a Save Crystal(Blue one) but there is no orange teleport crystal.
Perhaps you can just run away again?

Hold down R2 to just flee through each area without getting involved in any fights. You ought to be able to at least run to a Teleport Crystal, if not to a new area altogether.
There shouldn't be anything like that, the teleport crystal should be in the screen before you actually get to the mountain, along the wall.
Yikes. Did you save over by where the Crystalbug was?
I think I had the same issue, except I can't really replicate it seeing as I don't have my PS2. *sigh* You can always use the map and just R2 it away from all the enemies, but that's all I can say.
Or you can just flee using 1 character at a time so they won't all be killed by one monster. You can get further that way.