FFXIII man: 'Japanese devs shouldn't copy the West' [2/18]

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Feb 19, 2009
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The much touted word on the street is that Japanese gaming is on the decline while western development is booming. But that doesn't mean Japanese developers should start copying western ones, says Final Fantasy top man Yoshinori Kitase.

"On a very personal level I like western RPGs, some of them are really good to play," Kitase told CVG at a FFXIII event recently. "But at the same time, from a creator's point of view, if everybody were to go in the same direction and started making similar games, then obviously what we are good at would be completely lost and we could on produce something that's a lower-quality bastard-ised version of a western RPG. That would be very boring."

Kitase added: "So what we think we should do is borrow elements that we think are very positive in western RPGs, digest them, and use them to contribute to something completely new. So we think it's our duty to eventually create something that's never been achieved by either western or Japanese RPGs before, to create something that's totally new."

Wise words there. But what we find really interesting is that they teach the term 'bastard-ised' in English school. Unless the translator lived in East London at some point.

(Last news thread you'll see from me! From now on I'll be reporting behind the scenes! :8F:)

Source: CVG
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I have to agree with them, people love JRPGs what they are and people love WRPGs for what the are. SE just need to stick to what they're good at, there's no need to starting mixing the two or having a complete overhaul. That's exactly the reason FFXIII is becoming marmite game, some don't mind the change and some thing there's been too much of a drastic overhaul and should have reverted back to the roots of JRPGs.
"But at the same time, from a creator's point of view, if everybody were to go in the same direction and started making similar games, then obviously what we are good at would be completely lost and we could on produce something that's a lower-quality bastard-ised version of a western RPG. That would be very boring."
^^ This, I agree with and I agree with SE that copying would only make it boring so, i'm glad to hear that they won't be going that direction (copying) I like originality tbh so copying isn't the way to go.

Overall, It's an good idea to take 'elements' and mix them up create them as their own which adds some originality to it but, at the same time stick to what you guys were meant to do xD because if they over use it then it'll basically be the same as the West and we don't want that-- I mean I don't want that xD
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