Help FFXIII-2: Need help beating Caius Ballad in Oerba 200 AF


Sep 28, 2012
My brother is playing the game but he is having a hard time beating Caius Ballad in Oerba 200 AF (near the beginning) but he can't seem to beat him. He tried it twice now, but both times, once Caius was near half, he goes crazy and beats both characters so quick that he can't do anything against him. Any advice on how to beat him? please.
Well My first advice would be to find a decent Healing monster... I know it is kinda hard to find early in the game... but I think you can get 1 or 2 (don't wanna mention any monsters and spoil it, that and I can't remember how early you can get some if you wanna look online for your brother go ahead)

Second advice would be to get Noel stronger as a Commando (the fighting one), and Serah stronger as a Ravenger (the magical one)
Well he has the Cait Sith at level 12 I think. And Noel as COM is level 33 and Serah is level 26 as RAV. Not sure if that is strong enough. And he tried a third time but was beat again.
Cait Sith kinda is a crappy healer, and also have a good monster RAV. If you want I can see what monsters you can get that early... granted it might take some looking up....
He has another Medic monster, the Spiranthes. And not sure what would be a good Ravagers he has and he doesn't have many. He has 10 monsters right now.
Tell him to level up the Spiranthes, that one is a little better, and as far as Rav's go, most at early stages aren't that good and you mainly want them so that you can put him in a critical stage (you know where you do more damage, forget the XIII name for it... Straggler I wanna say) but once you get him to that point then put everyone as a COM and attack your heart out!
Ok thanks. If he needs anymore help, I'll ask here. He'll try that and see how it goes.
One more thing, what items does he need to level the Spiranthes. Either what items to buy or monster to grind on for the items?

EDIT: Well I trained his people some more, and was able to beat Caius for my brother, thanks for the help.
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