FFXII Help with Hashmal


Nov 26, 2008
So I've made it to Hashmal and he is kicking my butt. I get him down to barely nothing but his end game attacks wipe me out. The strategy guide says to use Float to avoid his area attacks, but sadly, I don't have it. My characters are all 40 or above.

Disease attacks are killing me. I throw a vaccine and the character is dead before they consume it and then it's a wasted vaccine. That is making me nuts.

And the thing about Hashmal that makes him doubly frustrating is that the closest Save Crystal is like three flights down so I have to fight through parabulos and those annoying bird things before I even get to him, at which point my party has gone through some MP.

On a related note, does anyone know how difficult it would be to leave this area and go back out to a Teleport Stone so that I can purchase Float and come back, without having to do the entire tower again? I feel like I've been in here a long time without a chance to leave.

Ugh. And thanks for letting me vent. LOL
I seriously suggest raising your characters to fifty or higher before taking him on. If you don't have the patience, then I'll try to help.

Before going up, protect, shell, and bubble all of your characters. Bubble will help with keeping them alive longer from disease.If you see yourself in trouble,spam him with quickenings and espers.
And sorry, but the only way out is the one crystal at the bottom, and then you need to start over.
That's actually very helpful because at least I know that I really can't leave until I beat him. That will save me some frustration. :)
O_O Well,good luck. But the next two bosses are even harder. You might want to level up.
You'll have a small series of bosses after Hashmal, too. I've never really considered them to be 'difficult' but they're marginally more challenging than Hashmal.

Float Motes have an identical effect to Float, if you have any of them lying in your inventory. His Earth attacks may also be countered with (either Dragon or Kaiser, I forget which) shields, which makes the wielder immune to Earth attacks.

You might want to set up a gambit for Ally -> Any: Vaccine/Cleanse and prioritise it appropriately. This will ensure minimal time loss.

Try chaining together lots of quickenings and/or acquire the licenses for as many augments as possible.
Yeah, level up lots but you should get float. You can get it in the Mosphorian (or however you spell it) Hightwaste, I think.