FFXII story


Chocobo Breeder
Apr 29, 2007
Hows the story? Im playing X and its has a really good story and goes into detail about characters, doyou think XII can compare to it?

Also hows the games graphics while playing? much better than X or still around the same>? i cant tell from lookin at the pics
Better I think. People's faces aren't all bright and shiny like they are in X. Summon attacks, FMV's, Quickening graphics are all good, FMV's improving. Story well..you'll just find out for yourself. I liked it more then X's, but that's because I could get actually get into it more seeing as it didn't drag on like X.
That's not exactly going to help him though is it ;P?
X's story is longer then XII's, but personally, I'm not complaining. There won't be hours and hours of talking in XII, sure, you'll get your background history on most characters, but this isn't FFVII like character depth. Could be bad, depending on whether or not you like to do a lot of reading, could be good, depending on whether or not you want to play the game more.
Yeah, Irvine, please expand on your answers and give reasons as to why you would think the story is "pants". Otherwise it really doesn't give your points or post for that matter any validity. Thanks, man.
you can`t compare both stories, cause there's something more like... mystic in the ffX story, and in ffXII you came back to those old stories of knights, wars and so; honor and strenght are the words for this title. Also there is some touch of "modernity", but it's only in the surface and it doesn`t concern to the main story... I mean, the cities and fields are way more beautiful than ffX and there's lots more; it really makes you feel you're really in there. ( personally - for those who have played - I felt kinda lost and alone when I was in the desert, by the sandsea ;_; .. that music helped a lot too. )

ffX is a good fairy tale.